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Thread: Movieverse Jinrai

  1. #1
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW

    Default Movieverse Jinrai

    Note: This story takes place between the events of Revenge of the Fallen and Dark of the Moon.


    After Optimus Prime was killed in the forest battle but fortunately revived by Sam and the Autobot Matrix of Leadership in Egypt, Ratchet proposes to salvage Jetfire's remains and build a second spare shell for Optimus Prime. The rationale is that should Optimus Prime be fatally wounded again, then his Spark may be able to be transferred into the spare body, thus allowing Optimus Prime to survive. Optimus Prime approves.

    And so construction of a spare shell for Optimus Prime begins.

    N.E.S.T. satellites detect an incoming object approaching Earth. It identifies itself as an Autobot ship known as the Xanthium. But upon approach she is suddenly attacked by Decepticons, forcing her to crash land on Earth.

    The ship's captain, an Autobot known as Jinrai, is torn apart and is dying from his mortal wounds. His crew-mates quickly carry him to rendezvous with Optimus Prime and his Autobots. The Xanthium's chief engineer Wheeljack pleas with them to help save Jinrai. Optimus Prime and Ratchet quickly guide them to their base. Optimus Prime suggests that they transfer Jinrai's Spark into the spare body that Ratchet had been building.

    Ratchet and Wheeljack collaborate and work furiously to prepare to transfer Jinrai's Spark into the spare body.

    Spark transfer initiated. A brilliant flash momentarily blinds the Autobots for a few seconds. Was it the procedure successful?

    The shell rolls down the ramp. A sign of life or an automated response?

    The shell transforms to robot mode! A sure sign of life!

    The Autobots cheer and welcome Jinrai to Earth.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    Recasting the Lunafire version as a Fire Guts version is a great extra touch.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    Recasting the Lunafire version as a Fire Guts version is a great extra touch.
    Thank you.

    Here's the rest of the "Masterforce" N.E.S.T. team...

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