Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
ウキウキ(uki-uki) is an onomatopoeia for joy or happiness.

"bikoneko" might be 美子猫 which means "pretty kitty."
美 (bi) = pretty, beauty
子猫 (koneko) = kitten

yep... that brings back memories. thanks for the grammer i forgot that 'bi' was seperate. as for 'uki uki' it rhymes with 'yuki' so, 'uki uki Yuki'. my icon pic doesn't show an 'uki uki yuki'(tora) just a blanked faced 'Yuki'(tora)!

Also, what is 'Kirameku'. I've lost my notes and arn't sure on what it means exactly. (got it out of a kanji book) is it 'shining, sparkling or glittering?'

many thanks