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Thread: Albie's Custom Repaint Movie TFs!(Jazz, FinalBattle Jazz, Bumblee [78 & 08]& Rachet)

  1. #11
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by iceburn View Post
    nice paintjob..wish i could touchup mine.
    when are you starting a custom's class???

  2. #12
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008


    Phew- Thanks a lot for the feedback guys I haven;t had as much of a chance to get on the boards as of late.
    And why? Sims2. My partner's hooked on it and so I don't get as much computer time at home. Also, I've been trying to get together to code for the next load of shots - ie reshoots of the ones I've already painted!

    Gutsman Heavy : Thanks a lot dude ... I think I'll take that as a compliment! :b
    gamblor916 : Thanks
    1orion2many : Hell yeah- a lot and a lot of drybrushing. That said, the drybrushing isn't the painful bit- With the upcoming Optimus images, when you see the back (where he was plastic grey but now drybrushed silver) the PAIN was in painting the undercoat of black... that took frickin' forever. ^^;
    STL : . . . I don't know how to respond to that... other than to outfit the place with laser security systems. :b
    Saintly : Thanks (And it's actually LCZ )
    Goktimus : Thanks dude With mine, I don't wash the toys at all (phobia from the time when I used to play with toys in water when I was a kid and how that killed the stickers, the electronics and the pins of the figs ... DOOM!) And with Undercoats, it really depends on how I want the colour to turn out (this kind of takes experience, basically after seeing the difference a couple of times you can kind of guesstimate the difference) ; I usually go with a black undercoat (essential with the 'metal bits' that I drybrush the silver on); but with say, Jazz after the experience with Final Battle Jazz, I had a feel for how the colours would work for him, so I mixed tha tcombo of chrome silver, titanium silver and thinner and went straight onto the guy. It took a couple of washes until it got to where it is now It really depends on the shade you're going for that determines the number of coats. (Also depends on how thick/thin your paint is - thin is better - less brush texture lines - just takes more time as you have to go over more times to get the colour as strong)
    iceburn : Thanks dude uhh... Customs class... I would need a good camera to get that started now wouldn't I? Dang... That said, I started by looking at Jin Saotome's stuff Look at : and look at his tutes. Great stuff there Am going to try out the ball joint thing that he has too shortly (when the shipment goes out from hlj anyway);

    And now! On to the new update!
    As you all probably know, this is probably the 2nd I ever gave a custom paintjob I actually dismantled him a fair bit to get to as many areas as I could in his paintjob. Originally, I dirtied up his paintjob a little too much and then had to go into a big job of getting it less dirty. The final result, I like- it looks dirty, but not stupid-dirty Dinged up here and there A favourite part of this is how the red of his abdomen turned out- Deep shiney red How? It was black undercoat with chrome silver drybrush; waited for it to dry, then used black ink to darken the area before using clear red once that dried. Enjoy guys! I give you Longarm!
    Alt Mode:

    Robot Mode:

    Last edited by lcz128; 6th March 2008 at 06:01 PM.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008


    And part 2! (cause it wouldn't fit in one)
    Optimus Prime
    Here we go My original custom I've actually gone back and done some extra work on Optimus since he was first finished; Am very pleased with how he's turned out and am just thinking of adding more detail to his face. Other than that am pretty much done with him As I said, the black undercoat and the silver dry brushing took forever... FOREVER!!!
    Alt Mode:

    Alt Mode Detail:

    Robot Mode:

    Robot Mode Detail:

    Weapon Modes:
    I really liked the custom sword sold on ebay, and managed to nab one before all of them seemed to disappear... Lucky, really- really, really lucky! It goes well (I reckon) with Optimus, and am bloody happy with it

    This was a fig I loved from the start- loved the transformation, the look of the botmode and thought the altmode was serviceable. That said, when I heard the premiums were coming out, I thought I'd make my own and get it more accurate than even the premium would be (the premium has an autobot logo on the hood?! WHUT!?) So that's basically how it started. Then I dismantled his legs to paint it good!
    I mixed up my own shade of turquoisey clear wash to dye the arm cannons the colour they are and to give a few of the areas a nice accent I thought the colour really came out well for that (Super fluke! Woo!)
    Alt Mode:

    Robot Mode:

    Last edited by lcz128; 6th March 2008 at 06:00 PM.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008


    {{Jeebus - these posts are too long- I exceeded the limit again!}}
    Group Shot
    And finally- a Group shot of all my repainted bots in the movie (no 77 camaro because he'd already scanned the concept camaro before they all scanned their alt modes
    And of course, when you have a group that big, the backdrop I made out of manila folders kind of fails... I know a little photoshop'ing would be easy, but I don't have that here at work and I don't really want to re-upload the pics again... Slack, yes I know :b

    PHEW. Well, that's it for now! Am in the process of painting Starscream, and he;s looking a lot like kelvinchang's atm Which is good- as that's kind of a benchmark for a great looking SS repaint
    So yeah guys- comments and feedback much appreciated! Am looking forward to it and will answer all questions too Thanks!!!

    {btw - I can't seem to edit the name of the thread }
    Last edited by lcz128; 6th March 2008 at 06:04 PM.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Batemans Bay


    nice very nice work.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    Uhm... why do you even want Premium figures now?

    Awesome stuff, mate. Absolutely breathtaking. I envy thy talents! Iceburn and I are going to rock up to your joint one Saturday and demand lessons! You hear me? DEMAND!

  7. #17
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    hey! i want in!!!

    "Sometimes, the wrong thing feels so right"

  8. #18
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    I keep suggesting to Iceburn and STL we need Repainting classes. We should make that the April meet! Buy some paint, some cheap toys and try it out.

  9. #19
    goro is offline Rank 1 - New or Inactive
    Join Date
    16th Feb 2008


    lol we shoudl all meet at a games workshop.... they usually would let us have the paints at heavily discounted rates if were in store! plus they can also help us with outlining and drybrushing ( thats where i learnt my painting skills..)... jsut spent 20 mins with one of the guys in there before i bought some paints...

  10. #20
    Join Date
    23rd Jan 2008

    Default super paint job

    Hi lcz128,

    Nice paintjob.. Would've taken some time to get through these guys..

    I like what you have done with them. Definitely can compare notes.

    Thanks for your reference to my paint job on Starscream. Its a great compliment and hey, I think you have found yourself the perfect place for those shots.

    I gotta get myself a better camera.

    Keep going with it.. I think it would be great to see your challenge on the Megatron Leaderclass. This one is one a repaint makes a big difference too.

    Love to see your starscream and surpass what I have been able to do.

    Kindest regards,


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