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Thread: The non-toy Star Wars discussion thread

  1. #91
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    "Lost Rebels": deleted scenes

    Interesting to see that the idea of including female and non-human Rebel pilots was not a new concept with the recent Star Wars movies, but it's just that these scenes ended up on the cutting room floor with the Original Trilogy. I kinda feel sorry for the ILM guys who must've worked on those alien costumes though (as well as the actors who would've had to act inside them!) only to have their scenes be edited out. Also interesting to see that General Nadine had a more prominent role. I can understand why these scenes were deleted - as cool as they may have been, they aren't as crucial to the central plot and were probably deleted to save on time. It happens in every movie (except for most of the Jar Jar Binks scene in Episode I which should have been deleted... like his entire presence on Tatooine ).

    But it's interesting to note that they had always intended to portray the Rebel Alliance with greater diversity than what we ended up with. And to be fair, RotJ did absolutely give us greater diversity among the Rebels - we had another woman with Mon Mothma (and as the supreme leader of the Rebels no less), and aside from Lando we did have other non-White human Rebels as pilots, commandos etc. during the space battle and on Endor. Jedi also gave us Mon Calamari and at least one Sullustan in the form of Nien Nunb (Lando's co-pilot on the Falcon), and Nien Nunb also gave us greater linguistic diversity as another non-Basic speaking Rebel (aside from Chewbacca).

    I've always found it to be interesting idea that the Rebel Alliance would have greater diversity than the Empire. We only ever see White males on the side of the Empire. Okay, granted that we never see a Stormtrooper without their helmet, so there could be Stormies of other diversities or even female Stormtroopers (they wear the same armour), but we never hear or see any of them - whereas in The Force Awakens we see FN-2187 without his helmet, and we can hear the voices of at least two female Stormtroopers (Captain Phasma and one generic Stormtrooper on Starkiller Base). But still, we never see any non-humans on the side of the Empire or First Order, which does visually portray some level of racism on the side of the Empire/First Order. This contrasts with the Rebellion and Resistance who appear to be far more inclusive and accepting of different races, not only humans.

    And of course, we know that the Jedi order was also inclusive of different races... although so are the Sith, as Darth Maul was a Zabrak, not a human. And Palpatine did have non-human allies, such as Mas Amedda. But anyway, the general theme in the films is inclusion & diversity = good, exclusiveness and racism = bad.

  2. #92
    Join Date
    5th Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    "Lost Rebels": deleted scenes

    Interesting to see that the idea of including female and non-human Rebel pilots was not a new concept with the recent Star Wars movies, but it's just that these scenes ended up on the cutting room floor with the Original Trilogy. I kinda feel sorry for the ILM guys who must've worked on those alien costumes though (as well as the actors who would've had to act inside them!) only to have their scenes be edited out. Also interesting to see that General Nadine had a more prominent role. I can understand why these scenes were deleted - as cool as they may have been, they aren't as crucial to the central plot and were probably deleted to save on time. It happens in every movie (except for most of the Jar Jar Binks scene in Episode I which should have been deleted... like his entire presence on Tatooine ).

    But it's interesting to note that they had always intended to portray the Rebel Alliance with greater diversity than what we ended up with. And to be fair, RotJ did absolutely give us greater diversity among the Rebels - we had another woman with Mon Mothma (and as the supreme leader of the Rebels no less), and aside from Lando we did have other non-White human Rebels as pilots, commandos etc. during the space battle and on Endor. Jedi also gave us Mon Calamari and at least one Sullustan in the form of Nien Nunb (Lando's co-pilot on the Falcon), and Nien Nunb also gave us greater linguistic diversity as another non-Basic speaking Rebel (aside from Chewbacca).

    I've always found it to be interesting idea that the Rebel Alliance would have greater diversity than the Empire. We only ever see White males on the side of the Empire. Okay, granted that we never see a Stormtrooper without their helmet, so there could be Stormies of other diversities or even female Stormtroopers (they wear the same armour), but we never hear or see any of them - whereas in The Force Awakens we see FN-2187 without his helmet, and we can hear the voices of at least two female Stormtroopers (Captain Phasma and one generic Stormtrooper on Starkiller Base). But still, we never see any non-humans on the side of the Empire or First Order, which does visually portray some level of racism on the side of the Empire/First Order. This contrasts with the Rebellion and Resistance who appear to be far more inclusive and accepting of different races, not only humans.

    And of course, we know that the Jedi order was also inclusive of different races... although so are the Sith, as Darth Maul was a Zabrak, not a human. And Palpatine did have non-human allies, such as Mas Amedda. But anyway, the general theme in the films is inclusion & diversity = good, exclusiveness and racism = bad.
    The female A Wing pilot made it into the film but was dubbed with a male voice, bizarrely.
    I'm really just here for the free food and open bar.

  3. #93
    Join Date
    7th Feb 2013


    Nah, man. The First Order is where all of the World Champion Athletes hang out. Nothing but the best of the best.

    The Rebels are the kids that wanted to join the First Order, but just couldn't cut it due to their lack of skill & physical prowess.
    That's why you have an all inclusive Average Joe team with the bookworm, the kid with glasses, the library rat & the kid that thinks he can throw a ball, the braces, zits & pig tail girl. If you're going to form a team and you're short on numbers for cannon fodder, you're not going to be picky about it.

  4. #94
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    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Jek Porkins is my hero.
    Quote Originally Posted by SharkyMcShark View Post
    The female A Wing pilot made it into the film but was dubbed with a male voice, bizarrely.
    Perhaps she's transitioned. Or is otherwise just a lady with a deep voice, like ScarJo.

  5. #95
    Join Date
    13th Feb 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by SharkyMcShark View Post
    The female A Wing pilot made it into the film but was dubbed with a male voice, bizarrely.
    yeah as soon as started watching that clip i thought "wait, she's in the movie isn't she?"

    *actually now having watched the whole thing, i can kinda see why the first two were cut...
    fried calamari tonight! lol. didn't realise the falcon was so packed either, what were all those soldiers doing and where were they going? i wonder if one them was the 'pressure steady' guy

  6. #96
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    5th Feb 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by philby View Post
    yeah as soon as started watching that clip i thought "wait, she's in the movie isn't she?"

    *actually now having watched the whole thing, i can kinda see why the first two were cut...
    fried calamari tonight! lol. didn't realise the falcon was so packed either, what were all those soldiers doing and where were they going? i wonder if one them was the 'pressure steady' guy
    I've never actually watched those in full before. Love the A-Wing targeting computers!

    The old bloke on the Falcon cannon is canonically (in Legends anyway) Airen Cracken, who went on to play a large role in the post ROTJ novels.
    I'm really just here for the free food and open bar.

  7. #97
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    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by philby View Post
    didn't realise the falcon was so packed either, what were all those soldiers doing and where were they going?
    Running repair/maintenance and manning the cannons by the looks of things. We know that the Falcon needs to have separate gunners, and we only ever saw Lando piloting the Falcon with Nien Nunb as his co-pilot, but neither were in a position to man the guns. And without Artoo around, they'd definitely need people to run around affecting repairs as needed.

  8. #98
    Join Date
    23rd Jul 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by Sinnertwin View Post
    Nah, man. The First Order is where all of the World Champion Athletes hang out. Nothing but the best of the best.

    The Rebels are the kids that wanted to join the First Order, but just couldn't cut it due to their lack of skill & physical prowess.
    That's why you have an all inclusive Average Joe team with the bookworm, the kid with glasses, the library rat & the kid that thinks he can throw a ball, the braces, zits & pig tail girl. If you're going to form a team and you're short on numbers for cannon fodder, you're not going to be picky about it.
    Well of course the world champion athletes are closed minded and the rebels are open minded. Rebellions are built on hope. Tyrannies (like those that rule schoolyards) are built on taking away hope.
    Last edited by shockNwave; 16th January 2017 at 07:57 PM.

  9. #99
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    My theory as to why some Sith sometimes have yellow eyes while others don't

    To clarify:
    * Darth Maul = always had yellow eyes
    * Count Dooku = never had yellow eyes
    * Palpatine = only had yellow eyes after his fight with Mace Windu
    * Darth Vader = only had yellow eyes when he killed the Separatist leaders on Mustafar and when telling Obi-Wan that he hated him.
    * Kylo Ren = never had yellow eyes (yet)

    Here's my theory: HATE.

    The yellow eyes are a physical by product of a Sith's intense hate. Dooku's eyes never turned yellow because he never felt hate. He felt anger, frustration and disappointment - we know that he left the Jedi order because he felt that it had become corrupted and no longer held to its true ideals (which was pretty much true), but Dooku never hated the Jedi. It was never personal for him. He took no pleasure in executing Anakin, Obi-Wan and Padmé, nor did he take any pleasure in fighting Jedi. Dooku was an honourable Sith because he felt no hatred or rage towards his enemies. He even told Obi-Wan that it was a shame that he'd never had the pleasure to become better acquainted with him, and he spoke to Yoda and Mace Windu with fondness in his voice - referring to both of them as "Master," and to Windu as, "old friend." Vader never had this level of kinship or civility towards Obi-Wan, only anger and rage - even 20 years later when they finally met again on the Death Star. Despite the fact that Obi-Wan had been a father, mentor and brother to him, Vader was still full of rage. Dooku never felt that about anyway. He just wasn't a hateful dude.

    When Vader led the 501st on their attack on the Jedi Temple, his eyes were still blue. Even when he slaughtered the Younglings, his eyes hadn't changed colours. While he was full of anger, he wasn't filled with personal hatred. He didn't hate any of the Jedi or the kids that he was killing. When he choked Padmé, he was full of rage - angry over the thought that she had betrayed him, but he did not hate her. Likewise when he fought Obi-Wan, he was even more enraged, but not yet filled with hatred. It was only after his defeat when Vader looked up at Obi-Wan - we see his eyes change from blue to yellow and he cries, "I HATE YOU!" But then later when we see Vader being rebuilt as a cyborg, his eyes have reverted back to their natural colour. He is filled with pain, anguish, sadness... but not hate. Not at that time. And of course when Luke removed Anakin's mask, he was filled with nothing but love for his children. There was no yellow in his eyes. Only a loving smile towards his son and passing on a fond message to his daughter just before perishing.

    So why were Darth Maul's and Palpatine's eyes always yellow? More theories...

    On Darth Maul
    Maul was born on Dathomir, a planet strong in the power of the Dark Side (much like Dagobah). His mother was Talsin, a Nightsister Witch adept in using arcane magicks derived from the powers of the Dark Side. Maul's brothers (Feral and Opress) also had yellow eyes. This suggests that because they were essentially born into the Dark Side that they had inherited physical Sith traits like yellow eyes. Non-Dathomirian Zabraks do not have yellow eyes (e.g. the two renown Jedi Zabraks, Agen Kolar and Eeth Koth), so it does not appear to be a physical trait of their species.

    On Palpatine
    Palpatine was physically deformed by the power of his own Sith lightning, which he was fully unleashing upon Mace Windu (whereas he seemed to be only partially unleashing it on Luke in order to tortuously kill him slowly and painfully), but Windu was able to reflect the bolts back at Palpatine. We can see that the Dark Side energies that were repelled back onto Palpatine did physically change him. His skin became paler and hideously wrinkled, and indeed his eyes became yellow.

  10. #100
    Megatran Guest


    A quick Dr Google search on yellow eyes yields:

    Your yellow eyes are a sign that you have elevated levels of bilirubin in the blood called jaundice. Jaundice is a sign of many possible liver problems that can cause it to function incorrectly. Alcoholism most commonly causes cirrhosis (scarring of the liver).
    So many Siths / Sith Lords have jaundice, apparently.

    Staying off the grog will eliminate alcohol-fueled violence & hate.

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