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Thread: I need to vent!

  1. #4701
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Sinnertwin View Post
    Nah, people just need to learn to shut the phuck up during a movie.
    Sit there like a statue. Eat your popcorn. Have a drink. I'm not paying money to listen to your excrement of a kid cry or your thoughts during a movie.

    If a person is incapable of sitting quietly through a movie then they're NOT ready to watch movies in a cinema. Simple as that. It's a public space that's acoustically designed to transmit sound, meaning that any sound that's made traverses farther than in a regular room or chamber. That's why sounds like even whispering and chewing becomes more audible. I personally don't mind the sound of food, but I know other people who can't stand it. I try to minimise my eating/drinking noise though; chewing with my mouth close is just a given, and I'll pop open plastic wrappers before the movie starts. With things like chips I'll widen the opened part of the packet as far as I can so as to minimise any scrunching of the wrapper. Again, the sound doesn't bother me at all, but I do it out of consideration for other audience members who haven't paid money to listen to me ruffling through a pack of Burger Rings.

    After I watched Rise of Skywalker, my mates and I sat down at the foyer for a really long time to debrief about the film. We did all of our talking after the movie, not during it. Same with when I watched Frozen 2 with my daughter. Neither of us said a word throughout the entire movie but we talked about it afterwards. It's not that hard. As I said before, we never took our daughter to a regular cinema until she was able to sit through a whole film without speaking, which was the same time that she started Kindy. Before then it was either the drive-in cinema or we just waited for the home video release. And I know others who will take their infants to bubs sessions.

  2. #4702
    Join Date
    29th Jun 2011


    My local chain cinema (Village) opened up a kids cinema with a playground *inside the cinema*. It’s the dumbest idea in cinema development that I can think of. It’s creating a generation of kids (and parents for that matter) who connect the idea of cinemas (sit down, shut up, and watch) with play areas (run around, make noise, have some general frivolity).

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  3. #4703
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by M-bot View Post
    My local chain cinema (Village) opened up a kids cinema with a playground *inside the cinema*. It’s the dumbest idea in cinema development that I can think of.
    That sounds like the bubs sessions that a lot of cinemas have. I've personally never been to one, but I know other people who have who say that they're good. <shrugs>

    We would take our daughter to a drive-in when she was a baby/infant, but I guess the difference with the drive-in is that it's not a play area. It's more like sit in the car and try to watch the film quietly, but if she makes a fuss then nobody else can hear us since we're insulated by our car. It's like people being in a cinema with their own personal Cones of Silence.

    Quote Originally Posted by M-bot View Post
    It's creating a generation of kids (and parents for that matter) who connect the idea of cinemas (sit down, shut up, and watch) with play areas (run around, make noise, have some general frivolity).
    Yeah, I'm inclined to agree with you, and I reckon much of this just comes from people choosing to be lazy parents. Man... don't even start me on lazy/inadequate parenting... that's very much a pet peeve of mine (as someone who works with other people's children)

  4. #4704
    Join Date
    28th Feb 2009


    The early kids sessions are handy, I took my nephew to a couple of them when he was younger, allows the kids to be fidgety in an environment where it's acceptable. These sessions don't usually screen tentpole films though.

  5. #4705
    Join Date
    23rd Jul 2015


    There was the time I went to see Rogue One and some guy brought along his six year old kid and kept on asking what's going on in virtually every scene. When he saw me move away out of annoyance he decided to move to the seats at the front where there was no one around. If only he'd done this at the start it would have saved everyone so much hassle.

    Another incident was with a friend of mine when some idiot behind him tried showing off for his girlfriend by being a bully (throwing food and pushing the seat). My friend had enough and told him loudly "Let's resolve this outside!". When the bully saw the size of my friend he turned pale and went into denial but stopped being an idiot because he would've definitely received a bashing.

  6. #4706
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    Quote Originally Posted by M-bot View Post
    My local chain cinema (Village) opened up a kids cinema with a playground *inside the cinema*. It’s the dumbest idea in cinema development that I can think of. It’s creating a generation of kids (and parents for that matter) who connect the idea of cinemas (sit down, shut up, and watch) with play areas (run around, make noise, have some general frivolity).
    I saw this advertised at the Event screening we took my daughter to Frozen 2. There are three locations that have a slide, beanbags and other kids activities in the front of the regular cinema screen. It sounds like the worst idea to have for a movie. Either the kids will be too loud, rude or silly on the equipment so no one gets to enjoy the movie or the eople that thought up this ridiculous idea thought they could muscle in on the soft ply centre crowd... It's just nonsense and stupidity to me.

    I know it is meant to be designed (or so they will say) for those children that cannot sit still and focus on a movie, and allow them to be "inclusive". I hate the whole "inclusivity for inclusivity sake" mantra that is being bandied about everywhere. I am all for inclusiveness where it benefits everyone (ramps/ease of access in public areas and playgrounds, classrooms hearing loops etc)but not when it is at the detriment of the majority. You'll have parents who turn up, dump their kids down the front and then sit on their phones (which we had parents doing during Frozen 2, which was a shame as it was a very well made movie and highly enjoyable for anyone over the age/maturity of 8) and let the movie "babysit" their stupid, out of control hyped up brats. Then if anyone else complains because they want to actually watch a movie (as they paid a large sum of money to do) the denigrate parent can just go "they're on the spectrum" and go back to their phone....

    Some things are not for everyone and tying to make everything for everyone; more often than not, makes it worse for the 99.9% for an inconsequential or negligible benefit for the 0.1%.

    Getting off my soapbox now.
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  7. #4707
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    The old bloke neighbour on the farm across the road from us tried to do something really reprehensible today

    First off we had a grader drive into our driveway, offering to put in some more fire break tracks along where our farm meets a state forest. As I went in to get my ute keys to show him where to work the neighbour zoomed over on his quad bike and essentially nicked him, saying that he had something that desperately needed to get done ASAP on his farm. So to placate him the grader went over there, which meant he had less time to work on our place.

    Then the grader driver came back really annoyed. Apparently the old bloke had a big dead tree on his farm and the emergency was he wanted it pushed not only away from his house, but over his boundary fence into his neighbours property!

    The grader driver naturally refused. He shifted the tree away from their house but refused to put two tons of potential bushfire fuel onto someone else's land. He then went on to do a sterling job on our property putting in a ton of break lines - wont stop tree fires but will really slow grass fires.

    But how bad is that old bloke! When the whole community here is all pulling together, he is willing to f'over his neighbour if it means it makes his property that bit safer

  8. #4708
    Join Date
    4th Aug 2008
    The 'Riff


    Mate, the words I'd wanna use... there's always people like this during crisis. Just like the petrol station trying to sell 24 pack of water for 48 bucks, same place that during floods charging 9 bucks for a loaf of bread. I want to see those places fail

  9. #4709
    Join Date
    7th Feb 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by 1AZRAEL1 View Post
    Mate, the words I'd wanna use... there's always people like this during crisis. Just like the petrol station trying to sell 24 pack of water for 48 bucks, same place that during floods charging 9 bucks for a loaf of bread. I want to see those places fail
    These are the sort of people I'd gladly put in a water bombing chopper bucket and drop into the inferno.

  10. #4710
    Join Date
    4th Aug 2008
    The 'Riff


    Quote Originally Posted by Sinnertwin View Post
    These are the sort of people I'd gladly put in a water bombing chopper bucket and drop into the inferno.
    Same as the scammers going around posing as RFS taking people's money. And the phone calls.

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