Series - Generations
Sub-line - Legacy
Hypo-line - United
Size/class - Deluxe
New/remould/redeco - Retool and repaint of Legacy Needlenose
Wave - N/A (Amazon exclusive)
Released here - July 2024
Approximate Retail Price - $65 (Doom 'N' Destruction pack w/ Decepticon Bludgeon)
Approximate Size - 15cm
Allegiance - Decepticon
Sub-Group - Triggercon
Alt-mode - dune buggy
Main Features/Gimmicks - shoulder cannons can be manually deployed in a similar way as the G1 Triggercon gimmick
Main Colours - beige, purple

This toy is an extensive retool of Legacy Beachcomber. It's more accurate to say that it's almost a new mould with some shared parts from Beachcomber. Ruckus is the most G1-accurate among the Legacy Triggercons. Being only available in an Amazon exclusive 2-pack with Stormbringer Bludgeon, is this toy worth getting? If you're either happy to own Bludgeon or are willing to offload it (I sold mine, hence no review from me on Bludgeon), then sure. But also perhaps not if the additional Bludgeon is too much of a pill to swallow.

P.S.: given how cheap this set is, if you're also or more interested in Bludgeon, then this set is absolutely worth getting. Even if you're uninterested in Ruckus, you've paid $50 as standard Voyager price, which means that you've only paid $15 for a Deluxe (cheaper than Core Class!), or you can sell it off at a cheap price and easily offload it.