Series - Transformers One
Size/class - Prime Changer
New/remould/redeco - New
Wave - One
Released here - August 2024
Approximate Retail Price - $35
Approximate Size - 12.5cm
Allegiance - Cybertronian/Autobot
Alt-mode - car
Main Features/Gimmicks - alternates between Cybertronian and Autobot B-127
Main Colours - yellow with black accents
Main Accessories - x1 hand-cannon, x1 arm blade

Yes, this toy is called "Bumblebee/B-127." That's what it says on the box, don't at me.

Bumblebee has a removable breastplate which reveals a transformation cog underneath. This is a neat reference to SPOILER EMBARGO DATE: 13/9.

OVERALL: After the disappointment of Prime Changer Alpha Trion and Sentinel Prime, I had low expectations for Bumblebee, but I find that he's better than I expected. The main criticism that I have of this toy is the massively hollow legs. Better than I thought, but still just a place holder for me until Studio Series produces a TF One Bumblebee toy.