Star Raider FILCH
Series - Generations
Sub-line - Legacy
Size/class - Deluxe
New/remould/redeco - Retool/repaint of Kingdom Airazor
Wave - N/A (store exclusive)
Released here - June 2024
Approximate Retail Price - $39.95
Approximate Size - 12cm
Allegiance - Decepticon
Sub-Group - Corvicon
Affiliation - Star Seekers (a.k.a. Star Raiders)
Alt-mode - Technorganic corvid
Main Features/Gimmicks - N/A
Main Colours - blue, purple
Main Accessories - x2 wing weapons

NOTE: This toy is a retool of Kingdom Airazor. Refer to the Kingdom Airazor review thread for comments about the original toy. This review thread will focus on differences made.

Corvid mode. Corvids are a family of birds which contain crows, ravens, magpies etc. Filch's alt mode isn't specific enough to tell what species of corvid she transforms into. I do like the deco on the bird eyes.

Robot mode. There's a Star Raider logo tampographed on the leg, but since she is a Decepticon in Robots in Disguise, I went and stuck a Decepticon logo on one of her wings (there isn't enough space on the chest to put one there like in the cartoon, but also it would end up on the bird head which is inaccurate anyway).

OVERALL: It's a perfectly cromulent representation of Filch given that they're using the Airazor mould. Given that Filch never had a toy in RiD2015, I'm glad that she finally has one now. Hopefully there will be more (really want a Glowstrike toy!). Kingdom Airazor is a great mould, and many of the strengths of that toy has carried over here. It's interesting see Legacy bringing in toys from more recent series like RiD2015 and Cyberverse, given that the children who grew up with those series are still kids now. Still, we 80s kids were suckered in by remakes of classic characters not too long after they came out (e.g Powermaster Optimus Prime, Classic Pretenders, Action Masters, Classic reissues, Generation 2 etc.). I think Airazor has a nicer colour scheme and more realistic alt mode, but this toy is still worth the price of a Deluxe.