Studio Series 86 Brawn from JB Hi-Fi, price matched. I like this one much better than my LG48 Brawn, which is Hummer-like. SS86 is more 1980s Land Cruiser.
Studio Series 86 Brawn from JB Hi-Fi, price matched. I like this one much better than my LG48 Brawn, which is Hummer-like. SS86 is more 1980s Land Cruiser.
Got Snarl from Amazon, cancelled my original order and reordered the instock version. It was ready to pick up from an Amazon locker 12 hours later! My original order was still two week away.
I've had done the same for Brawn except Amazon's current price for him is $10 more than my order. It'd be cheaper for me to cancel and pick one up at JB. Amazon did email me to say my Brawn had been updated to release day arrival (but the release day is still end of the month).
I have a couple of minor misgivings about Snarl, but seeing him along side the previous three Dinobots, the set looks great.
(Fingers crossed for a decent Gen Selects leader Red Swoop next year)
SS86 Leader Snarl from JB Hi-Fi, price matched to the Myer Afterpay Day sale. And G1 Jazz tee shirt from Kmart on clearance $8.
Last edited by Skyfire; 17th August 2023 at 01:22 PM.
SS GE Megatron - cut off the knee tabs and he's good to go 😎
Golden Disk Mutant Tigatron. Another mold so good its worth doubling up on. Especially for the price of a deluxe.
Legacy G2 Cloudcover.
Both from JBHiFi.
TF Figs of 2024:
1) Legacy Magmatron
2) Legacy Gears
3) SS102 RotB Optimus
Legacy Twincast from Big W for $49. Saved me from having to order on Amazon for $60.
I finally received my Dying Prowl and Ironhide set from JB HiFi, and I got the old Transformers: A Visual History Limited Edition version book. I didn't know if I had a copy and can't check, so I just bought it again. All pretty basic stuff, doesn't seem to be anything new, but I'm hoping I'll be surprised by something in there. I'll get to it after I finish my Marvel UK reread.
Looking To Buy Either Siege Or Earthrise Ratchet, and Buzzworthy SS86 ER Cliffjumper.
Weaponizer Arcee & Cheetor 2 pack from The Gamesmen
Retro Re-Issue Headmaster Skullcruncher from Toymate.
Studio Series 86 Brawn. Appreciate the extra touches to the transformation that make this feel "deluxe".
Also tried out Outback mode, those hips will need to be re-engineered, and he'll need some "feet" to keep him stable, but I can see it.