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Thread: COVID-19 updates comments and concerns

  1. #91
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Was doing grocery shopping this morning and saw:
    * an old lady having a sneaky nibble on a grape. Ordinarily I wouldn't care about this, but given the current pandemic -- who knows who's touched that grape before. And as a senior citizen, she's in the vulnerable range!
    * an old man coughing without covering his mouth. His hands were empty - so it wasn't like he was holding something and the cough came along too suddenly for him to raise an arm. And heck, when that's happened to me the very least I do is cough into my shoulder.
    * an old disabled lady in front of me at the checkout telling the cashier that this was the first time she's bought toilet paper in 8 weeks.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tetsuwan Convoy View Post
    Of course some haven't, like the pachinko parlours that stayed open and were packed with people. Now some of them have closed.
    (-‸ლ) それどころかパチンコのような賭博場を閉鎖したら、賭博者たちはそんな金の無駄遣いが止められて、別な経済 活動を促進できるんだ。しかしまた問題は、パチンコが法律的に賭博に分類されていない。
    <The stupid thing is that by shutting down gambling outlets, they could stimulate other parts of the economy by the fact that gamblers are now wasting less money through slot machines. But then again, pachinko's not technically classified as gambling.>

  2. #92
    Join Date
    27th Mar 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by Tetsuwan Convoy View Post
    Japan has finally called a state of emergency for the whole country. What does that mean? They will ask people to stay inside and ask businesses to close. Apparently legally that's the best they can do.

    Of course some haven't, like the pachinko parlours that stayed open and were packed with people. Now some of them have closed. I really fear what is going to happen, because the graphs look extremely similar to America's...

    Hopefully SOE for the whole country will make people wake up here. So far people have been using it almost as a day off. Lots of kids gathering in parks and playing, mum's clubs etc etc. Crazy.
    For a country that’s supposedly intelligent & obedient, that’s crazy alright.

  3. #93
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Many of these countries IMO FAIL to act because they think of economics FIRST than eliminating the virus cases and situation. From my perspective, this is the down fall of many.
    1.Closing borders late
    2. closing business late < those that have huge groups like pubs night clubs, restaurants and so forth.
    3. Not getting clinics prepared, despite hearing of this virus since December. < hey Australia is just as guilty just to be fair.

    Many issues involved are due to lifestyle changes that people DO NOT wish to adapt or accept. Refuse to listen to stay in doors.
    IMO the faster everyone cooperates and comply, the faster we constrain and restrict who really has the virus and is contained.

    Once this is controlled, we know that all new cases are just from cruise ships and overseas flights. I also disagree that flight crew should be exempted, thats garbage, and is no different. (some arrangement are required but in no case they should be walking like everyone else on the streets)

    once things are highly contained, we can restart our business. If the country selects Economics as priority, it will not yield any good outcome.

  4. #94
    Join Date
    28th Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    Many of these countries IMO FAIL to act because they think of economics FIRST than eliminating the virus cases and situation. From my perspective, this is the down fall of many.
    1.Closing borders late
    2. closing business late < those that have huge groups like pubs night clubs, restaurants and so forth.
    3. Not getting clinics prepared, despite hearing of this virus since December. < hey Australia is just as guilty just to be fair.

    Many issues involved are due to lifestyle changes that people DO NOT wish to adapt or accept. Refuse to listen to stay in doors.
    IMO the faster everyone cooperates and comply, the faster we constrain and restrict who really has the virus and is contained.

    Once this is controlled, we know that all new cases are just from cruise ships and overseas flights. I also disagree that flight crew should be exempted, thats garbage, and is no different. (some arrangement are required but in no case they should be walking like everyone else on the streets)

    once things are highly contained, we can restart our business. If the country selects Economics as priority, it will not yield any good outcome.
    If you're going to "tut tut" Japan don't forget our federal govt once again had to be dragged into lockdown by the states and territories, the media is still trying push "economy first" as well as a PM hellbent on unnecessarily re-opening schools. This virus takes lives regardless of health or age.

  5. #95
    Join Date
    19th Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by SMHFConvoy View Post
    If you're going to "tut tut" Japan don't forget our federal govt once again had to be dragged into lockdown by the states and territories, the media is still trying push "economy first" as well as a PM hellbent on unnecessarily re-opening schools. This virus takes lives regardless of health or age.
    Same thing looks to be happening over there tbh - the prefectural/municipal governments are the ones taking it seriously, while the national government will probably have to be dragged along with them once things start getting ugly.

    Some of my best friends over there are 60-years-old+ teachers, many with some underlying health issues to boot, it's pretty worrying.

  6. #96
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Japanicus Minimus


    On the plus side for me, I have the option to work from home for two days a week (yes, thanks boss!), but my better half is seriously stressing out about all the corona news going around.

    It would seem the PM of Japan is concerned about the economy a LOT which is why this has taken so long, which I can kind of understand, but having a look at the bigger picture, Japan's workforce, approximately 12% is classed as senior, if they all die, that too will have a bad effect on the economy as well.

    On the plus side though, the govt is supplying two (2) small cloth masks for each HOUSEHOLD that better be Japanese made, and on a more serious note; my local supermarket has finally started putting the snack type foods in containers, instead of having them lying on the bench in the open. Seriously not even sneeze guards were up. Disgusting! Even before the COVID thing was happening JP people would cough without covering their faces all over these foods.... All people in my family were banned from buying off those displays, only buying the ones in containers!

  7. #97
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    27th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Ode to a Grasshopper View Post
    Same thing looks to be happening over there tbh - the prefectural/municipal governments are the ones taking it seriously, while the national government will probably have to be dragged along with them once things start getting ugly.
    The national governments are all thinking "those who AREN'T affected will be angry next time they vote if the economy is in the toilet and they'll take it out on us, having forgotten about COVID".

    Keep in mind Morrison doesn't have direct responsibility for health. It's not "his" problem that the hospital systems are stretched - that's the premier's problem.

    Of course, it's kinda BS, but they're acting with an eye on the next election cycle, aware that many people have short memories.

    John Howard had my support on the gun control measures early on, but lost me when he followed Dubya into Iraq. I still remember than when it came to how I felt about him/his party at every election he contested since... but many forget these things and just look at the slogans at election time.

    Eagerly waiting for Masterpiece Meister

  8. #98
    Join Date
    12th Jun 2011


    ^ Traditionally when the economy is strong voters are less likely to elect a leader. But when the economy is bad people are far more likely to elect a new leader.

  9. #99
    Join Date
    28th Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by DELTAprime View Post
    ^ Traditionally when the economy is strong voters are less likely to elect a leader. But when the economy is bad people are far more likely to elect a new leader.
    And the 2013 election outcome was engineered by pushing the narrative that Labor were children (Rudd, Gillard, Rudd), there was a budget emergency (a falsehood) and that the coalition were excellent economic managers (again, a falsehood, we were headed into a recession before the pandemic.)

    The current uptick for Morrison as preferred PM, is down to Labor's contribution to the stimulus package and JobKeeper, not because of anything the coalition has actually done.

  10. #100
    Join Date
    9th Apr 2008


    I am seeing a lot more plush toys and chalk drawings/messages on footpaths as I go for walks.

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