Series – Robots In Disguise / Adventure (TAV59)
Size/class - Warrior (Deluxe)
New/remould/redeco - Redeco of Warrior Class Strongarm
Wave - 8
Released here – ???
Approximate Retail Price - 2500JPY (AU$30)
Approximate Size - 10cm
Allegiance - Autobot
Alt-mode – Camper van
Main Features/Gimmicks – scannable logo
Main Colours – red, white, black
Main Accessories – 2 guns


Vehicle Mode

Robot Mode

Comparison with Warrior Class Strongarm

Comparison with TFPRiD Ratchet

+ It is a reasonably extensive redeco of Strongarm. The head, chest panel, vehicle canopy and lower legs are all new and even lending differences in transformation from Strongarm's transformation.
+ The new head is a really nice sculpt and evokes the Ratchet character well, as does the new chest plate.
+ TakaraTOMY have fixed the loose inner shoulder joints which plagues Strongarm (even the re-released Strongarm figure currently in stores has inherited the same problem, indicating that Hasbro never bothered to fix it). Not sure if Hasbro's Ratchet has addressed this issue.
+ The guns are able to be stowed away in both robot and vehicle modes.

- As much as this is a nice redeco of Strongarm, it is still a redeco of Strongarm who is already a rather uninspiring mould. TakTOM have done well with what is an inherently mediocre mould that's really not worth paying full RRP for. I'm got mine on sale for 2000JPY (AU$24).
- Where are the colours? This toy desperately needs more reds and other colours to break up all that white.

Other thought: the alt mode
This isn't a pro or con as it's entirely subjective, but the vehicle mode is NOT an ambulance or any other kind of emergency vehicle. Aside from the complete absence of any emergency vehicle markings, it also has no strobe lights on the roof (which Strongarm does have). As such, Ratchet's vehicle mode can only be described as a "camper van", much like say Trailbreaker. This is a minus to me because I have G1 bias, and to me, Ratchet should be an ambulance or at least some form of emergency vehicle. But I recognise that this is purely my own bias as a person who grew up with G1. For a person who doesn't have this predisposed bias then perhaps it won't matter to you. And objectively speaking, there is no reason why Ratchet has to be an emergency vehicle. Bumblebee isn't a hatchback, Fixit isn't an ambulance, Steeljaw isn't a cassette tape, Clampdown isn't a police sports car, Fracture isn't a racing car etc. - but still, part of me still finds it hard to get over him not being an ambulance, especially when he was already an ambulance in Transformers Prime. Eh...


Most of the flaws of this toy are carried over from the Warrior Class Strongarm mould. Lack of colours aside, I do think that HasTak have done a reasonably good job working with what was already a lacklustre mould. I do appreciate that they've fixed the shoulder issue which was one of the greatest weaknesses on Strongarm IMO. Recommended only if cheap.