Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
So yeah, I think the third installment will go along the same lines. It wont be Beast Wars and I highly doubt it will be Pretenders or Action Masters either. Certainly not Minicons as RID(15) has that covered. I don't reckon Targetmaster either. It could possibly be Micromasters, since you can swap around the front and backs of vehicles to make new ones and they can interact with bases which can hook up. There is a lot of variety and interactivity between toys to be had. But for some reason I don't see it happening. We may see something brand new, or a variation on an old gimick we had not thought of (like the Headmasters riding in guns and having their own little vehicles). Guess we will just have to see
Nope, they didn't make it into the Prime Wars Trilogy, they ended up in the first outing of the War For Cybertron Trilogy .

I wonder what we have left from G1 for them to trot out now? We've had Combiners, Pretenders & Micromasters. We've had Headmasters (Titan Masters) and are getting Targetmasters (Weaponizers). You could argue that the little POTP Prime figures were sorta like Powermasters as in they turned into a cube that powered up thier host but its a bit of a stretch.

Are we getting to the point where it's only Action Masters left, and would Hasbro be foolish enough to try? Otherwise the only thing I can think of would be Breastmasters from the JP G1 continutity.