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Thread: Big Angry Trev's Website - articles of interest (Non-TF)

  1. #51
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Megatran View Post
    I hear ya BTT. We went for a stroll late arvo & had to cut it short. My neck is covered in mossie hickies.
    Both supermarkets here actually sold completely out of all bug killers and repellents yesterday

  2. #52
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default Ask Trev!

    This question comes from Betty in Boga:

    “Dear Big Angry Trev. My whole family supports you in your war against the mosquitoes! Do you have any tips for us so that we may battle them too?

    Well Betty, like any great battle there are two main areas you need to consider – offense and defense. I’ll assume you already have the supply chains to your troops in place so lets get straight to weaponry eh!

    Read the full article on how to battle mosquitoes HERE!

  3. #53
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Excerpt from Blog: I’m not a big fat fan as a rule. I always leave it on when cooking so it helps hold in all those lovely meat juices, but I tend to cut it off more often than not when it comes to eating the meat in question. But pork crackling is different – it should be its own food group! Was it not the great Winston Churchil that said ‘All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope, crackling’ (Historians tend to leave that last word out but many of them are vegetarians – too much time in damp book depositories and not enough exercise so I wouldn’t put it past’em to have cut it on purpose). And today I am going to share with you the simple yet effective way of getting yourself a good a tasty hunk of this salty pig elixir!

    Learn the secret to perfect Pork Crackling HERE!

  4. #54
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default Movie Review

    Excerpt from Blog: A foul mouthed, alcoholic, sex-obsessed criminal in a Santa suit freaking out kids and shagging everything in sight. 13 years ago we got introduced to Willy – better known to the world as Bad Santa. A movie that to this day remains my favorite ever Xmas movie and in my top 10 movies of all time (along with Sling Blade – Billy Bob Thornton rocks my world!). And now in 2016 Willy and his crew are back for the long awaited sequel – Bad Santa 2.

    Read the review of BAD SANTA 2 here!

  5. #55
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Excerpt from Blog: A bunch of tiny multi-coloured misfits living and singing in the forest, happy as Larry with only the worry that some big baddy will come along and snatch them to eat. No I’m not talking about the gay version of the Smurfs (or am I?), I’m talking about the latest kids movie to hit the cinema – TROLLS.

    Read the review of TROLLS here!

  6. #56
    Megatran Guest

    Default Ask Trev

    Hey Trev. First up Happy New Year to you & your family.

    Got a question. Does farting into a vacuum cleaner (while it's on) remove the smell or is that just 'hot air'?

  7. #57
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default Ask Trev!

    Quote Originally Posted by Megatran View Post
    Hey Trev. First up Happy New Year to you & your family.

    Got a question. Does farting into a vacuum cleaner (while it's on) remove the smell or is that just 'hot air'?
    Ask and ye shall recieve

    Excerpt from Blog: as to whether having a vacuum cleaner in place will remove the smell. You say farting into a vacuum cleaner; I’m assuming by this you mean having the nozzle placed outside the sphincter ready to go upon flatulence excretion, rather than just sucking the smell out of the air post eruption. This must show that you are a young man as nearing 40 I don’t always have control of when I let one go, though I’ve found a beef vindaloo the night before will guarantee a plethora of gas the next morning.

    To answer your question I tried the following experiments...

    Read Can you get rid of flatulence odour with a vacuum? HERE

  8. #58
    Megatran Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    Excerpt from Blog: as to whether having a vacuum cleaner in place will remove the smell. You say farting into a vacuum cleaner; I’m assuming by this you mean having the nozzle placed outside the sphincter ready to go upon flatulence excretion, rather than just sucking the smell out of the air post eruption.
    Yes, yes ... vacuum nozzle outside the sphincter.

    Your blogs are always enjoyable to read.

  9. #59
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default Tales of the Trev

    Quote Originally Posted by Megatran View Post
    Yes, yes ... vacuum nozzle outside the sphincter.

    Your blogs are always enjoyable to read.
    Cheers man - I love getting random 'Ask Trev' questions - lets me flex the ol' creativity muscles

    And now for something even more disturbing because it is actually true

    Excerpt from Blog: I grab my keys and go open the shed door, anxious to get the more onerous of the jobs over with before the temperature reaches the forecast 37 degree’s – atypical for the Mallee in January. Just inside the door is my big beer fridge and close to that is a black crate I’ve been using to sort my Transformer books and DVD’s (yes, as well as being a hobby farmer I’m also a big TF nerd). I notice immediately that there has been a big web spun between the crate and the fridge that wasn’t there the night before. There are a few bits of twig and dry grass in it. Also a great big Redback Spider is busy in the web, hungrily sucking on the tail of… a snake.

    A snake.

    A bloody snake!

    Read Redback Spider killing Blind Snake – my morning surprise! HERE

  10. #60
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default Random Rants

    Excerpt from Blog: Wow – I really can’t believe this myself. All those years I wasted in my 20’s trying to get famous with acting and doing stand-up comedy. What I should have been doing is taking photo’s of dead animals – that’s where the acclaim is! I’ve been contacted by internet, newspaper and television sources for the story, apparently deadly Aussie creatures killing each other is a newsworthy story all are eager to get their media mitts on. I’ve done 3 phone interviews in the last 2 days – it’s wiggy but kinda cool!

    Read Spider kills Snake - the media storm hits! HERE

    (links to interviews/articles contained within)

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