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Thread: Big Angry Trev's Website - articles of interest (Non-TF)

  1. #81
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default VIDEO

    The third in my series of short videos called 'Big Angry Trev's Thought for the Day'.

    Thought for the Day #3 - the feelings cooking vegetarian illicit in me

  2. #82
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Child Neglect
    Child Stalking
    Underage Sexualization
    Drug Addiction
    Animal Cruelty
    ...and possible bestiality!


  3. #83
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Excerpt from Blog: Ah, Chimichangas – the favorite food of Deadpool. What a chimichanga consists of is essentially an American version of a Mexican recipe. As in you take a Mexican burrito and then, in that all too common American fashion, you deep fry the hell outta it!

    Now that sounds like it’s right up the alley of yours truly, and that it is! But you read the title – healthy and family friendly. What’s that you say – ‘You bloody sell out Trev!’? Well the problem of being part of a family is I never used to get to cook chimichangas as they were too unhealthy for my wife and too spicy for my kids. So the recipe I’m going to share with you today is the less spicy and healthy (well – not healthy per se – healthier than usual would be more accurate) way to make them. Plus my version is a lot less hassle!

    Read Meat Recipe #6 - Chimichangas: The easy, healthy and family friendly way HERE

  4. #84
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default Meaty Goodness!

    Prawn salad, mashed potato and a sausage all in a wrap and eaten like an ice cream. Welcome to the preferred food for drunk Swedish people - Tunnbrödsrulle!

    Read Meat Recipe #7 - Swedish Tunnbrödsrulle HERE

  5. #85
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Excerpt from blog: The LEGO franchise was always big. Now with a string of video games and DVD’s as well as being tied in to almost every popular franchise – from Marvel to Star Wars to even Ghostbusters – it is friggin huge!

    A few years ago we all marveled at the first LEGO Movie. It was funny, interesting and had a lot of heart. One of the main characters in that movie was Batman. He was arrogant, even if highly skilled enough to warrant it, egocentric and obsessed with metal music and the colour black. The character has subsequently appeared in numerous tie-in DVD’s and has remained fairly faithful to this rendition of one of the most iconic super heroes of all time.

    Now we have upon us the second of the Lego movies to hit the big screen and Batman has the starring role. So let’s take a look at The LEGO Batman Movie.

    Read Movie Review: The LEGO Batman Movie HERE!

  6. #86
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default Tales of the Trev

    Excerpt from Blog: As a young man, I thought it was a sign of strength of character to stick to your guns. That if you held an idea about something, you stuck to that idea and you didn’t let anyone mess with it. You fought them tooth and nail and showed them that you were right and they were wrong.

    Only one danger to that – what if you are the one that is actually wrong?

    This is a short story about how I held a strong perception about a certain group of people and it took one experience to show me that my opinion was total bollocks. And that group of people are hippies.

    Read How I learned to challenge my own preconceptions HERE

  7. #87
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Excerpt from Blog: At the start of 2016, my in-laws suggested to me that I start a blog in order to provide me a creative outlet for the myriad of random thoughts that constantly run through this odd brain of mine, as well as it possibly being a new career. So one year ago in April of 2016 was born.

    And here we are on the sites first anniversary. It’s been a lot of fun writing this and has proven quite educational. I’ve learned my audience is much more interested in Transformers than Hobby Farming, that spiders killing snakes makes for great news and that it’s often not what you write but where someone else shares it that determines the amount of views you get. Also that I must not that photogenic as the most popular video I put up is the only one I am not pictured in. Over the course of the Blogs first year I’ve had over 10,000 views – a respectable number indeed. However well short of the 100,000 a month I would need to start making money out of it. So share away guys! Send in ‘Ask Trev‘ questions, subscribe for new stories, encourage your friends to follow the blog on Facebook and Twitter and keep reading, I need a new career badly! I really appreciate those who have followed me along this journey and hope I can keep informing and entertaining you all in the future. If you have any suggestions of new stuff you would like to see on the site, please give me a shout out!

    Read The Blog turns one year old! HERE

  8. #88
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default Ask Trev/Hobby Farming

    One of my favorite readers is Madds whom I have greatly enjoyed watching grow into a fully-fledged chicken-fancier. Once again we have an ‘Ask Trev’ question regarding chooks from her – this one regarding the molt:

    Dear Farmer Trev,
    Yep, me again seeking more chook advice please.
    My girls are losing all their feathers!
    At the start of winter!
    They’re grumpy, sensitive and edgy, picking on each other, all off the lay.
    The place is bedlam – feathers everywhere!
    It has been suggested to me that they are having their first ‘molt’.
    Is this a thing? Why are they so grumpy?
    Why are hey molting in the cold weather?
    What the hell do I do with all these feathers?
    How long will it last? What can I do to help them?

    Thanks Big Farmer Trev,
    You noob chicken pal, Madsy.

    For the answers to these questions click HERE

  9. #89
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default Random Rant

    Excerpt from Blog: Stress. Ironically in a country where it could be argued we’ve never had it so good, more and more people are suffering from it in Australia.

    And I never thought I’d be among those ranks but I’m one of them.

    Stress is a bastard of a thing. It stops you sleeping, it stops you eating properly, it makes you feel like there is a giant knot in your gut that won’t go away. It’s most certainly something that stops life being as fun as it could be.

    But is the stress you are feeling valid?

    Well I don’t know you but I’m going to go out on a limb here and say yes. Yes it is. Because you can’t control what stresses you – if you did you would most likely put a stop to it so you could stop being stressed. Stress isn’t like say a teenage-angst depression (rather than the full blown one) where people get, as the song goes, addicted to a certain kind of sadness. And since you can’t control what stresses you and that stress is particular to you then that stress is valid. But it can be hard to maintain perspective.

    Read It's valid for you to feel stressed HERE

  10. #90
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011

    Default Ask Trev!

    Excerpt from Blog: This is a stumper of a question but as you will see, I have come up with a brilliant, if somewhat unorthodox, solution.

    Dear Trev, I am a gay male in my mid 30’s. I’ve been trying for years but can’t find a relationship. All the good guys my age are taken and all the younger ones only want sex. What do I do? I’m feeling lonely and desperate!

    Well, I have the answer to your problem. An answer so brilliant I expect I’ll get a float in my honor in Sydney’s next gay pride parade! This is a solution that will work for most any member of the LGBT community (Well, maybe not the B’s) that finds themselves in the same boat.

    If you are a gay guy looking for a relationship but genuinely can’t find one with another guy – marry a lesbian!

    Now hang on, don’t tune out or start shouting angrily just yet! This isn’t as preposterous as it sounds. Let me explain.

    For the explanation read Ask Trev: I'm gay and I can't find love - help! HERE

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