Originally Posted by
Seraphim Prime
I missed out on the final volume of the series, as I didn't bother with the physical copies or TPBs for this final series and missed the final volume when it was realised digitally.
The later volumes were much better, and I think the book struggled under the weight of trying to set up all the pieces before progressing them. But also caught between trying to write a small contained story with Bumblebee and his apprentice and a larger world building story.
I think this was in part due to having a writer that had largely written fiction until that point, as it was very much like he was writing one story across the issue with less regard for the individual issue needs.
The trick is, and why many ultimately liked MTMTE / Lost Light is that the world building happened off-handedly at first and was then referred to later (and benefitted from sitting within an existing universe)