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Thread: New Masterpiece Hot Rod?

  1. #51
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    It also says obe thing about mp09. They should not have done the younger hot rod face change. This makes it very useless now.

  2. #52
    Join Date
    7th Feb 2013


    Clearly the didnt plan 5 years ahead when they designed MP9.
    FML this thread is starting to give me the shits

  3. #53
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Here's my attitude towards the MP line - "you get what you get and you don't get upset."

    Would I prefer MP Jazzatronimus V3.5? Sure, but I'm confident this new Hot Rod will be great too.

    Daniel with hoverboard accessory pls

  4. #54
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    23rd Sep 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by UltimateGalvatron View Post
    Looks good! Hopefully it won't be a flop like MP 9.
    Yea, that toy was such a flop, it's going for peanuts on eBay these days.

    Quote Originally Posted by 1AZRAEL1 View Post
    Am I the only one who is a little disappointed that they are visiting a character they've already done instead of a new character? Don't get me wrong, I'll end up buying it coz Hot Rod was one of the first figures i owned, and this could have a better design than the previous, but i would rather preferred a new character
    it's a bit disappointing, but I'll be happy if this news causes a bit of a fire sale on the 2nd Run of the MP Rodimus on eBay. Damn thing seems to get more and more expensive, frustrating since so many people seem to have little or no love for it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sinnertwin View Post
    Clearly the didnt plan 5 years ahead when they designed MP9.
    FML this thread is starting to give me the shits
    haha, yea.
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  5. #55
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    I meant the toy was a flop, not its sales.
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  6. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    I be very disappointed if they started to do kup mp next and skip the rest of the cars.
    kup is awesome! i don't care what comes next as long as it's awesome .

    I reckon they'll redo grimlock somewhere down the line (rescale/tool him) and perhaps continue with the rest of the dinobots!

  7. #57
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    They definitely need more S3 characters down the line. This new Hot Rod might fit in scale wise with the S1/2 cars, but the aesthetic and colours will never be a good match. The vibrant colours of Springer, Arcee and Blurr would fit nicely.

    Kup needs to come with detachable pieces so Hot Rod can re-assemble him! Hell, sell it to me AS pieces for assembly if it'll make it cheaper

  8. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    I personally would prefer to see new characters developed as MPs rather than new MPs based on existing ones. The only exception was MP10 (Hasbro ver.). I'd really like to see them focusing on finishing off doing all the first year Autobots as MPs (since all the first year Decepticons are already done).

    Pass for me on this Rodimus.
    I agree. I currently don't feel a strong need to replace my MP-9.

    Quote Originally Posted by kurdt_the_goat View Post
    I think MP-9 in both Hot Rod and Rodimus Prime robot modes scales well with everything else as is. I see this new toy as purely for a better alt mode scaling. Not necessarily accurate to the cartoon, as there were some pics posted on TFW that show Hot Rod's car mode in the cartoon was pretty big, closer to what MP-9 is. Doesn't stop MP-9's car looking completely oversized and silly next to the Lambo/Datsuns etc.
    Found the post here, for anyone who's interested:

    Quote Originally Posted by liegeprime View Post
    Well hopefully it's an entirely different mould. Otherwise meh if it's just a scaled down version of MP09 mould. That mould had a lot of issues to it. it keeps falling apart when you play with it and the ratchets break the toy.... the hands can't hold anything and I expected a lot more considering it's an MP figure, it's basically a upsized plateformer.
    In my opinion, MP-9 was already pretty good as far as engineering was concerned. It has a lot of joint mobility and has what is probably the best robot mode screen likeness of any Masterpiece Transformer we've seen yet.

    It needed tweaks to things like tabs and some joints, which we got with the Hasbro release and MP-9 v2. I think Peaugh opined (and I'm inclined to agree) that MP-9 was engineered to very fine tolerances that could not be replicated in production, hence the bugs in the joints. I certainly don't think it needs ground-up re-engineering and a new figure, but if people really want it...

  9. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magnus View Post
    Found the post here, for anyone who's interested:
    I'm not convinced by their arguement... Hot Rod was a teenager Autobot, he shouldn't be as tall as Optimus until he (literally) grows up into Rodimus Prime. A mid-size Autobot height (Prowl, Sideswipe) makes more sense for him. Blurr and Springer should be the taller bots.

    The example image from TFTM of Megatron holding Hot Rod shows how liberal cartoon animators can be with scale - look how long Megatron's bicep must be to hold Hot Rod that way, look at how much longer Hot Rod's right thigh must be to his lower leg. Same with the scene of him fighting Galvatron, he's drawn to a scale that looks good for animation, but if that's "realistic" scale and the same scale he's in when driving Daniel around, Daniel must be, what, about 1/3 or 1/4 the size of Galvatron?

    It's kind of funny how little there actually is of Hot Rod in animation. He has him time in the sun in TFTM which makes him so memorable - but there's so much more Rodimus Prime animation.

  10. #60
    Join Date
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    I passed on the first, they'll have to knock this out of the park for me to even consider buying it. The character does nothing for me. Nothing but a whining b@#ch in season 3. UM should have remained the leader
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