You know you've got an unhealthy obsession with Transformers when you start having dreams and/or nightmares pertaining to them.

I dreamt last night that I ordered an expensive figure online, I think it might've been Encore G1 Fort Max (can't remember exactly). Instead of receiving the figure I wanted, the online store posted me 5 or 6 copies of a Voyager Class "Link" figure, which was an unpopular figure that noboby wanted. I was going to email the store, but the website closed down, and their phone number was no longer in service. So instead of having the figure I wanted (...and paid silly amounts of money for); I got stuck with half a dozen copies of a toy no one wanted.

I think this is a sign that I should try to go cold turkey from Transfomers for a while..

.. Oh yeah, and for anyone curious enough, in this dream/alternate universe; the unpopular Link figure was a Legend of Zelda homage toy that was basically a green/brown/yellow redeco of TR Alpha Trion (same mold, except without facial hair on the head).