Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
In the TR Autobot Breakaway review thread a comment was made that the toy was disappointing due to the lack of Getaway's distinctive shoulder pads, and okay, fair point, but I don't know if I completely agree with this sentiment, and here's why.

Classicsverse isn't about replicating G1 toys with modern day engineering. The toys are distinctly identifiable as their G1 counterparts, but they're not necessarily enslaved to the idea of being G1 accurate. To me, Classicsverse is more like how HasTak would make these characters today using contemporary design/engineering. Masterpiece on the other hand is more about 'translating' G1 toys with a slavish dedication to aesthetic fidelity.

Classicsverse are very immediately identifiable as the character that they're meant to be,
I haven't read the post you're referring to but I think for a lot of characters, especially lower tier characters, silhouette becomes more important, otherwise it's just generic bot #9.

From your post above:Look again at the Classicsverse/G1 Comparison thread and have a good look at a lot of these toys. Many of them "lack" iconic features of their G1 counterparts. e.g.
* Classics Optimus Prime has no smoke stacks on his shoulders. Arguably one of the biggest flaws with the toy
* Mirage's weapons look nothing like the G1 toy's rifle or rocket launcher. but the silhouette of the robot, though comparatively very lanky does represent the original toy and show model very well
* Grimlock's overall design and transformation is a significant departure from his G1 counterpart. I know that he's not everyone's favourite toy, but I like it. And I like it a lot better than Generations/FoC Grimlock which has a more G1-like appearance and transformation. This one is missing the iconic wings and while having feet that form the head is novel idea (Itoo like this toy a lot) apart from the chest and head this toy doesn't really 'feel' like Grimlock
* Much of RtS Windcharger's body looks nothing like G1 Windcharger (either the toy or show model), yet it's an arguably better toy than the more G1-accurate looking Combiner Wars Windcharger. For such a low tier character the vehicle mode and head sculpt are what matters and both these toys deliver.
* Sunstreaker lacks the iconic yellow shoulder pylons and the limbs are totally different.
* Sideswipe & Red Alert's lower leg appearance and transformation is utterly unlike the G1 figures. I would imagine that the original poster might also find these toys disappointing for that very reason. They are good toys but they don't evoke the character in the same way.
* Inferno has no ladder or wings. Like prime one of the biggest downfalls of the design. I imagine it also irks the original poster a lot.
* Boobglide. 'Nuff sed. The toy might not have turned out quite like everyone hoped but the appearance of the robot and the alt modes do strongly evoke the original toy and character.
* The lower legs on the Nissans are inverted compared to their G1 counterparts. but they still have wings, shoulder missiles and their iconic chest look. in silhouette you would pick the group for sure.
* Voyager Nerf Megatron looks very different from his G1 self, and just as well because if he were G1 accurate then he'd raise legal issues!
...and so on and so on and so on... you get the picture. different discussion

I get what you're saying modern toys don't need to replicate original toys, especially with transformation but when a character is being re-developed to the modern style and design aesthetic, part of the essence of a character is the defining features of the robot that carried over from the alt mode. Or just the robot design. the original toy designers of the 80's line were brilliant at this. Look at the torso design of the original seekers, very well sculpted and that design has carried through ever since.

The point of modernising old toys/characters is to draw on peoples nostalgia, not including iconic elements of the original design loses that and that's when we start to see more and more bots look alike and dare I say it, more like the recent movie designs.