An unscheduled power blackout in our 'hood. We fully stocked our freezer only yesterday.
It's actually darker inside our place than outside.
I saw this on the ABC's Insiders program the weekend before last, and since it has been showing up in other places, it's reminded me to look for it on youtube to post here.
One of the Federal government ministers did an interview a couple weeks ago on SkyNews to say that he's fixed the education stalemate he created a few days earlier... which led to someone do this parody of him being the fixer, in Star Wars.
(his laugh at the end looks so evil... it sorta suits most Federal politicians )
The original interview can be seen here.
Oh my.
I'm not sure which is funnier, the real interview or the Stars Wars adoption!
New internet meme coming soon methinks.
"I'm a fixer"
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Google maps currently has a pacman feature. At the bottom of the page where it has the satellite view icon, there is a pacman icon, that zooms into a set scale, and turns the streets into a pacman maze, complete with ghosts and cherries.
It was sooo funny... especially doing it around my streets.
Yeah, that's Google Map's April Fools thing. I remember a few years ago when Google Street View went in RGB colours.
Sydney CBD
Hasbro AU
Other April Fools pranks from this year include:
Doctor Who cancellation after Capaldi fracas
Wonder Woman's invisible jet on display at the Smithsonian museum
Disney/Pixar's X-Wings movie trailer
Fast to the Future (Fast & Future/Back to the Future Crossover) trailer
For all those in NSW, VIC, SA, ACT & TAS, we get an extra hours sleep (or what ever tickles your fancy) due to daylight savings.