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Thread: STL's Journey into BWs

  1. #101
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Yeah, the Cheetor-Blackarachnia thing finishes off pret-ty interestingly IMO.

    As for the whole current situation with Transmetal 2 Cheetor - Rattrap put it really well, "Oh joy... cyber-puberty." As 'annoying' as it may seem, this is part of Cheetor's coming of age. He's now progressed from 'child' to 'teen.' In Beast Machines he progresses to 'adult' - and IMO Cheetor was the best developed character in Beast Machines.

  2. #102
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    In Beast Machines he progresses to 'adult' - and IMO Cheetor was the best developed character in Beast Machines.
    I totally agree. Cheetor was the only character who had a logical character development from Beast Wars to the end of Beast Machines and as a result, he is my favorite character in that series.

  3. #103
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    I thought Blackarachnia's progression was logical too and done pretty well - she comes full circle in BM. Silverbolt's character development was progressively logical... just not very well done because of the whole "emo" thing. In Beast Wars we do see that Silverbolt has a bit of a dark side with the capacity for revenge - as seen when he hunted Tarantulas and impaled him when he thought that his Predacon shell program had caused Blackarachnia's death. Silverbolt going through that dark depressive phase was quite understandable - he had been through massive trauma as a Vehicon general... but the problem with that character was, as Scott McNeill put it, it just took him far too long to get over it. Silverbolt turned out pretty nicely in the final eps of Season 2, had that been done a lot sooner then Silverbolt would've been a pretty decent character in that show. So the problem with BM Silverbolt isn't so much that he was illogically developed, but because he spent too long brooding and should've just gotten over his freakin' issues and moved on!

  4. #104
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    Okay I've finished season 2 and watch episode1 of season 3 on TF:TM special edition.

    I enjoyed the end of season 2 but it didn't impress me like the end of season1. Although I actually got quite a laugh out of it hwy was Cheetor used for comic relief when they jumped out of Ravage's ship? Totally out of character IMO

    I liked Rattrap's line about how often Optimus switches bodies

    Just waiting on season 3 to continue my journey

  5. #105
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    Cutting Edge

    I missed this ep the first time around. Thanks to Kup for noticing. It really irked me but at least it explained (... kind of...) why Cheetor has a crush on Blackarachnia. Nevertheless it doesn't change the sheer stupidity of the plot. Silverbolt getting angry is a nice new angle. Not such a perfect white knight, after all. I loved seeing Tarantulas. He's seen so infrequently at times. Best part of the episode though was Blackarachnia's snappy remarks and, dare I say it, heroism.

    Though I must guilitly admit, I wouldn't have minded if something splatted those annoying primitive children.

    Proving Grounds

    Very basic premise. The ending is spelled out before you even get there and I'm inclined to really hate this episode but I couldn't. There was the long, drawn out fight with Dinobot but then we had the great banter between Rattrap and Silverbolt, Silverbolt/Dinobot/Blackarachnia. Oh, and Rattrap and his street fighting games quite funny. He's really adorable. So those things saved it but really it wasn't strong an episode and I feel as if the series is meandering away after a strong start. The last 4 episodes have been weak and I hope there's a good turn around the corner.

  6. #106
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    You've still got "Go With The Flow" to get past (well you might like depending on how much you like Una Witwicky.... it's a bit of a devisive episode), and then it's pretty much full speed ahead to the conclusion.
    Last edited by Paulbot; 13th May 2008 at 11:21 PM.

  7. #107
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    no he's lying!!! It all down hill from here!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

    [jumps out window]

    Your journey is taking forever STL

  8. #108
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    Rodimus had like forever to get used to have the Matrix, and look where he got... oh wait, bad example.

  9. #109
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Personally, Although I like Season 3, Season 2 was when Beast Wars reached its peak for me. Season 3 is good generally but sadly it is noticeable that the writers were fighting Hasbro's calls for extreme change like TM2s, overly kiddie plot elements (why do executives think that kids can only relate to kid characters???), etc. From now on you will notice some decent episodes but the overall plot will seem very rushed as Hasbro struck with the 'we know better than you' hammer and wanted to move everything quickly onto Beast Machines with new writers.

    The Beast Wars writers got a last minute notice of the series end when much of the third season was already under production and were forced to quickly conclude any unresolved plot elements and force a series finale when it was supposed to continue onto a 4th Season.

    The above is one of the reasons of why I deeply hate Aaron Archer as there was no freaking reason to push for change, the series was a complete smash hit, only second to G1 (even by today's standards). Why oh why did they push for the technorganic nonsense and an strict attempt at reinventing the franchise is a mystery to me, you only do that as a last resort when the line is in trouble. At the end their push for extreme change caused the Transformers line to go from great success to an absolute flop with Beast Machines toys (Archer's babies) which sucked.
    Last edited by kup; 14th May 2008 at 12:16 AM.

  10. #110
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    Having finished season 3 a few days ago I complete understand where you are coming from Kup. I couldn't believe how quickly they wrapped everything up. Kinda dissapointing. If Hasbro would of let it drag out a little bit longer it would of been alot better I feel.

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