View Poll Results: Age of Extinction Crosshairs - worth getting?

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    8 42.11%
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    3 15.79%
  • Na

    3 15.79%
  • This toy should parachute into a volcano

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Thread: Toy Review - AoE Deluxe Crosshairs

  1. #11
    Join Date
    31st Jul 2008


    I find it's easier to peg the forearms into the 'cape flap things' before pushing the bonnet altogether - a different order to the instructions, but it just wouldn't peg any other way.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    31st Jul 2008


    The biggest issue on this guy is the lack of paint, particularly in car mode. It's cool that they put the accurate details on his forearms. That and the goggles are going to make this a fun painting project.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    26th May 2010


    I know what they were trying to do by making the car parts the coat, but it just looks like a kibbly heap of junk. Sure the alt mode is great, but for me that just doesn't cut it. It feels like the toy designers ran out of steam when they got to this guy. It's one of only a few I won't be picking up from this line. Many of the others look great so far, and I'm very impressed with dinobots.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Ravagecat View Post
    Ha! Glad I'm not the only one that initially had issues getting this guy into car mode I almost rage quit him
    I appreciate your effort, Ravagecat, but at about the same time as you posted that, I was sitting in my car with my second Crosshairs and worked out how to transform it. I then tried it again with my first Crosshairs but still couldn't do it, so I think it must've been defective in some way. Anyway, I refunded that first Crosshairs.

    As KingGrimlock said, getting the arms folded in tight (C) is important, but I found that also ensuring that the rubber panels are properly configured is important too. Anyway, here are some pics of what eventually worked for me (nearly 2 freakin' weeks later )...

    The first time I tried it, I wedged the elbows between the rubber flaps and doors (A). But I find that tucking the flaps in all the way behind the elbows (B) works even gooderer.


    Vehicle mode is a green and black 2014 C7 Corvette Stingray, although the proportions look a bit snubbed compared to the actual vehicle. For some reason, Hasbro only applied the stripe decals on the left side of the vehicle, although images that I've seen of the car in the film appear to have the stripes on both sides. There's a rumour that the TakaraTOMY version may have the stripes on both sides... but the official web page only shows the left side of the vehicle, so I have no idea if there's any truth to it or if it's just wishful thinking. The robot mode is incredibly kibblicious, with much of the vehicle panels and two rubber flaps that connect into the rib area forming a sort of trench coat, which is basically how he appears to look in the film.

    See above pic. As discussed, lining up the side panels is a massive pain the asteroid, which is rendered impossible if your toy has poor QC (as my first Crosshairs appeared to). The trick is to ensure that the rubber flaps are tucked away properly so as not to exert too much outward pressure on the side panels and thus inhibit them from locking in. I also find it's useful to lock the door panels in first before the rear side panels.

    + Painted rims! Oh wait... that's just normal. It's just something that's been absent in so many recent toys that it's lowered the bar, and now something that was once standard feels special. :/ When I think about it... the same can be said about most of the redeeming features of all the AoE toys (especially the Dinobots -- Scorn may be excellent by AoE Dinobot standards, but there are honestly some Beast Machines toys that are better designed! And BM was a declining standard! ) Oh well, it's a "pro" by AoE's declined standards I guess. *sigh*
    + While the robot mode is a shellformer, it is interesting how the panels divide to allow freer leg movement and kinda flow like the bottom of a coat. The bonnet panel can even swing back -- this feature isn't needed for the transformation, but appears to be designed to help the figure strike some more dynamic poses with the skirt parts flapping up (like in the trailer ).
    + His larger gun resembles a suppressed SMG TEC-9 semi-automatic handgun; there's a certain appeal to seeing a Transformer wielding a weapon that appears to be inspired by something from real life (Evasion Mode Optimus Prime's Ion Cannon resembles a shot gun). Mmm... Counter-Strike fresh.
    + He also comes with two smaller pistols (don't know if they're meant to resemble any real world guns), so 3 in total. Packing this much heat kinda feels like a tiny nod to his Targetmaster heritage (or am I clutching at straws? ). Although coupled with the trench coat look, it could also easily be a homage to The Matrix. He knows Gun Fu!
    + While the aesthetics of the robot mode may be unorthodox, it's chock full of really exquisite sculpted detail, including the bold move with adding those rubber flaps to complete that "Not-Naked Transformer look.

    - A lot of the vehicle panels are made from painted clear plastic instead of coloured plastic. In typical Hasbro style, the colour of the clear plastic doesn't quite match that of the coloured plastic. I suspect that this may look better on the TakaraTOMY version, as they tend to be better than Hasbro at matching colours between painted and coloured plastics.
    - The highly detailed sculpting can be easily overlooked due to a dire lack of paint apps! This toy seriously needs more colours to break up all that green, especially on the goggle part of the head. The TakaraTOMY version appears to have added more colours on the shoulders, chest/rib area and head-goggles.
    - The rubber flaps tend to hinder movement, and it's not exactly removable. Taking the tabs out makes them look silly too. :/
    - Head movement is also limited.
    - While the hands can grip the SMG quite well, the same cannot be said about the smaller pistols. Their shorter handles make them more prone to being dropped. And why didn't this toy come w/ x2 SMGs and x1 small pistol instead of the other way around? The trailer shows Crosshairs wielding two of the SMG style guns. :/
    - The black paint is susceptible to being scraped or even just rubbed off. Because my first Crosshairs was such a difficult son of a glitch to transform, in attempting to use lots of excessive force, I ended up rubbing off some parts of the Autobot insignias and side stripes. I guess on the plus side, if the stripes bug you, you can just easily rub them off with your fingertips.

    Being so highly stylised, this toy certainly isn't going to be everyone's cup of Energon. Have a good look at photos and other reviews, and possibly someone else's loose Crosshairs before deciding if you really want to purchase this toy. Only recommended if you can get this toy for below RRP, because if you're willing to spend $30 or more on this toy, you might as well get the TakaraTOMY version and get better colours (2800JPY/$29 <--- cheaper if you preorder*). Otherwise Target currently has AoE Deluxes on sale for $24 each.

    *Some pre-order prices for TakaraTOMY version:
    HLJ = 2380JPY (~$25)
    Amazon JP = 2350JPY (~$25)
    Anime Export = 1960JPY (~$21)

  5. #15
    Join Date
    8th Nov 2012


    Loving this guy, had no issues with him so far. Ignore the quick shop, couldn't be stuffed fixing the 'S'.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    11th Dec 2012


    Can someone answer this please? He has 3 guns and only 2 hands. Where does the third gun @$&!/!# go?

  7. #17
    Join Date
    30th Oct 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Omega Metro View Post
    Can someone answer this please? He has 3 guns and only 2 hands. Where does the third gun @$&!/!# go?
    The two smaller ones store under his coat but the bigger one stores on the side of his knee.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    11th Dec 2012


    Ahh I see. I was trying to fit the big gun under the cape but won't fit.

    I've been playing with this for the past hour and I'm actually enjoying the figure. He has great sculpting. Yep the cape is a bit annoying but reckon it would stand out so bad if it was painted black on the inside. The car mode looks great also and like metallic throughout the green. Easy to transform too. Glad I picked him up.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    8th Nov 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Omega Metro View Post
    Ahh I see. I was trying to fit the big gun under the cape but won't fit.

    I've been playing with this for the past hour and I'm actually enjoying the figure. He has great sculpting. Yep the cape is a bit annoying but reckon it would stand out so bad if it was painted black on the inside. The car mode looks great also and like metallic throughout the green. Easy to transform too. Glad I picked him up.
    The cape I find pulls out quite well if you manage to flip out all the shoulder/arm parts well. I didn't like it at first, but when I figured that out. The robot mode really appealed to me a lot more. As for the car mode though, so cool

  10. #20
    Join Date
    11th Dec 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Mythirax View Post
    The cape I find pulls out quite well if you manage to flip out all the shoulder/arm parts well. I didn't like it at first, but when I figured that out. The robot mode really appealed to me a lot more. As for the car mode though, so cool
    I was just about to mention that actually. I noticed your photo in this thread is the only one like that and it really helps when those smaller left and right cape bits (bits with the headlights) are stretched right out. I think that's how it's spose to be but the instructions don't really show it well.

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