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Thread: The Official OTCA Energon Pub (aka Cyber Slammer) - Now Open

  1. #11
    Megatron Guest


    It took Megatron a great amount of will power not to blast the big bot squarely in the chest with his fusion cannon as he felt the large hand clap his back. This mech, who called himself BigAngryTron, had been away from Cybertron for so long, it seemed, that he must have forgotten how to show them the proper amount of respect.

    As the mech continued speaking, the four Decepticons accepted his invitation and took their seats at the vacated table, as the bartender poured them all a round of drinks.

    "You're welcome to catch up on Cybertron's fascinating history any time you please, Big-Angry-Tron," Megatron replied, all but ignoring the mech's jovial and inviting manner. "But never mind that now - what I want to know is; who sent you here, and why." Then he added, "And if you think that Cybertronian femmes are easy, think again. They're certainly not what you're used to."

    The other three Decepticons couldn't help but laugh.

    OOC: Just a tip, BTT: be aware that when your characters say something or interact physically in some way with other characters, you need to allow the other player the opportunity to respond. For example, when BigAngryTron clapped Megatron on the back. Normally, this should have been an attempt to do so only, followed by my response before posting anything further (of course, it all depends on what the situation is, and who the characters are - in this case, Megatron would probably not have placed himself in that position to begin with). Otherwise, you are forcing my characters. It's fine for now, as I wrote around this to compensate, but it's something to be aware of for future reference. It just takes a bit of practice, that's all, but I'm sure you'll get it in no time.

  2. #12
    Cat's Avatar
    Cat is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    16th Aug 2011


    He turned to his right and glared at Cliffjumper.

    'You're fidgeting.'

    Cliffjumper was ALWAYS fidgeting. Of any bot to be placed with on this assignment, why did it have to be Cliffjumper?

    Prowl almost allowed himself a grin. Almost.

    He knew full well that was Springer's doing. As much to get on Prowl's nerves as it was because Cliffjumper was one of their best scouts. His optics are sharp, even if patience isn't.

    'That's what I get for announcing I'll personally be conducting the scout-out', Prowl thought wryly. 'And if this bit of amusement helps Springer's mind recover from what he went through on his last assignment, then I guess it's worth it.'

    Cliffjumper fidgeted again.

    'Stop that. Stop that NOW,' Prowl said, in the loudest and most annoyed whisper he dared make.

    His partner looked up, surprised.

    'I know you're bored. I don't care. Stay focused. Megatron's inside that bar, with some other influential Decepticons and supposed 'Neutrals'. We need to find out why'.

    Autobot Intelligence had informed High Command about a rumour of a meeting here tonight of some kind, but they'd underestimated the scale of the targets. Immensely. Prowl added that to his list of things to be furious about tomorrow. He'd personally checked the top-level Intel database, CRICAT, for the whereabouts of the 'Con's main players that day. Silverbolt hadn't mentioned that Starscream would be here. That would be noted in his file first thing. That was an unacceptable miss at this level.

    CJ suddenly flicked his hand up in a 'hush' signal, then held up two fingers and pointed them right, rigidly and methodically.

    From where he was, Prowl couldn't see who they were, but by Cliffjumper's sudden seriousness, he knew things were about to get even more interesting.

    OOC: I think that's how you do this? Anyone wants to be the character/characters that CJ just saw, feel free to go right ahead.
    Last edited by Cat; 14th October 2013 at 04:06 PM.
    Looking To Buy Either Siege Or Earthrise Ratchet, and Buzzworthy SS86 ER Cliffjumper.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Megatron View Post

    "You're welcome to catch up on Cybertron's fascinating history any time you please, Big-Angry-Tron," Megatron replied, all but ignoring the mech's jovial and inviting manner. "But never mind that now - what I want to know is; who sent you here, and why." Then he added, "And if you think that Cybertronian femmes are easy, think again. They're certainly not what you're used to."

    The other three Decepticons couldn't help but laugh.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cat View Post
    CJ suddenly flicked his hand up in a 'hush' signal, then held up two fingers and pointed them right, rigidly and methodically.

    From where he was, Prowl couldn't see who they were, but by Cliffjumper's sudden seriousness, he knew things were about to get even more interesting.

    Almost appearing out of thing air, a dagger appeared in the femmebots hand and was flung to impale the table in front of Megatron, vibrating there. She gave him a haughty, dismissive look and went back to drinking her energon. BigAngryTron laughed. "You say easy. Let not Bustora's looks fool you. BigAngryTron had to slay dozens of her kinsmen just to earn the right to challenge her in combat. But worth it it was!" he said holding her close "And it is Bustora that mainly hunts for our femmes, and she is always successful, do not doubt her" he said grinning as she slid off his lap and stood beside him.

    BigAngryTron stood up to his full height, and all joviality seemed to have disappeared from him. "Still you ask questions little Mech! Who sent me here? BigAngryTron goes where BigAngryTron likes, no one sends him anywhere! But you, I offer drink and a chance to share tales! But you keep questioning. All on Cybertron is your business? If so then why do you sit in this dingy bar, worrying so much about the doings of one traveler?" BigAngryTron leaned down and forward, so his face was close to Megatron's "Know what I think? BigAngryTron things you are a little self-important, tin-pot, would-be dictator with nothing better to do than sneer at free drink when offered and throw insults at beautiful femmebots".

    A ratcheting sound signaled the two Gatling guns on BigAngryTron's shoulders moving into the firing position, each one seemed trained on one of Megatron's optics. The giant axe, over half the size of Shockwave, demagnetized and leapt into his hand. His other hand took the machete from his belt. Bustora simply stood back to give her champion room, the interest yet lack of excitement on her face signaled she had seen this scenario before and while she would enjoy the show held little apprehension about the outcome.

    BigAngryTron, looking for all the world like Unicron's design of a Junkion mixed with a munitions plant, looked the Decepticon leader square in the optics "Walk away little Mech. Walk away before BigAngryTron embarrasses you more than you already embarrass yourself"

  4. #14
    Megatron Guest


    Megatron's optics turned from a composed orange to a fiery red, unperturbed by BigAngryTron's sudden change in mood and the Gatling guns pointed directly down at his head. The knife that had been thrown in his direction earlier still vibrated, its point heavily embedded in the metal of the table top. The bartender nearby had accidently dropped an energon container to the floor, spilling its contents behind the big bot, and the room had quietened down in sudden shock and apprehension, the stillness so complete now that one could have easily heard the drop of a rotor pin.

    Megatron stood up from his seat, and his fellow Decepticons did the same, but they did not back down. He broke the silence. "No one defaces a Quintesson, without the lure of a very lucrative offer from a very wealthy business-bot," he said with disdain, pointing towards the larger mech's belt. The five faces of a once influential, but now perished, Quintesson were worn from it like the proud trophies of a feared gladiator who had nothing but the desire for violence and energon spill. Despite this, no ordinary bot could accomplish such a fete without some sort of genuine advantage over a Quintesson; they simply weren't as easy to kill as they appeared, and had many protectors that made them almost impossible to approach, let alone defeat. "Further, such a generous amount of Nucleon chips are not come by without the knowledge and approval of prominent, and corrupt, sympathizers," he continued, indicating the large sack of Nucleon enerchips BigAngryTron had provided earlier to pay for the generous round of free drinks, and which the bartender had since carefully picked up and placed in a secure vault behind the counter. "So you see, BigAngryTron, it is my business to ensure that Cybertron does not become fair game to the kind of disreputable scum that you appear to associate with." He powered up his fusion cannon, battle ready. "However, if you wish to challenge me, then suit yourself!"

    At this moment Soundwave, who had been quietly surveying the room during the entire confrontation, dutifully informed their leader of a security alert. This new information was far more important than a small skirmish with some unknown and, to him, unimportant bot - regardless of that bot's large size and stature. "Megatron: Autobot surveillance in the vicinity."

    "What - Autobots, where?" Megatron said, turning and pointing his fusion cannon away from the large bot in search of the uninvited guests.

    This was the perfect opportunity for Starscream to make his move; the perfect distraction, which he was sure would not only leave the energon bar and most of its patrons in a state worse for wear by the end of it, but would also allow them the opportunity to uncover the Autobot snoops that may have been stealing crucial information during their largely unassuming, and private, meeting earlier. And, secondly... no one was allowed to speak as candidly to the Decepticon leader in the way that BigAngryTron had just done. No one, but he. He powered up his null rays, aimed them at the table close to the large mech and his femmebot, and fired.

    The table, unable to contain the sudden energy burst, contorted into a twisted wreck before exploding into tiny fragments as pieces of sharp, hot metal flew like armor piercing bullets in all directions across the room.

    OOC: Awesome intro, Cat, and welcome to the Energon Pub, aka Cyber Slammer. BTT: Awesome post again, we're getting serious now!
    Last edited by Megatron; 15th October 2013 at 10:55 AM.

  5. #15
    Cat's Avatar
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    Prowl patted Cliffjumper on the shoulder. Good pick-up.

    He took out his scopes and looked down at her as she approached the bar. Whoever her companion was, they weren't visible under the bad lighting, and were blocked by Nightshade's position. Why had she bought someone with her? That wasn't part of the plan. Even Decepticons should know that Prowl does NOT like unplanned changes.

    He nodded at CJ, letting him that that was indeed who they'd been waiting for. He'd done well, considering he'd only been given the vaguest description of her appearance, and that there were quite a few unknown bots coming and going around this district: the undesirables, the brokens, the lower element of Cybertron that, with the advent of war, had gone from being the target of a war on crime-ridden areas such as this, to a target of no importance, and more importantly for Prowl, no strategic value. He didn't even consider it a likely recruiting area for the Decepticons. The mechs here were too unpredictable for even Megatron to control.

    He saw the look in Cliffjumper's eyes. He knew CJ was curious about how Prowl had managed to turn a dedicated Decepticon, and especially to get her to agree to a mission such as this. Nightshade was known as a poisons specialist, but as little else.

    Prowl wasn't about to tell his companion how he'd done it. He knew that even Cliffjumper wouldn't approve. And if Cliffjumper didn't approve of something, he was likely to voice that opinion to others, and that could be disastrous. What mattered was the objective and the outcome, and he'd managed to convince her to go rogue. How he did that didn't matter. It was all for the bigger picture, and he had made sure Nightshade was in no position to refuse him, and even if she spoke of his 'recruitment' methods, he'd ensured there were no traces of evidence left behind to validate her story. Either way, that was not Cliffjumper's concern.

    Nightshade glanced up as she reached the third building from the bar, exactly as told. Prowl quickly flashed a laser pointer twice, giving her the go-ahead to continue, as well as being reassurance to her that there was back-up there as Prowl had promised her. She simply wasn't aware that that back-up wasn't concerned about her well-being in the slightest, and that no Autobot lives would be at risk tonight.

    Just then Prowl's scanner lit up, simultaneously making a short squawking his that sounded like a nano-portion of interference. That was strange. It was almost too quick to even notice, and was too subtle for most to even pick up, but Prowl noted it. Prowl noted everything. He suddenly had a bad feeling. Was someone else out there now aware of their presence? Were they now the prey instead of the predator? He hoped not, but he knew better than to trust hope.

    He turned to Cliffjumper.

    'Set Condition One. We're not alone.'
    Looking To Buy Either Siege Or Earthrise Ratchet, and Buzzworthy SS86 ER Cliffjumper.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Megatron View Post
    "What - Autobots, where?" Megatron said, turning and pointing his fusion cannon away from the large bot in search of the uninvited guests.

    This was the perfect opportunity for Starscream to make his move; the perfect distraction, which he was sure would not only leave the energon bar and most of its patrons in a state worse for wear by the end of it, but would also allow them the opportunity to uncover the Autobot snoops that may have been stealing crucial information during their largely unassuming, and private, meeting earlier. And, secondly... no one was allowed to speak as candidly to the Decepticon leader in the way that BigAngryTron had just done. No one, but he. He powered up his null rays, aimed them at the table close to the large mech and his femmebot, and fired.

    The table, unable to contain the sudden energy burst, contorted into a twisted wreck before exploding into tiny fragments as pieces of sharp, hot metal flew like armor piercing bullets in all directions across the room.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cat View Post
    Nightshade glanced up as she reached the third building from the bar, exactly as told. Prowl quickly flashed a laser pointer twice, giving her the go-ahead to continue, as well as being reassurance to her that there was back-up there as Prowl had promised her. She simply wasn't aware that that back-up wasn't concerned about her well-being in the slightest, and that no Autobot lives would be at risk tonight.

    BigAngryTron didn't even bother to sheild himself from the table debris, though Bustora quickly slipped behind his armoured form to avoid the shrapnel that bounced off him. Now this was more like it! A proper Barroom brawl!

    Despite his aggressive appearence and casual violence, BigAngryTron was never the first to inflict critical harm (unless being paid of course). It was more sporting to let the opponent have their shot first, so as to be more satisfying when he crushed them. Therefore, since it had been the furniture to be the first to be attacked, he did likewise instead of unloading his aresenal on the now distracted Megatron whose questioning was too shrewd for comfort, and the henchbot of Megatrons that had blasted the table.

    "Yes! Now we have fun!" he roared and changed forms. His hands retracted into his wrist sockets, his legs folded in on themselves, his head flipped down and forward as a seat replaced it. Handlebars extended from his chest upwards as his whole body reconfigured itself down and forward. As if on cue Bustora flipped into the air in a display that even given the carnage made a few bots pause in their evacuation of the bar to look longingly at her. When she landed she was sitting in the seat atop BigAngryTron's tank-like alt mode, flanked either side by his Gatling guns.

    She took hold of the handle bars, smiled evilly at all around her and pulled the dual triggers. At once a massive amount of armor piecing bullets flew out from his deafening guns to pepper the walls, the bar and the front window as BigAngryTron spun in place in alt-mode. The only thing that could be heard above his guns was his booming laughter and Bustora's squeals of delight! Though on the third spin her eyes widened and she let out a purr as she seemed to spot something, or someone, who took her fancy through the now shattered front window.

    Post script: Many breems later, as the barbot was trying to piece together the meager remains of his business, he would briefly notice the seeminly random bullet holes in the wall actually spelt out "Stage One Complete", before an unseen assailant put a laser blast through the back of his braincasing.

  7. #17
    Megatron Guest


    Cyber Slammer, Polyhex, Cybertron

    "Stop this oversized buffoon!" Megatron shouted above all the mayhem to his Decepticons, as they took defensive positions wherever they could find cover.

    Shockwave transformed into his Cybertronian ray gun, aimed at the large tank treads on the big bot, and fired. In this form, he was better able to concentrate his ray beam and hence increase its power output tenfold. Meanwhile, Starscream headed towards a recessed bulkhead near the front entrance of the bar, turned and pointed both his arm lasers towards the center of the room, firing continuous shots. He did this in an effort to slow down the big mech's mad shooting spree, and cause general confusion. "How's this for a little fun?" He jeered, enjoying himself.

    "Soundwave, track down the Autobots and find out what they're up to. Don't let them get away," Megatron said to Soundwave amidst the chaos, who immediately began searching for a safe exit out of the bar. The back entrance; it appeared to be unattended.

    "Yes, Megatron," the communications specialist said simply, and pushed past the counter towards the back of the bar through the private area, avoiding the spray of bullets as best he could. The bartender cowered behind the counter, unable to stop what was happening.

    Then Megatron pointed his powerful cannon towards one of the big bot's turrets, and aimed carefully. "Enough of this," he said, and fired.

    Outside the Cyber Slammer, Polyhex, Cybertron

    Soundwave exited the bar and immediately headed down the alleyway, as he picked up the unmistakable signal of an Autobot communication nearby. He quickly closed in on their location, all the while looking out for any unexpected surprises that the Autobot eavesdroppers might throw his way the instant they knew he was there.

    OOC: To all:
    • I'm going to introduce one of the general rules used in the main RPG, and that is location headings. These are important because it tells us where events are occurring so that the text doesn't become a confusing mess. While this entire thread is intended to focus on the one location only (Energon Pub), our game play has naturally evolved now to include locations outside of the Pub as well. Hence, I thought it the perfect opportunity to show you how to use them, because they will prove essential if you do decide to play in the main RPG later. If you're unsure on how or when to use headings, just copy what I do.
    • BBT: there's no need to Quote previous player's posts every time - just when the RPG posts have been broken up by other non-RPG related posts.
    • Lastly but most importantly, we have come to the part of role playing that involves combat. Now, without tech specs and scoring, it is very difficult to know exactly how much damage your characters can inflict or take, what kinds of weapons they can use, how many times they can attack, and how successfully they may be allowed to defend. Without these rules, battle scenes can quickly become unfair or unrealistic, resulting in disputes and frustration amongst the players. After all, it is all too easy for a player to want to have their character/s be the fastest, most powerful, or most intelligent of all, and then play accordingly. That is why, if you are to play in the main RPG, fights will always be played, and scored, based upon a strict set of rules. The good news is that this background work is all done by the GM (me), so you won't have to worry about keeping score. In this thread, however, we are going to have to play it by ear.

  8. #18
    Megatron Guest



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