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Thread: How to get MP Megatron shipped to Oz?

  1. #61
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    MP Megatron isn't as oversized to a real gun as some people are thinking.
    A comparison photo was posted up when the toy came out, and it was as close in size to a real handgun as Gen1 Megatron.

    I can't seem to find the photo now, but these were some photos I could find with a google search...
    Gen1 Megatron next to a real Walther P-38, which looks about 30% bigger than the Gen1 toy.
    Gen1 Megatron with Masterpiece Megatron, which only looks to be about 60% bigger than the Gen1 toy.
    As such, the real gun would be close to midway between the two Transformers guns.
    The wiki page for the real gun says it is 216mm long.
    The Gen1 Megatron is 172mm long, and MP Megatron is 280mm long.
    That makes it 4cm between Gen1 and the real gun, and 6cm between MP and the real gun.
    Not that much difference... and close enough for both Transformers toys to be classed as "replica" to fool someone behind a counter in not questioning if it is real.
    (a replica gun is just as dangerous as an unloaded gun - are you going to challenge the offender to prove it is a loaded or lethal weapon?)

    BTW, in the second link, four of those Transformers toys are considered replica weapons, as they only have to be close enough to fool people at a glance to count as "replica".

  2. #62
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    For anyone wondering if hold-ups use replica weapons (because it is cheaper and easier to buy than a real gun), a google search comes up with quite a few... and there are probably a lot more that are never known, if they don't get caught.

  3. #63
    Join Date
    15th Apr 2010
    Western Sydney


    How many of those are transformers toys?

  4. #64
    Join Date
    22nd Jan 2009


    Sooooo who needs a mp5?

  5. #65
    Join Date
    7th Feb 2013


    Replica or not, when you've been involved with two armed hold up's, the last thing you want to do is push your luck & see if they fire or not.

  6. #66
    Join Date
    27th Feb 2013
    Sunshine Coast


    The issue isn't people going out and buying MP or G1 Megatron to use as a replica in a hold-up. It's that all it would take is a criminal with half a brain to do a burglary one night, steal your MP Megatron, and use it in a hold up the next day. Or for a mail theft or fraud to take place resulting in the loss of an imported toy to a criminal. Or for it to be left in a vehicle which is later stolen. There are any number of scenarios that could lead to the toy being used in this fashion. That's why there are serious questions any collector should ask themselves before importing the toys: primarily, are you prepared to do everything you ought to in order to keep it safe and do everything possible to prevent those scenarios coming to pass.

  7. #67
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    True story (and some people here know who I'm talking about): many years ago a Transformers collector in the ACT carried a G1 Megatron - in gun mode - at a train station. He was tackled by guards, questioned, and then released. This same person later did the same thing at an airport, and was again tackled by security, detained, questioned, then released. So there are people out there who are stupid enough to take gun Transformers out in public and use them in a perceived threatening manner. Note that this all happened before the 11/9/2001 terror attacks. Since then you cannot even wear a tee shirt showing an image of a Transformer holding a gun at an airport. A few years ago I know of a teenager of who was arrested for carrying a replica toy gun in public. And just last year a lunatic in my very neighbourhood was arrested for threatening another neighbour with a replica gun - turned out it was a cigarette lighter shaped like a pistol, but the police confiscated it, arrested him, charged him and the judge placed him on a good behaviour bond (which he later broke and was imprisoned).

    As Zommael and others have rightfully pointed out, it doesn't matter that gunformers are not operable firearms and can never be modified to be operable firearms; the fact is that they visually resemble actual firearms, and you only need to present a credible threat to someone else to be legally committing assault.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dinkydarth View Post
    do repainted Nerf Guns fit in the same category? How about ones painted to look futuristic/sci fi?
    Nerf Guns are exempt, that's why they're readily available in stores in Australia, and also Classics Megatron (who transforms into a Nerf Maverick) was able to be released by Hasbro and sold here. Henkei and United Megatron are also fine, since they share the same mould, irrespective of cosmetic differences. However realistic looking scifi and fantasy guns may classify as replica firearms, because remember that the average Joe or Jane may not know the difference between a real model gun or a fictitious model gun that may look realistic in a crisis situation. Keep in mind that when a person is under threat, they're likely to freak out. The average person, in abject fear, shock and terror, is unlikely to take the time to carefully inspect what looks like a gun pointing at them for authenticity!

    And while MP Megatron may be oversized for a Walther P38, there are some pretty huge hand guns out there, and it's not unreasonable for a member of the public to mistake MP Megatron for one of these guns. They include:
    .500 S&W Magnum
    .50 BMG Revolver
    RP98 .50 BMG pistol
    Taurus 20 gauge revolver
    Pfeifer Zeliska 28mm Revolver
    So to a person who's unfamiliar with firearms and replica toy guns, and to be in an extremely heightened state of fear, it's not implausible for someone to credibly mistaken MP Megatron for just being a really big handgun. As for G1 Gunformers being "too small," remember that there are small pistols IRL as well, such as the Derringer, or any of these pocket guns.

    But don't forget that the same replica toy gun permit which covers Megatron also covers scifi guns such as Blade Runner and Star Wars. For example, if I wanted to get a replica of Deckard's gun from Blade Runner, I don't need to acquire another permit. My existing Megatron Transformer permit also covers it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Sinnertwin View Post
    Replica or not, when you've been involved with two armed hold up's, the last thing you want to do is push your luck & see if they fire or not.
    ^Exactly this!
    Quote Originally Posted by Zommael View Post
    The issue isn't people going out and buying MP or G1 Megatron to use as a replica in a hold-up. It's that all it would take is a criminal with half a brain to do a burglary one night, steal your MP Megatron, and use it in a hold up the next day. Or for a mail theft or fraud to take place resulting in the loss of an imported toy to a criminal. Or for it to be left in a vehicle which is later stolen. There are any number of scenarios that could lead to the toy being used in this fashion. That's why there are serious questions any collector should ask themselves before importing the toys: primarily, are you prepared to do everything you ought to in order to keep it safe and do everything possible to prevent those scenarios coming to pass.
    +1 QFT
    "Prevention" is the key word here. Nothing is 100% fool proof, but we can take measures to prevent thefts by making it harder for criminals by presenting deterrents. It's the same reason why we lock our houses and cars. The majority of gun crimes aren't committed by legal gun owners, but guns which are stolen from legal owners are later used in crimes. The laws don't exist necessarily to "punish" or even deter people who want to legally own firearms or replica firearms, but really to ensure that preventative deterrents are put in place to make it harder for the bad guys to steal them and use them in crimes. It's a regrettable result that legally compliant and law abiding citizens are greatly inconvenienced because of this.

  8. #68
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    True story (and some people here know who I'm talking about): many years ago a Transformers collector in the ACT carried a G1 Megatron - in gun mode - at a train station. He was tackled by guards, questioned, and then released. This same person later did the same thing at an airport, and was again tackled by security, detained, questioned, then released. So there are people out there who are stupid enough to take gun Transformers out in public and use them in a perceived threatening manner.
    Unfortunately, as with many things in life, it's idiots like this (and like Gok, I knew this particular person fairly well) that ruin it for the rest of us.

    There are people out there who will rely on the ignorance of others too - I wouldn't know a real Glock 9mm from a replica when someone's waiving it around at the 7-11 & I suspect most here wouldn't. The laws are in place for this reason (and the reason of the idiot in Gok's example going and getting himself shot or the airport closed for half a day if he's stupid enough to resist arrests or whatever).

    As a moderator of the board, I'd hate to see anyone here post anything which might incriminate themselves - and keep in mind that defiance of the laws here could be enough to get yourself in trouble (depending on the laws of your state, of course). The IPs of posts made on this forum _are_ logged & if the police were to ask for information; we'd have to provide it. If you wish to discuss MP Megatron, please respect the laws of the land for your own sake

    Eagerly waiting for Masterpiece Meister

  9. #69
    Join Date
    4th Jun 2012
    Gold coast


    boy do i regret necroing this thread now
    didn't mean to cause a stir

  10. #70
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    Don't regret it... I think it is worth refreshing ourselves, and enlightening the newer members every year or two, on the legal requirements of these toys.
    And as dirge said, be careful... but that's mostly just for your own sake, as we used to have a complete ban on discussing the ownership or sale of the Replica weapon Transformers (Megatron & Browning) in case this site got attention from police over it, but have since allowed people to do it at their own risk, as long as it doesn't become prolific enough to make this site look like we are trafficking weapons. (which it hasn't... so warranted a lifting of the ban)

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