I was able to contact a number of Transformers license holders (thanks to Hasbro AU), and about half of them were good enough to respond with product info and photos (for a bit of free publicity). I feel bad about letting them down with taking so long, so hopefully this free plug for them makes up for it.
If you have any pics or info on licensed Transformers merchandise for Australia, post it here, for others who might be interested, to find out. And I will archive it as well.
First up is Funtastic, who currently hold the license for Transformers Backpacks and Keyrings.
- Transformers Backpack with Lights (Retailer: Target, RRP: $34.99)
- Transformers Travel Kit (Luggage, camera, backpack, wallet) (Retailer: Target)
- Optimus and Bumblebee keyrings are $7.99 RRP
- Box set of interactive keyrings at $34.99 RRP.