Classics CliffJumper
Ahh- a long time coming. No CJ kit for me as I rejoined the boards just a little too late (and totally missed the thread till later anyway) So what's say we just do a little DIY action!?

Most've you've seen the work in progress, and as he stands I guess he's about 90% done, as I didn't notice a lot of imperfections in the layers of paint - so I'm going to be doing a bit more work there before we pack up shop and close up on this chapter of CJ.

Alt Mode
I'm actually very happy with how this has turned out- Aside from the imperfections I mentioned before, It's as close as I've ever been to a full repaint of a TF with a nice smooth look to it! Huzzahhhh!!!

Robot Mode
Pics kind of speak for themselves here

Thanks all for looking!