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Thread: Transformers Trivia Game

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW

    Default Transformers Trivia Game

    Okay, here's how it works...

    + I will post a Transformers-related question hopefully at least once a day. Maybe more frequently if it gets answered fast.

    + Each time someone answers correctly, the player is awarded 1 point. Scores will be kept.

    + At the end of this game - which will be like, whenever I feel like stopping this game (), I will tally all the points.

    + The person who has the most points will win a Transformers-related PRIZE. I haven't decided on what the prize will be yet -- in fact, it'll remain a mystery until the winner receives it. But rest assured it will be TF related. Note that I'm going to be privately providing the prize, so please no complaints about the prize () -- if someone would like to donate an awesome prize, then feel free to contribute. But the objective of this game is to have fun.

    + To try to make things fairer for other players, once you have answered a question correctly, then after a new question has been posted the person who last scored a point cannot attempt to answer the new question for twenty four hours after the posting of the new question. After that 24h period has lapsed, then it's a "Gloves Are Off" free for all and anyone can answer. This rule is in place to give other people a more sporting chance to answer questions and not allow any one player to dominate, but then if nobody else can answer it, then the stronger player(s) can have a go after the period has lapsed.

    + Naturally as the host, I cannot attempt to answer any questions and I will be posting all questions. If anyone would like to submit questions, you can PM me, however you will be exempt from being able to answer that question at all for obvious reasons.

    + Please no cheating!! Answers should be answered from your own knowledge of Transformers without looking stuff up in tfwiki or Google or checking out your DVDs or comics etc. I can't actually enforce this rule, but we're just going to put faith in people's honesty here. This rule expires 24h after the question has been posted - i.e. after that period players CAN go look up the answer; again, it's "Gloves Are Off" after 24h and you can cheat to your hearts' content.

    + Some questions may have a related "Bonus Question" that can earn an extra point. The Bonus Question may be answered independently of the main question -- i.e. you can choose to answer the main question but not the bonus question, or vice versa (and let someone else answer the other question).


    Q: What is the name of the newspaper seen in Transformers Prime?

    Bonus Q: What is an unusual feature of this newspaper's format?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    29th Nov 2009


    The paper is "The Jasper Daily" and it is printed back to front

  3. #3
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Firestorm 2

    I suspect that the reason why it's printed from right to left is because that's how newspapers are printed in Japan (as TF Prime is animated in Japan) -- perhaps whoever designed the newspaper wasn't aware or forgot at the time that English-language newspapers are printed left to right. Similar to the scene in Dogma where Chris Rock's character (Rufus the 13th Apostle) read that note from Jesus, but he reads it from left to right, even though Aramaic is written from right to left.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    29th Nov 2009


    hmm, i never thought about WHY it was back to front, you could be right

  5. #5
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Q: What is the name of the starship currently captained by Rodimus in Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye?

    Bonus Q: Which Aquaspeeder was part of this ship's crew complement?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    13th Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Q: What is the name of the starship currently captained by Rodimus in Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye?

    Bonus Q: Which Aquaspeeder was part of this ship's crew complement?

    The Lost Light

  7. #7
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Firestorm 2

    I suspect that the reason why it's printed from right to left is because that's how newspapers are printed in Japan (as TF Prime is animated in Japan) -- perhaps whoever designed the newspaper wasn't aware or forgot at the time that English-language newspapers are printed left to right. Similar to the scene in Dogma where Chris Rock's character (Rufus the 13th Apostle) read that note from Jesus, but he reads it from left to right, even though Aramaic is written from right to left.
    Hmm... I'm inclined to think that it's simply a production error, i.e. textures on the model or a face on the model was set to 100% transparency and what you're seeing is actually the back face of said model.

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