Quote Originally Posted by SharkyMcShark View Post
Today in things I never realised but probably should:

The movie lines have given us a lot of amazing non-movie characters with realistic military plane/helicopter alt modes!

- Incinerator as a V-22 Osprey (vehicle seen in the movie, not as a Transformer)
- Breakaway/Thrust as an F-35 Lightning II
- Dirge/Jetblade as a Harrier (ish)
- Tomahawk as an amalgam of a bunch of different attack helicopters
- Terradive as a Su-47 Berkut
- Highbrow as a P-38 Lightning
- Skyhammer as a Mi-24 Hind (ish)
- Dreadwing as a Mig-29 Fulcrum
- Stratosphere as a mish mash of military transport planes (vehicle seen in the movie, not as a Transformer)
- Air Raid as an AWACS place
- Hatchet as a Eurofighter Typhoon (character was in DOTM but not transforming into a jet)
- Mindwipe as an F-117

Quite a lot of quality there.

EDIT: How did I forget Mindwipe?
This is true. One really good thing about the live action movie toyline is the number of licensed alt modes that it's given us, both with on-screen and non-screen characters. There are a few exceptions like TF1/ROTF Megatron, the Fallen etc., but on the whole we've gotten a whole lot of licensed and other realistic looking alt modes. It really creates the whole "robots in disguise" feel. Other alt mode highlights from Bayformers include:
* The twins. I really like how their alt modes are just hatchbacks. Not sports cars, muscle cars etc. - i.e. things that draw attention and stick out.
* Old school Aussie style ice cream truck - again, the twins - I kinda wish that they'd stayed that way. Also a neat nod to the G1 Combiners (not gestalts).
* Household appliances - e.g. Ejector and various other appliancebots (although Richardbot's phallic robot mode was stupid).