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Thread: Vernoverse

  1. #21
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010


    Oh man! - Brilliant, excellent work man as this is the sort of narrative expansion that the Beast Wars continuity really should have explored!

    I love how you've given a reason behind the Maximals even wanting to pursue the creation of an Immortal Spark such as Starscream's, there really has been no reason given for this and what you've done is not only given it a reason, but also a killer premise, setting and backdrop.

    Man, it would really be awesome if you were able to get these excellent spotlights seen by the mob at IDW or someone; to have them furthered as an ongoing pre-Beast Wars/post-Generation 1/2 comic line - There is SO much great potential here for some engaging Sci-fi story telling that has not been explored before - beyond the usual G1 Reboot every 18 months!

  2. #22
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2008


    Cheers Hursty, I'm glad you're enjoying it, hopefully a few other board members are too, though they're not as vocal. (I bet Gok is hating the fact he's enjoying it, because it's not canon, and he's not allowed to enjoy things that aren't canon )

    I'd love for IDW to cast an eye over it sometime. Or Furman. Or anyone involved in the comics in some way. I'm writing it for my own enjoyment (and because we don't get anything new BW-wise for a decade at a time), but if someone saw commercial value in it, I'd be beyond thrilled! And with your current appreciation, I could guarantee them at least 1 buyer!

    You're right about the scope of it all. The 300-odd years between the end of G1 and the start of Beast Wars are a pretty bloody busy 300 years (which is why I hate the time-scale of G1 [4 millions years, pfft, as if...])

    I'm just jotting down some ideas on the Great Upgrade right now, then I'll make a start on Rampage. Stay tuned.

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  3. #23
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2008


    The Great Upgrade: saw the mass adaption of Proto-Matter Technology to the population of Cybertron, Autobot and Decepticon alike. The technology was developed in response to the incredibly inefficient, Energon-guzzling bodies of the Autobots and Decepticons, as Energon was becoming more and more difficult to source. The Mini-Bots were thought to be an early answer, but proved no solution. The Micromasters, a further downsizing, again proved no answer, as it wasn’t simply a matter of reproducing the same technology in a smaller form - it had to start with a new form of technology all together.

    A new, malleable, easily reprogrammable technology was created. Metallic, yet fluid in its natural state until a design was chosen, then solidified into the new body for the Transformer. It was a breakthrough for the Autobot and Earth scientists who had worked tirelessly on the project, hoping it would help end the War against the Decepticons.

    Brave Autobots underwent the procedure, coming out as smaller, more efficient soldiers. They were lesser in physical strength and firepower of course, which worried many Autobot commanders, (Grimlock among them, who voiced loud concerns about the project), but because they could continue fighting for longer, it was hoped they would match or even surpass their larger Decepticon foe in the long run.

    Unfortunately, the technology was stolen by a sub-branch of the Decepticon War machine, the Predacons, under the command of Razorclaw, who saw promise in the technology, where Megatron did not. It was adapted to serve the enemy. Not long after, the Predacons announced themselves to be a separate entity from the Decepticons by destroying Earth, and killing the 8 billion people who lived there.

    Up until the end of the Great War, the adaption of this new technology was limited to the Predacons, and the off-world Autobot forces battling this new Predacon threat. They called themselves Maximals - a more bestial name to counter a more bestial opponent.

    With the ink still wet on the Pax Cybertronia, transfer centres were built for each faction, to bring the new technology to the populace.

    The Maximal Activation and Technological Reformatting Exchange (or The Matrix, for short) and the Predacon Interchange Terminal (or The Pit) were brought online to upgrade Cybertron’s inhabitants.

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  4. #24
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    11th Mar 2008


    His Spark pulsed and the Universe shook.

    Protoform X was born to the sound of his own screams, lived in the echo of the terror he created, and died in a glee-filled madness that rattled the Earth. His intelligence, coupled with his limitless power, was a nightmarish combination. He saturated his Spark in the fear he instilled in others, devoured those lesser than himself, and playfully revelled in the pain of those who would attempt to contain him. He corrupted the world around him to mirror his own twisted Spark.

    He sought an equal - understanding from another, that would make sense of his shattered, psychotic existence.

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  5. #25
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2009


    wow Verno that's awesome! The attention to detail is fantastic and it's so well thought through! There is serious potential here!

    Love the Protoform X stuff, I always found him an interesting character myself and your little short captured the whole twisted Frankenstein element beautifully.

    Cool stuff man.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2008


    Thanks ROTR. I've been trying to nut out a good backstory for Rampage for the past couple of days, but I don't know which angle to take.

    1 - He was a miner that was driven crazy by the radiation of the raw energon crystals being mined on the planet. He came to the attention of Autobot scientists who noticed abnormalities in his Spark due to the exposure. He was experimented on, but subsequently escaped, and destroyed the Colony built on top of the research facility.


    2 - The research facility was granted 10 new protoforms with Sparks from the Maximal High Council, in the hope they could perfect the process of making a Spark immortal. The first 9 failed, with the Sparks being extinguished, but the 10th, (roman numerals X {get it? Protoform X? [And don't start with me about Earth symbols on Cybertronian things - Depth Charge's Star Hopper in Deep Metal was shown with an '04' on its side, so it happens]}) was successful, to a degree. His Spark was tolerant to many extreme conditions and somewhat 'immortal' but the energon radiation had corrupted his processors, causing psychosis and violence. He escaped, after he learnt that he had 9 brothers that they had killed, 9 equals, whose power he could still feel but could never know. He destroyed the Colony that was built on top of the research facility.


    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  7. #27
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    11th Mar 2008


    Ever wondered how Tarantulas knew so much about the Vok?

    In the years during the initial stages of the construction of the Hub, a planet was discovered and selected for cyber-forming. Its primitive inhabitants were to be exterminated, and a taskforce was sent to the planet to begin the operation. As they moved across the planet, advanced structures were found, clearly of alien origin. One was accidently triggered, which set off a signal that raced into the heavens.

    The genocide of the planets population continued, but soon an enormous flying base answered the signal. It engaged the Cybertronian forces and easily accounted for them, then began to scan the planet to see what affect the new arrivals had had.

    More Empire ships were sent to battle the unknown menace, but found, upon their arrival, more alien bases orbiting the planet, firing high-powered energy beams at the surface, destroying all life and resources that had been present and abundant, including raw forms of Energon.

    Once complete, the aliens left without so much as a look towards the small Cybertronian fleet that had amassed; the planet now a barren rock.

    The Cybertronian fleet dragged the rock back to the Hub to be analysed, but found absolutely nothing, so it was cyber-formed and added to the Hub. What little information they did have on this new enemy was compiled and research began into who or what these aliens were.

    Little did the Cybertronian Empire know, but a base had returned to the original location of the planet to reseed it with life - but it was gone. Thus began a mutual interest: The Cybertronian Empire in the aliens, and the aliens in the Cybertronian Empire.

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  8. #28
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Verno View Post
    2 - The research facility was granted 10 new protoforms with Sparks from the Maximal High Council, in the hope they could perfect the process of making a Spark immortal. The first 9 failed, with the Sparks being extinguished, but the 10th, (roman numerals X {get it? Protoform X? [And don't start with me about Earth symbols on Cybertronian things - Depth Charge's Star Hopper in Deep Metal was shown with an '04' on its side, so it happens]}) was successful, to a degree. His Spark was tolerant to many extreme conditions and somewhat 'immortal' but the energon radiation had corrupted his processors, causing psychosis and violence. He escaped, after he learnt that he had 9 brothers that they had killed, 9 equals, whose power he could still feel but could never know. He destroyed the Colony that was built on top of the research facility.


    Also, Ooh! - Prior Contact!
    Deep Classified info, how did Tarantulas get access to that I wonder?

  9. #29
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Hursticon View Post
    Deep Classified info, how did Tarantulas get access to that I wonder?
    It helps when he and the Tripredacus Council were members of the Cybertronian Empire...

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  10. #30
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Verno View Post
    Thanks ROTR. I've been trying to nut out a good backstory for Rampage for the past couple of days, but I don't know which angle to take.

    1 - He was a miner that was driven crazy by the radiation of the raw energon crystals being mined on the planet. He came to the attention of Autobot scientists who noticed abnormalities in his Spark due to the exposure. He was experimented on, but subsequently escaped, and destroyed the Colony built on top of the research facility.


    2 - The research facility was granted 10 new protoforms with Sparks from the Maximal High Council, in the hope they could perfect the process of making a Spark immortal. The first 9 failed, with the Sparks being extinguished, but the 10th, (roman numerals X {get it? Protoform X? [And don't start with me about Earth symbols on Cybertronian things - Depth Charge's Star Hopper in Deep Metal was shown with an '04' on its side, so it happens]}) was successful, to a degree. His Spark was tolerant to many extreme conditions and somewhat 'immortal' but the energon radiation had corrupted his processors, causing psychosis and violence. He escaped, after he learnt that he had 9 brothers that they had killed, 9 equals, whose power he could still feel but could never know. He destroyed the Colony that was built on top of the research facility.

    Eh, earthen numbers in the tf mythos never really bothered me. It's not as if they aren't hugely anthropomorphised as it is anyway.

    Both are really interesting concepts. The second sets up an interesting interplay, between madness/revenge and loss. There is also an unsettling element of twisted fate, determinism and the cruel nature of the universe (very Nietzsche). It certainly fits the tone of the character nicely and darkens the nature of the Maximals with the whole, 'rampant drive for immortality regardless of moral cost' angle.

    The first isn't any less interesting though. It paints a picture of a more narcissistic hell bent quest. It is also kind of disturbing as it has a normal figure being reduced to 'evil'. There are certainly some Jungian archetypes at work in this one. The whole shadow vs the self or Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.

    Personally I would go for the second premise. But I love what you've got here and reckon both are really suitable for the character.

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