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Thread: Vernoverse

  1. #51
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010


    Oh man, I'm loving this Verno - Seriously!

    I have to admit, I had no idea who you were referencing in the story but I knew they were G1; the name Bludgeon certainly came to mind but alas I'm still not versed enough in the various G1 narratives that can be drawn from.
    (Though this is an issue that is being rectified in an ongoing fashion with the acquisition of more written material )

    Your ability of weaving awesome details, both Canon and Fanon, into an engaging story telling experience is excellent as it really gives you a sense of a lot is happening on Cybertron and that it's reformation is certainly beyond that of just a physical change, but in many ways idealogical also.

    I feel greedy in repeatedly saying this, but: More, more, more!

  2. #52
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Hursticon View Post
    Oh man, I'm loving this Verno - Seriously!

    I have to admit, I had no idea who you were referencing in the story but I knew they were G1; the name Bludgeon certainly came to mind but alas I'm still not versed enough in the various G1 narratives that can be drawn from.
    (Though this is an issue that is being rectified in an ongoing fashion with the acquisition of more written material )
    Well you were close with Bludgeon, but he was the one who got killed, not the one teaching him.

    Your ability of weaving awesome details, both Canon and Fanon, into an engaging story telling experience is excellent as it really gives you a sense of a lot is happening on Cybertron and that it's reformation is certainly beyond that of just a physical change, but in many ways idealogical also.

    I feel greedy in repeatedly saying this, but: More, more, more!
    Thanks mate. And more you say? See below.

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  3. #53
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2008


    Csirac: was an Autobot Scientist, and head of their research into TransWarp technology. They were incredibly close to a stable form of the technology, but the TransWarp cells had never been tested on something as large as a ship, and though Csirac asked for more time, a full test flight was scheduled. Secrecy had to be paramount - as far as the Autobots knew, the Decepticons and/or Predacons had not begun their own research into the field, but would love nothing more than to shoot down a test ship midflight, or steal the technology for themselves.

    Csirac’s partner, Venus, who was as beautiful as she was brilliant, volunteered to be part of the test flights crew, much to the angst and worry of Csirac, but she assured him that everything would be fine.

    The ship launched successfully, with its accompanying wing of fighters for protection, and made it into orbit. Decepticon fighters were scrambled, but before they could engage the small fleet, the test ship fired up its TransWarp engines, and vanished.

    It returned instantaneously with an enormous flash, some distance from where it had just vanished, but it was now a ball of flame in space. Fiery debris rained down on Cybertron.

    Csirac had lost his love, and it was entirely his fault.

    The War continued, as did the research, though Csirac was no longer the calm figure of patience he was before, now seemingly lost to his thoughts of why, and tormented by an unseen whisper in his ear.

    Attempts were made to collect the debris, but some fell into Predacon and Decepticon controlled territories. Important components were missing. The Autobots hoped they had been destroyed in the explosion, but somehow they didn’t think their luck was that good at present.

    Some time later, an Autobot/Decepticon Armada was formed to take the fight to the Cybertronian Empire at the Hub. Though security was still watertight at the research facility, the Predacons chose the opportunity to strike. It was a smash and grab mission. They weren’t after information so much, as they basically torched the facility (thankfully the Autobots had backup servers for all their research data), but they killed several scientists until they found who they were looking for - Csirac. He was rendered offline. He dreamt of Venus, who was telling him not to worry, and that they would be together again soon, but he had some work to do first.

    He awoke in a makeshift lab, surrounded by stolen equipment. A Predacon entered and introduced himself as Magmatron, then demanded he begin work on creating TransWarp calls - ones that worked or not, it didn’t matter, as long as they could deliver the same kind of explosion. Some of the debris from the ship was produced to help him make a start. A female voice told him to agree to do what they said, so as to keep himself safe. It was Venus’ voice, but she was dead, he told himself. Magmatron left Csirac alone in the Lab to get to work.

    The voice would return to Csirac when he was drifting in and out of focus as he worked. He was going mad. He told himself it was the guilt of being responsible for the death of his beloved that was haunting him. Csirac didn’t wish to die, so he did as the Predacons demanded, but he couldn’t face the guilt and go on alone. He began work on a machine. The voice urged him on carefully.

    The Predacons monitored his progress, but as they knew nothing of the technology, they didn’t doubt his methods. But all he seemed to have created was a table with arms.

    One day, Csirac’s presence was demanded outside of the Lab, there he was greeted by the enormous form of Razorclaw. And he had a job for him. The adoption of Proto-Matter bodies was clearly the way of the future. Razorclaw demanded a new body, a combining body. Two of his original Predacon comrades had long since been killed, and since then the figure of Predaking had not been seen on the battlefield. Razorclaw demanded a gestalt be created that could house the three remaining Spark of the original Predacons. No such feat had been achieved to date, but as the technology was of Autobot creation, then stolen by the Predacons, Razorclaw demanded Csirac bring his wishes to life. The voice of Venus told him to agree, so he did.

    Shelving his other work, he was given three protoform bodies, and he worked tirelessly for fear of death, and saw through Razorclaw’s wishes. It was presented to him, and he detested it. After giving Csirac a bit of a thrashing, he demanded another, different body. The voice told him to carry on. He was given three more protoforms, but Csirac asked for a forth, in case something went wrong seeing through Razorclaw’s orders. The request was greeted with suspicion but it was eventually granted.

    His new design was applauded by Razorclaw, commending him on a job well done, a job that would see the deaths of thousands of his brothers and sisters in the future. The transfer of Sparks into this new body was delayed however as word reached the Predacons that the Autobots and Maximals were going to attempt another full TransWarp test.

    This was the moment Csirac had been waiting for. Regardless of the success or failure of the test flight, as long as the TransWarp engines fired, space and time would be torn. Csirac had built an interface, designed to take his own consciousness to the Allspark and bring back his beloved into the protoform he’d convinced the Predacons he required. No longer would he be alone. The problem was, locked up in the Predacon bunker, he wouldn’t know when the time was right to attempt it.

    On the surface, what was to be the final battle for Cybertron raged, as the Predacons had decided an all-out attack was necessary to bring down the Autobots and Maximals in their supposed moment of glory. In the bunker, Venus’ voice told Csirac to be patient, as she would tell him when it was the right time. Csirac still tried to dismiss the voice as a manifestation of the stress.

    Suddenly, the door of the Lab burst open. The offline form of Magmatron was dragged in, heavily wounded. His troops demanded his help in repairing it and returning him to the battle, but Csirac said his Spark would need a new body, as the one before them was failing. His troops pointed out the spare protoform body, but Venus told him to lie, so he did, telling them it had been corrupted by the testing. They believed him. Another option was the new bodies for Razorclaw and the two other Predacons, but the troops were too scared to even consider taking that away from Razorclaw. The only other option was the original rejected body, still in its combined form. Csirac tried to tell them that it required three Spark to power and control it, and even then hadn’t been tested, but his troops were desperate. They transferred Magmatron’s fluctuating Spark into the combiner. The eyes flickered, the body writhed and the immense form screamed, then fell lifeless and silent. It had seemingly failed. Their frustrations boiled over, just as their comms buzzed to life with requests for backup, and they speedily departed, but not before one took aim at Csirac and blew a hole in his torso.

    He slumped to the ground, but his head was lifted by two familiar, slender hands. Venus stood before him, smiling. She told him that it was now time. She helped him get into the interface, and it closed around him. He voyaged into the Matrix.

    And he found her, or rather, she was waiting for him, but she said it wasn’t her that would be going back. Four figures of legend stepped up behind her. She told him that she’d been guiding him, but the plan was never for her to go back. She told him to guide the four warriors back, one final act, then to be at peace, with her, in the Matrix.

    He returned to his body, the interface leaving a Trans-Ion trail for the Sparks to follow. The last thing Csirac saw, before being welcomed by his beloved’s smiling face, was the mighty forms of Prowl, Silverbolt, Ironhide and Grimlock standing before him. They had returned to the battle and to end the War.

    Then, Csirac was at peace.

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  4. #54
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    11th Mar 2008


    “What you have to understand Commander, is that if word of this got out, we’d be plunged back into War in an instant.”

    Depth Charge’s optics moved between the three figures seated in front of him.

    “And it would be entirely our fault. We’re meant to be the ones who oppose war, not start them.” continued Prowl.

    “I get it.” said Depth Charge, already impatient with the proceedings.

    “An Autobot... a Maximal, of your experience and skill would be ideal for the posting” began Silverbolt.

    “I’ve already said I’d do it, so you can stop blowing smoke up my exhaust. Just tell me what’s going on down there.”

    “Very well”, said Prowl. “During the War, the colony served as an Energon mine, deep in the planet’s oceans, and produced an extremely potent form of raw Energon. Because of the subaquatic nature of the mine’s location, the Autobots were able to keep it a secret. Today the mine continues to operate, and has enjoyed great commercial success, and played its part in helping facilitate the rebuilding of Cybertron. Because of its population of mining staff, and differing scenery from here on Cybertron, it was selected to become one of the new Maximal colonies - Colony Omicron.”

    “I could’ve read that on the back of the brochure.”

    “During the War, miners began to be taken ill because of the potent Energon radiation emitted by the crystals. So potent, that in extreme cases it could result in the extinguishing of a Spark. Because of the War effort, the mining continued, but today, the miners are fitted with thickened exo-structures to absorb the radiation. Some affects are still seen due to the prolonged exposure, but they are minimal in comparison” Prowl added.

    “However, Medics stationed at the mine noted an incredible phenomenon. Some miners began to show signs of a tolerance towards the radiation. Their Spark, though appearing like any other, formed a shell of assimilated Energon particles, protecting the integrity of the Spark. Sadly, the miners’ minds weren’t as tolerant. Their processors were eventually corrupted by the exposure, resulted in cases of psychosis”, said Silverbolt.

    “Scientists began to monitor the miners. A facility was built alongside the mine for the Scientists to study the effects more closely. That facility still exists today, but has moved on to more practical experimentation”, said Prowl. “The experiments they are carrying out are in the hopes they can produce a Spark that is tolerant to greater forms of damage, because of the solidified Energon casing.”

    “To put it simply, we’re trying to create immortal super-soldiers”, ended Ironhide.

    “I’ve got to hand it to you - whenever you decided to tear up that little piece of paper the three of you signed a few years ago, you used the biggest shredder you could find.”

    “The cost of the Great War was far too high”, said Silverbolt. “You must understand that better than most. We’re not foolish enough to believe these Predacons don’t have designs to start it up again someday. We’re making sure any such attempt can be stopped quickly, at a far lesser price.”

    “You’ve certainly got yourselves convinced you’re doing the right thing, who am I to second guess?”

    Depth Charge stood up and left the Maximal Council Chambers and the Elders behind him.

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  5. #55
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    11th Mar 2008


    As Depth Charge exited from the elevator ride to the ocean floor, he was greeted by a small Maximal.

    “Welcome, Commander, we’re delighted you could join us”, he said.

    “Thrilled”, replied Depth Charge, scanning the unfamiliar surrounds.

    “My name is Statex, and I’ll be giving you a tour of our facility. What have you been told of our work?”

    “Nothing good so far” said Depth Charge, as they began to walk.

    “Oh, how rude of me to get straight down to business. How are you enjoying your new assignment?”

    “Let’s just get on with this” Depth Charge replied, an uneasy feeling coming over him.

    “Very well” said Statex cheerily. “The facility has been in use now for 94 years. Oh, years, tsk, stellar cycles. You’ll have to excuse me, I spent a lot of time on Earth in my youth. I was part of the Autobot/Human team that created the Proto-Matter bodies we all enjoy today. Ah, such a beautiful planet. Did you ever see it?”

    “Once or twice.”

    “Its destruction was a great loss to the universe. But that’s what we’re here trying to prevent - by creating the ultimate deterrent!”

    “War Machines.”

    Statex stopped.

    “Oh, much more than that, Commander, much more. Some of us consider our work to be the next step in out evolution. Others think more along the same lines as yourself - the creation of an indestructible army. I, however, am of the belief that we are in the deifying business: The making of Gods!”

    “You’re not serious.”

    “Resolutely. Not only will these Maximals outlast Cybertron itself, but they will be of great intelligence, and of supreme physical power. Gods, Commander, Gods. Would you like to meet one?”

    They began to walk again.

    “Primus in a jar? Sure.”

    “He is our current specimen. The nine previous attempts failed, so we’re taking a different approach this time.”

    “What do you mean by failed?”

    “Their Sparks unfortunately collapsed from the dosages of Energon radiation.”

    “You killed them?”

    “Their protoforms had never been brought online, so they had no knowledge of Reality. But yes, their Sparks were returned to the Allspark.”

    “That’s a hell of a price to pay.”

    “Hell? Only once or twice you say?”

    They stopped in front of a clear wall with a large Transformer sitting in the room behind it.

    “Now, allow me to introduce Protoform 10, or, as he’s become to be known - Protoform X.”

    “X? Ominous title.”

    “X, of course being…”

    “Roman numeral for ten”, said Depth Charge interrupting. “Yeah I got it.”

    “You spent more time on Earth than you let on, Commander.”

    Depth Charge studied the figure in the room.

    “He’s online?”

    “Very much. As I said, we’re taking a different approach this time. He was brought online as any Transformer would be. But his quarters are fitted with emitters to slowly dose him with radiation in a controlled dosage. His ascension to godhood will be slow, but inevitable.”

    “No protection?” asked Depth Charge.

    “From what?”, replied Statex, puzzled by the question.

    “From the radiation. The High Council’s little brief told me some miners were driven made by the stuff.”

    “There is no chance of that”, said Statex, dismissively. “The doses are smaller than even those experienced by today’s miners in their insulated forms. Slow, but inevitable ascension.”

    “Commander”, a raspy voice suddenly said.

    “He can hear us?” Depth Charge asked, shocked.

    “I can”, said Protoform X, “And I can see you’re worried by Statex’s references to me being a god. Don’t worry, I’m not that deluded. I’m just a Maximal, built to serve, as you were. But your war has come and gone, mine is still to come.”

    “Sure”, said Depth Charge, the two figures now staring at each other.

    “There’s no fear in your Spark, Commander. I’d love to know how it got that way. Maybe you could tell me a story.”

    “Some other time”, said Depth Charge, turning back to Statex. I think I’ve seen all I need to.”

    “Very well”, said Statex. “I shall accompany you back to the elevator."

    As the two figures turned away, a raspy voiced called after them.

    “I look forward to it Commander. It’s always nice to make a new friend.”

    Depth Charge’s brow furrowed.

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  6. #56
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2009


    Wow, poor Csirca. That was a bitter sweet tale.

    Nice too see Depth Charge full of his trademark arrogance. He really is a magnificent creep. And you wrote him perfectly. I really like the first meeting between Depth Charge and X. It is so subtle, dare I say mundane, and yet there is the slightest hint of some unfathomable, unsettling quality beneath it all. It is as if there is something not quite right. (I am picturing Hannibal Lector's first meeting with Clarice now.) The dramatic irony only helps to fuel said quality. Very nicely written indeed. Kudos Verno.

  7. #57
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by RageOnTheRoads View Post
    Wow, poor Csirca. That was a bitter sweet tale.
    Yeah, poor bloke, but he gave the Maximals a fighting chance in the final battle.

    I needed a way to get the members of the Maximal High Council back into the game, ie - Alive! Mix that with the method Rhinox used in Aftermath to bring Optimus Primal back to life (I figured Rhinox must have seen/read about the technology before attempting it himself somewhere). It also gave me the possibility of getting Grimlock into the story, even though there is no record of him having died in anything I've read, but hey, it's my bloody story! :P

    Nice too see Depth Charge full of his trademark arrogance. He really is a magnificent creep. And you wrote him perfectly. I really like the first meeting between Depth Charge and X. It is so subtle, dare I say mundane, and yet there is the slightest hint of some unfathomable, unsettling quality beneath it all. It is as if there is something not quite right. (I am picturing Hannibal Lector's first meeting with Clarice now.) The dramatic irony only helps to fuel said quality. Very nicely written indeed. Kudos Verno.
    I was/am worried about Depth Charge. Primal says in Deep Metal (in responce to his refusal to join the other Maximals fighting the Predacons, not just Rampage) that there was a time he never would have left, basically meaning he was once a loyal soldier.

    However, there is a difference between a loyal soldier who is a walk-over for superiors, and a loyal soldier who has a bit of attitude. So I decided to keep the attitude in, but at the end of the day, he still follows order.

    Until Rampage gets into his head of course. Then he goes of on his own vigilantee-thing.

    Glad you're enjoying it mate.

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  8. #58
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Verno View Post
    Glad you're enjoying it mate.
    He isn't the only one; I agree yet again with everything that ROTR has stated as you really do have your mind on the same wave-length as the writers for the BW show, seriously man it's like they're speaking through you or better yet as a student you are simply so well versed in their teachings that their end and your beginning are indistinguishable.

    Truly, that meeting between X and DC is absolutely spot on in so many ways Verno - Congratulations!

  9. #59
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    11th Mar 2008


    I've been in Melbourne for the past couple of days, and instead of fleshing out what I've already got, my brain decided it wanted to race to the end of my story arc (the start of TransTech) and write about the final meeting between Primus and Unicron, with Vorus watching on. (Oooo, who is Vorus?!)

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  10. #60
    Join Date
    13th Nov 2008


    Just been reading this thread after finally finishing uni myself.

    This is fantastic! Love the references to past series, and the high-calibre story telling.

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