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Thread: Vernoverse

  1. #71
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2008


    What's a good comic without an inner monologue over the top of a montage of epic images?!

    *Ravage walking through Predacons troops preparing for battle*

    It is the eve of War and I don’t know who or what I’m fighting for: The battlefield is familiar, but not the names. I’ve joined a faction founded on the betrayal of my old one, but only because I’d made a deal with the enemy, and since arriving, I’ve been recruited by three ambitious Generals to do in another, whose only crime, in their eyes, is his success.

    *The Autobots and Maximals also preparing for battle*

    The Autobots - are still the enemy; I’ve made no peace with them. Who are they to dictate the terms of my freedom?! They haven’t won yet.

    *Razorclaw sharpening a sword or something cool like that, and perhaps highlighting a 'Razorclaw' insignia branded over the top of a Decepticon one on his arm*

    Razorclaw - The Autobots have failed to extinguish his Spark, and he’s proven himself a true leader throughout the course of this War - who am I to kill him? After all, he’s made of Decepticon parts. If he can win the day, then my freedom is assured, and with no Autobot strings attached.

    The Brotherhood understand his importance as Leader. They’ve ordered their personal guard to aid in his safekeeping. He refused it, laughing off the need for added protection for a warrior such as himself, and I admit if I were him I would be offended to be offered such a thing, but they insisted. He is safe, from both the Autobots, and from their orders to me.

    *Magmatron in deep contemplation before battle, much like the image of him in a chair at the start of BW: The Gathering*

    Magmatron - ‘sigh’. Deceit is at the very core of a Decepticon: we serve ourselves. The Brotherhood play the diplomatic card well, and their favour within the Predacons will continue to rise, even with the suspicious and mystery that surrounds them. To be in their favour in this new faction could only be an advantage to me. So in order to secure it, and perhaps to the detriment of the Predacons - Magmatron… must die.

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  2. #72
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2008


    More montage action!

    [Ravage is in hiding, not far from the frontline. He is watching Magmatron and his troops engage the Autobot enemy head on.]

    *From inside Ravage's optics looking out, showing he has target lock on Magmatron*

    He is a warrior of great power and courage. He stands beside his troops, shoulder to shoulder, against the enemy. True leadership like this is in short supply - I’ve only ever really seen it in two others: One carried the Matrix, the other wished to rip it from his chest.

    *Montage of images of Magmatron delivering some good old fashioned ass kicking*

    I served Megatron loyally until the end, with complete trust, even when others doubted it. That kind of trust can only be earned here, forged on the frontline, not scheming in the background, stealing victories from those who died to attain them.

    *Close up of Magmatron enjoying tearing an Autobot apart*

    There is much of Megatron in this young Predacon. Perhaps he is what this faction needs for the future - someone who will lead, instead of manipulate.

    *Magmatron leading his troops forward*


    *Ravage following them in full stealth mode*

    He is a leader of the future… For the future. There is desire in his eyes. There is hope for those around him. There is…

    *Magmatron is cut down with very heavy blaster fire, taking extremely heavy damage and falls to the ground, we presume dead*


    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  3. #73
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    11th Mar 2008


    Ravage froze. Magmatron’s troops were returning fire in the direction from where the shots had come. They were yelling orders to each other to get Magmatron’s smoking body back to cover. Ravage could have helped, should have - the bright future for the Predacons Ravage had just seen now lay dying with Magmatron amidst the rubble. But Ravage did nothing. The troops soon retreated carrying the lifeless body; all Ravage could do was watch, thoughts racing through his processors. He was suddenly jolted back into action by the sound of approaching Autobot and Maximal forces. He ran.

    As he made for the Predacon line, the details began to come into focus. Ravage had witnessed the very thing he’d been charged with doing. Magmatron was dead, but he wished he wasn’t.

    He was soon well behind the Predacon line when he reactivated his communications. They screamed with chatter. Talk of a death - lots of talk. It seemed word of Magmatron’s passing had spread quickly. But as Ravage began to filter the noise, a different name was being shouted. Not Magmatron, but Razorclaw. Razorclaw… was dead!

    A broadcast broke over the top of the chatter.

    “This is General Seethe. With the tragic death of Razorclaw, Generals Cinder, Rampant and I are taking command of the Predacon forces. We’re ordering a temporary halt to engagement to regroup and take stock of loses. I repeat - an immediate halt to engagement to reorder our forces. Those who disobey will be terminated with extreme prejudice.”

    Losses had been severe on both sides, but the Predacons had made strong inroads into Autobot positions before the pullback. The loss of Razorclaw and Magmatron would weigh heavily on the efforts going forward, but as long as the Brotherhood could maintain control of the group, the Predacons may still win the day.

    But the Predacons were fracturing before Ravage’s eyes. Disheartened by the deaths of the two popular leaders, the Brothers were struggling to maintain harmony between the rabble of sub-groups. The Voidists had returned to the Brotherhood’s side, seemingly unharmed. Whoever got to Razorclaw was swift to get past such a formidable force.

    Soon a new plan of attack was devised, and the battlefield rejoined. The Autobots had taken advantage of the lull and launched another TransWarp ship. The Brotherhood scrambled fighters to intercept it and engage the squadron of accompanying Maximal fighters.

    In the sky above Cybertron, the Xelor fired up its engines. The crew onboard could do little but hope, knowing the fate that would await them if the engines failed.


    The engines tore a hole through space and plunged the ship through it, bringing it back to before it actually left. The Autobots and Maximals now had a weapon of ultimate power.

    The battle raged below on Cybertron unabated. Then, by some twist of the Universe, or by Primus’ hand, the Autobot and Maximal forces were bolstered by the return of four mighty warriors: Ironhide, Silverbolt and Prowl in an incredible combining form, and Grimlock! The tide had well and truly turned.

    To press the point home, the Xelor completed another successful flight. The brotherhood had no choice - they offered the Autobots and Maximals their surrender on behalf of all Predacons.

    The Great… was over.

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  4. #74
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    11th Mar 2008


    Somewhere, in what was a secret Predacon research facility, but now looked like it had been torn apart from the inside out, the rubble began to move. Deep beneath it a set of optics flickered. The debris erupted as a massive form surged upwards. It screamed with pain. As the dust settled, it studied its new form. Enormous, powerful. It looked upon its old body, then stepped on it, as the huge figure smashed its way from the building.

    Magmatron… still functioned!

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  5. #75
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2008


    “A job well done.”

    Ravage sat opposite three old foes, miraculously returned from the dead.

    “From the reports we’ve received, Razorclaw was very heavily guarded, but you somehow found a way to cut him down”, said Silverbolt. “You’ve done us a great service.”

    Ravage sat in silence. He didn’t know who had slain Razorclaw, but if they believed him to be the assassin, then he wouldn’t tell them otherwise.

    “You held up your end of the bargain - helping bring an end to the War”, said Ironhide, with coldness in his voice. “You were promised your freedom, and as much as I’d like to renege on the deal…” he continued, glancing to the two beside him for confirmation. He couldn’t bring himself to say it.

    “All participation in the War is pardoned”, finished Prowl.

    Silence returned to the chamber.

    Ravage slowly stood up, received no sign of protest from the three behind the desk, turned and walked from the chamber.

    A cold voiced called after him.

    “Enjoy the peace, Predacon.”

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  6. #76
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010


    A job well done Verno, a bloody good job indeed; I honestly cannot wait for Spotlight Dinobot and Magmatron but there are also so many other directions you could focus on with so many possibilities.

    I am rather impressed with how many characters you've managed to weave into just Ravage's Spotlight without having it seem like Mortal Kombat: Annihilation levels of excessive , I know I'd be curious to see how Grimlock takes to his new life and form as well as how the Tripredacus Brotherhood manage to convince the Predacon forces to disarm and remain on Cybertron rather than simply fleeing to regroup.

    Keep up the excellent work man, the images whirling in my head with each additional post leads me to only want more.

  7. #77
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Hursticon View Post
    A job well done Verno, a bloody good job indeed; I honestly cannot wait for Spotlight Dinobot and Magmatron but there are also so many other directions you could focus on with so many possibilities.
    Thanks mate. I've really appreciated your possitive and constructive comments throughout.

    Magmatron's origins are somewhat covered in Ravage, so I probably won't give him his own story. Dinobot, however, needs giving a good crack over the holidays.

    I am rather impressed with how many characters you've managed to weave into just Ravage's Spotlight without having it seem like Mortal Kombat: Annihilation levels of excessive , I know I'd be curious to see how Grimlock takes to his new life and form as well as how the Tripredacus Brotherhood manage to convince the Predacon forces to disarm and remain on Cybertron rather than simply fleeing to regroup.
    Grimlock is just a bad-ass. I'll have to give him some more coverage in a few of the other stories, because you're right - his new life would take some adapting to.

    The Preds staying on Cybertron all ties back to the Great Upgrade and the conditions applied to them by partaking in it. Dinobot's story should go into it some more. Plus the Tripredacus Councils quiet promises of an uprising in the future.

    Keep up the excellent work man, the images whirling in my head with each additional post leads me to only want more.
    I'd love someone on the board to lend some pencil-work to the project and draw some of the images. It'd add to the experience!

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  8. #78
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    11th Mar 2008


    I found this old gem whilst reading going through some files on my parents computer, thought I might share it and anything else I find along the way.


    Magmatron enters the Control chamber of the Tripredacus Council. He closes the doors behind himself, taking his place as the head of the Predacon Army. All minions are enjoying the reaping and pillaging taking place out in the streets of Cyberton. The power appears to be out. As Magmatron sits down, a voice echoes around the darkened room.

    You’re attempt on my spark…

    *Magmatron is startled and fires into the darkness of the chamber*

    …is forgivable. You were just a puppet, obeying the hands that controlled you. I sense however…

    *Magmatron fires again, still unable to see a target*

    …that the recruitment was of your own design. A stroke of genius one might say, or a fools vision.

    *Magmatron fires repeatedly into the shadows*

    Whatever the reasoning, I felt a need to thank you…

    *A shadow looms up from behind Magmatron*


    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  9. #79
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2008


    BW Megatron really is a delicious character to write for, yes.

    Here we see some more of his exploits after the previous scene.


    Megatron leads the 3 figures back into their Control Room. The room is in disarray, showing signs of a battle. The body of Magmatron is suspended from the wall, his own sword through his chest, pinning him there.

    "My apologies for the mess, he’d made himself quite at home", said Megatron. "I don’t think he realised just how long he’d be spending here, in his crypt", he added with a smile. "Consider it a lasting monument to beginning of the new Predacon Era!"

    "Its appearance matters not, is everything functional?" asked Ram Horn, wishing to resume control quickly.

    "I was wrong about the Maximals; though their willingness to work leaves much to be desired, they do serve some purpose, but they will learn, yes.

    The Council took this as a 'yes, everything is functional' and retook their seats.

    "Excellent. You have done well, Megatron", said Sea Clamp, "but you have much to be getting on with. Maximus Prime is still alive. Things would progress much easier if he were not."

    "It will be done my Lords. I … take my leave of you", said Megatron, bowing his head and backing out of the door.

    "He cannot be trusted", said Cicadacon, turning to brothers as soon as the doors closed.

    "Of course he can’t, but he is in no position to interfere nor threaten us", said Ram Horn, confidently.

    The display screens of their tactical console spring to life, displaying Megatron’s grinning face.

    "Yes, those Maximals did work hard, but couldn’t assist me in a few old fashioned Predacon, luxuries, if you will", said Megatron, his eyes narrowing.

    The Councilors chairs extend electrified bonds, trapping the 3 robots.

    "Megatron..." said Cicadacon, as he struggled with the bonds.

    "Yes, the galaxy will, as before, cower at that name - a name that will once again rise above all others!" Megatron raved.

    "What is the meaning…" Sea Clamp began, but was cut off.

    "The meaning, is redemption, yes! You’ve play me for a fool, maneuvered me against other pawns on your board, but no longer! This pawn has been crowned and now the board is mine to rule!" Megaron's voiced boomed through the console and echoed around the chamber.

    "And where do we fit on your board?" asked Cicadacon, bitterly.

    "Mwaa haa haa haa haaaa. You don’t!"

    The screen flickered off. There is a moment of silence before...


    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  10. #80
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2008


    Here are a couple of pics that I've managed to wring from my brain.

    The accompanying text is still very much a work in progress, and come from Transformers: Loyalty and Transformers: Ambition respectively, both part of the overarching VernoVerse.

    Comments and derision are most welcome.

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

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