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Thread: Vernoverse

  1. #81
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Verno View Post
    I like this, a very powerful and wise Enemy Leader finding himself in a situation of feeling quite the lesser and being utterly frustrated by that fact; very powerful imagery Verno dude and I like where it leads...

    Quote Originally Posted by Verno View Post
    ...To an awesome hand to hand battle that has clearly left Megatron as the victor but the details of said event have been left tantalisingly absent!

    You really know how to write for BW Megatron man, as soon as you start reading you can immediately visualise the seen whilst mentally having David Kaye speak the lines to you - I love it and only want more!
    I like how you've ended the scene with a bang, but on who's end is the bang? - With the Tripredacus Council or with Megatron?; Curiouser and curiouser!

    Quote Originally Posted by Verno View Post
    Here are a couple of pics that I've managed to wring from my brain.


    The accompanying text is still very much a work in progress, and come from Transformers: Loyalty and Transformers: Ambition respectively, both part of the overarching VernoVerse.

    Comments and derision are most welcome.
    Man, those are some fairly good pics dude, especially the 1st pic of Galvy and Megs; The pic of BW Megatron looking on as the Axalon is taking off? - It is quite decent too, I think you've done rather well to etch those mental images mate.

  2. #82
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2008


    Cheers Hursty, and thanks again for being a continuing reader. I'll be sure to get you a signed copy once it's published.

    The stuff with BW Megs, Magmatron and the Tripredacus Council I wrote after IDW put The Gathering out, but before The Ascending was released. Thus the mention of Magmatron's attempt on Megatron's life.

    The first pic I basically copied from Megatron Origins and Spotlight: Galvatron. Drawn by hand, but copied by sight.

    The second is actually BW Megs looking at the Ark, just after he dug the tunnel in BW Season 1 (which we never actually see him do). With some darker black, more lava and more rock it would look more like the cave in the volcano/St Hillary.

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  3. #83
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    11th Mar 2008


    I dislike humans in TF comics, but couldn't resist writing this little scene, which is part of the Golden Disk backstory. Enjoy.

    Earth. 1976 AD.

    The door was ajar. Samuels knocked before poking his head through, unsure of being in the right place in this rat warren. "Hello?"

    "Ah, Director, yes come in", said Leslie, sitting behind his desk, standing to greet him. "Please, shut the door."

    Samuels was already unimpressed, and made it clear as he said "This better be good."

    "Yes, I understand this must be a busy time for you and everyone at the agency"' said Leslie, retaking his seat as Samuels sat opposite.

    "Too busy to be making pointless trips to Washington", said Samuels, studying the contents of the office.

    "Best then to not keep you any longer than necessary", said Leslie, with a polite smile. "I understand you've voiced some concerns about the input Washington has had on your current project. I wanted to personally speak to you to allay your concerns."

    "You couldn't have put it in a letter instead of dragging me in here?" asked Samuels.

    "I'd prefer to keep the contents of our discussion to remain confidential, instead of warming a bottom draw somewhere in NASA", said Leslie, keeping his polite tone.

    "Sure" was the reply from Samuels.

    "Let me get straight to it. Director, you're an intelligent man, we live in a world, or should I say on a world, whose mysteries are solved seemingly daily, which is why men like you and I have turned our attentions skyward, to the bigger mysteries that remain unsolved, and namely, the biggest question mankind has ever asked itself - 'Are we alone?'. While the discovery of life on other planets isn't NASA's prime directive, it is a pursuit that that we cannot afford to overlook. If there are Klingons out there, we'd like to know before before they arrive."

    "Cute", said Samuels, not enjoying the attempt at humor.

    Leslie studied him for a moment before continuing. "The fact of the matter is that we already have an answer to the question, and have done for close to two thousand years, we simply didn't know it."

    Samuels was starting to get annoyed. "What are you saying? That we've found little green men?"

    "Not quite"' said Leslie, "but evidence of their visitations to Earth however, that we most certainly have."

    Samuels couldn't believe what he has hearing. "Well I'll be damned", said Samuels, shaking his head. "I thought all the wackos spent their time wearing tin foil hats and watching the static on their television for messages from outer space, but apparently they've infiltrated the corridors of power and are now running this country."

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  4. #84
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010


    Hehe, I like this guy Samuels sense of humour!
    Very intriguing stuff here dude, you'll have to collate all of your Golden Disk work into a single Spotlight thread too - Your brain must be going crazy with all of this story built up within it!

  5. #85
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    11th Mar 2008


    It was the only way I could think of to open the story. I'm sure it will see a lot of changes over time, but it's a base to build on.

    The Samuels guy is somewhat based on Depth Charge, a no nonsense kind of guy with a dark sense of humor.

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  6. #86
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    Optimus Prime and Hound sit in a command room. In front of them are 2 view screens; one showing the torso of Ultra Magnus, the other that of Rodimus.

    Magnus' face was one of concern as he began.

    Magnus: The Preds are attempting to recruit Decepticons.

    Rodimus: Attempting? You mean succeeding. They started that long before the Decepticons folded.

    Magnus: As such we really don't know the strength of their forces. Estimates from Maximal survivors vary, but the way it's shaping up - they might have us.

    Hound: So what do we do?

    Rodimus: Nothing. I say bring 'em on! We can handle them.

    Magnus: It may still come to that. But there is another option.

    Rodimus: No way. Decepticons?! They'd shoot us as soon as our backs were turned!

    Hound: Many Decepticons hold a grudge against Razrclaw for splintering. That was clear when we fought with them at The Hub.

    Magnus: And as it stands, that truce is still in place.

    Rodimus: It became obsolete the moment they did - they'd never honour it. They'll just sit by as us and the Preds duke it out, then knock over the winners while their heads are still spinning.

    Magnus: I don't think so. No one could unite them.

    Rodimus: Shockwave!

    Magnus: They won't trust he and his logic again.

    Hound: So what do we do?

    Magnus: We put the call out.

    Rodimus: And what? Open our doors to Ex-'Cons turned Pred spies? That's just asking for trouble. We've done it alone up until now, we can see it through to the end!

    Magnus: This is your call, Prime.

    Prime: The dream of a united Cybertron is one that many of us gave up on long ago.

    A smile stretched across Rodimus' face.

    Prime: But if it's ever going to come to pass, it has to start somewhere. The Hub assault brought us together with the Decepticons, let's see how close we still are.

    Rodimus' smile had vanished.

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  7. #87
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    11th Mar 2008


    Ok, here we go.

    This is where the VernoVerse begins.

    It picks up where the Marvel G2 comics left off all those years ago.

    What better way to pick it up than with a monologue from Optimus Prime. And what better way to start it than with Optimus ironically quoting himself.

    Sit back, relax and enjoy the story.

    "A choice must be made, for only together, united as one race, can we truly survive... and prosper."

    How did it go so wrong?

    It seemed that peace was within our grasp. Some, however, we're all too keen to see that we never reached it.

    Razorclaw. Talk of his death proved to be false. Like the beast he is, he just kept coming. He feasted on the growing disdain for our alliance emanating from the Decepticons. It was hoped a mutual enemy in the Cybertronian Empire would keep a lid on the derision. We were wrong.

    While still flying the colours of the Decepticons, the Predacons began to see through their own agenda.

    Targeting our off-world installations, these renegade Predacons began to stockpile Energon and resources. In the interests of continuing the alliance, Autobots weren't to fire upon these rebellious Decepticons unless fired upon first.

    But this couldn't continue. We had to be proactive in response to this burgeoning enemy. If we couldn't fire upon them, we had to find someone that could.

    The Maximals were born.

    All off-world Autobot troops were rebranded, and we could now fight back, within the terms of the alliance.

    The war was now being fought on two fronts. The Maximals countering the Predacons, and the Autobot-Decepticon alliance battling the Cybertronian Empire, who were continuing to launch attacks on Cybertron.

    They were the greater enemy. Their true size - unknown. Their true ambitions - likewise. As little as we knew of them and the Liege Maximo, we knew they were coming. But it wasn't they whom destroyed the Earth.

    Humans had long been our allies, and the Earth a base for our operations in that part of the galaxy. It was also home to labs built for the development of new technologies, namely the continued experiments with Micromaster technology.

    Dwindling resources had long been an impetus for improved efficiency. Our, now Maximal, scientists delivered us an incredible advantage: Proto-Matter Technology.

    New recruits brought online were outfitted with these new, smaller and vastly more efficient bodies.

    It was at this point that the war changed, again.

    Megatron requested that the technology be shared with the Decepticons, in the interests of defeating the Empire, who we were hearing, we're moving towards something big. I refused his request, and this gave Razorclaw the final bit of momentum he needed to act on a larger scale.

    Megatron, who years earlier would have simply taken the technology by force, accepted my decision, much to the surprise to the majority of his troops.

    In contrast, Razorclaw launched an all out attack on Earth; one we never saw coming.

    They destroyed the Earth, and in doing so, announced their separation from the Deceptiocons. The Predacons had truly arrived.

    Losses - Catastrophic. 7 billion dead in one day, and any human survivors scattered amongst the stars.

    Decepticons left in droves for the greener pastures that was the Predacons. Megatron was impressed by the ferocious act, but outraged by the betrayal.

    As terrible as this all was, it was about to get much worse.

    The Hub, home of the Liege Maximo, had been found. We now knew the what and the where of their forces, but the greatest surprise was the terrifying why.

    With a contingent left behind to protect Cybertron from the new Predacon menace, an army was amused. Made up of Autobots, Maximals and those Decepticons still loyal to Megatron, he and I led the assault to destroy The Hub and deny the Liege what he saw as his destiny.

    The day was won. The casualties great. None greater than that of Megatron himself.

    Magnus has since described Megatron's final stand to me as Magnificent. Coming from Magnus, that's saying something. I wish I could have seen it.

    I'd taken heavy damage and was drifting in stasis amongst the debris of battle. I was offline for many cycles. When I awoke, the Decepticons were no more.

    With the heavy losses from both the assault on The Hub and desertion to the Predacons, the Decepticons were a mere shadow of their former glory. Shockwave, to whom the leadership had fallen, had little choice than to declare the Decepticons defunct. It was only logical after all.

    So here we stand. The war has changed again, as has the enemy. That sense of peace that had been so strong has faded - but isn't gone. This war will soon be at an end.

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  8. #88
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010


    Absolutely delightful Verno, especially the previous post; I like where you're intending to start things and your characterisation is remaining to be superb.
    I know you're probably getting sick of hearing it from me but, more more!

  9. #89
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2008


    Cheers as always Hursty. Just for you, here's another draft of a previous scene. Since writing it this arvo, I've changed the direction of it again, but it's coming along. Enjoy!


    Csirac came back online and his sensors screamed. He groaned as he tried to move.

    "Ah excellent, you're awake", said a wraspy voice.

    Csirac tried to focus his optics but everything was still a blur. Details started to whir back into his processors.

    "Peh.. Prehh..." he slurred.

    "Give it a moment. You're vocal subroutines are still coming back online", said the voice, whose form was becoming clearer, then suddenly came into sharp focus. Spindly, creepy, most definitely...

    "... Predacon..." Csirac finally managed to get out.

    "Of sorts", replied the slender, purple Predacon, before giving a metal-chilling cackle. "I am Taranachus."

    "The lab... How did you know..." said Csirac, pulling himself up, as the details of the raid came back to him.

    "Oh, we know a lot of things", replied Taranachus, "but that should be of no concern to you now. What you should be asking is..?" he posed, playfully. Csirac knew where Taranachus was going with this. "What do you want with me", he said. Taranachus cackled, gleefully. "Yes! A much more interesting question! One with an easy answer, really..."

    Csirac was now sitting upright and again knew exactly where Taranachus was leading him. "A TransWarp cell." Taranachus cackled once again. "Yes." Taranachus turned from Csirac and returned to a control panel.

    "And supposing I refuse?" Csirac asked futilely.

    Taranachus gave a blunt answer. "Then I'll extinguish your Spark and extract the information I require from your data-tracks."

    "We have a problem then", said Csirac. "Unless you hadn't noticed, we haven't got one to work yet."

    "Yes, we watched the last launch with great interest. The finale was spectacular!" Taranachus' comment cut Csirac in what was an already open wound. "I didn't say we needed the cell to work though, did I?" he asked with a small laugh. "The explosive potential of such a device was reason enough to bring you in."

    Only now did Csirac begin to worry. The Predacons had proven themselves more than proficient in the use of explosives before now. What could they possibly want to destroy with such an explosion?

    Taranachus moved from the panel towards to doorway. "You have two options, the latter of which is death. I think we both know which you'll choose." The door closed solidly behind him as he left, leaving Csirac alone with his thoughts, in something of a makeshift lab.

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  10. #90
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    11th Mar 2008


    The rest of their conversation was cut short by the sound of the chamber's door unlocking. Two heavy-set goons entered, the same ones that had dumped Silverbolt in earlier. They said nothing as they stood either side of the doorway. Csirac wasn't sure if he and Silverbolt were meant to exit, but he soon had his answer, as the enormous figure of Razorclaw filled the doorway.

    Csirac had only ever heard stories of the Predacon leader, but now standing before him, they seemed more like nightmares.

    Silverbolt tried to stand but was still recovering from his violent capture. "Don't do it on my account", Razorclaw said to Silverbolt. "You've earnt a rest". Silverbolt's hatred towards Razorclaw was clear, but he said nothing.

    "We are in the presence of our own future, Silverbolt", Razorclaw continued, but now staring squarely at Csirac. "We're no longer the pinnacle of technological wizardry. Never could we have imagined that our fate would look quite like this", Razorclaw finished, clearly in reference to Csirac's Maximal protomatter body.

    "I take it you're not a fan?" asked Csirac, attempting to sound as in control as possible, but failing.

    "On the contrary", came the reply. "Why else would I have tapped the rich supply of protomatter on Earth?"

    "Tapped?!" Silverbolt yelled. "You blew the planet up! Killed billions of humans in the process!"

    "It was a brutal planet. Always had been and was until its end", Razorclaw said simply. "And the humans? Nothing more than savages. I watched them scramble over each other, trying to get aboard evacuation ships, hoping to escape - only to be shot down by our fighters waiting in orbit".

    Csirac was shocked by the casual tone of Razorclaw's words.

    "Our intelligence says that you were stationed there", Razorclaw continued to Csirac. "Given your talents, and appearence, it's easy to summise that you had a hand in the creation of the protomatter technology".

    "Right so far", said Csirac, uneasy under the extreme focus. "What else does it say?"

    "You're a... Pacifist?" Sniggers came from the bulky Predacons at the door. Csirac was surprised they knew what it meant. "Excuse my mentioning it but we have a different name for bots like you: Target Practice". The sniggering at the door continued.

    "Is that what I'm here for?" Csirac asked, gaining confidence as he became more incensed.

    "No. I have a greater task for you". Csirac now knew what prey felt like. Razorclaw's stare was hypnotizing.

    "And what about me?" said Silverbolt. Csirac had almost forgotten he was in the room.

    "You're here just so I can see the look of terror on your face". Razorclaw gave no clarification as to what that meant as he turned to face his troops at the door. "Bring them", he said, then exited the chamber. Csirac went without a fuss. Silverbolt, however, was scuffed and paraded through the corridors of Predacon onlookers, all glaring at the captured enemy. Whatever and wherever this facility was, it was big.

    "Tell me", said Razorclaw, whom Csirac found himself walking next to, "Did you ever attempt to construct a protomatter combiner?"

    Answering would usually have been considered an act of treason, but given Csirac's current situation, he felt he had little choice but to answer. "No", Csirac said truthfully. "The priority was production once we'd perfected the technology".

    "Pity. It will make your task all the more difficult". Csirac made to enquire about just what this task was, but Razorclaw continued. "I thought of entrusting it to one of our engineers, but to have it built by someone who knows the full capabilities of the technology, then all the better for us".

    "Have what built?" asked Silverbolt before Csirac had the chance to, who was still fending off evil looks as they continued through the seeming labarynth of corridors.

    "We are brothers, Silverbolt", he replied, puzzling him. "Brothers in loss. You took away mine, I took away yours".

    Word of the defeat of the four other original Predacons had reached even those working in the TransWarp lab. It was met with great cheer. The death of the other Aerialbots however, that was news to Csirac - terrible news. He turned and looked at Silverbolt, who had a look of pain and anger on his face.

    "I wish I was there to see them burn! A big Predacon roast!" spat Silverbolt, who earnt a solid punch to the torso for his efforts, but his head came back up with a smile on it. "We celebrated that night! Four Preds down, one to go!"

    "And yet here I am, alive and well - and also the bearer of bad news", Razorclaw said as he turned to face the Autobot. They had arrived at a heavy set of doors, guarded by two enormous Predacons, so big they put the two Predacons scuffing Silverbolt to shame. Whatever was behind this door was incredibly important.

    "Perhaps instead of celebrating you should have been more thorough in your work", said Razorclaw, coldly.

    "What do you mean?" asked Silverbolt, who'd momentarily stopped wrestling in the grip of his handlers.

    Razorclaw smiled. Csirac really wished he hadn't. "Open it", he commanded to the enormous guards.

    The doors swung back to reveal a vast chasm of what seemed endless blackness. But as they entered and Csirac's optics attuned to the light, there began to emerge a blue hue to the light. They approached two vast cylinders from which the blue light was emanating. Their contents couldn't yet be made out clearly.

    "While Rampage and Tantrum are lost to me..." said Razorclaw, as Csirac approached the cylinders, whose contents were now clear to everyone.

    "No... NOOOO!!!" screamed Silverbolt.

    "The Sparks of Divebomb and Headstrong pulse on!" boomed Razorclaw.

    There, suspended in the blue liquid, we're the damaged forms of Razorclaw's two surviving Predacon brothers, hooked up to all manner of tubing and life support equipment.

    "You want a new body", said Csirac, stunned by the sight.

    "I want to fight beside my brothers again! I want... PREDAKING!" roared Razorclaw.

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

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