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Thread: Vernoverse

  1. #111
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2008


    I'll draw you a diagram.

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  2. #112
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2008


    Ok, so the black lines represents the inevitable passage of time, both before and after the successful TransWarp test.

    If we take the 2nd successful test as the example:

    The black line ("They're drawing us away from the Xelor" etc, up to “Let’s give these Preds something else to think about!"), carries on into the green line (“Roger that”, said Spiral, taking the lead. “Form up on my wing.” to “Xelor to whoever is left. Ship is back online. Engaging TransWarp Drive in 4… 3… 2… 1… Now!”).

    The red star at the end of the green line represents the point which Rhinox left the time-stream he was in and the beginning of his voyage backwards.

    The dashed grey line are events which never in fact happen, as no one ever remembers them, except perhaps Primus.

    The orange line is the unseen passage of Rhinox traveling back a few minutes to the first red star (his point of re-entry into the timeline and altering future events).

    His re-entry causes the black line to shift, so instead of Primal saying "Let's give them something else to think about, we get his interrupted sentence as the ship emerges in front of he and Spiral.

    So it's basically a loop-de-loop, if you follow me.

    Is that any clearer?

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  3. #113
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010


    That diagram might indeed help dude; I really need to find some time to read the final 2 entries here.

  4. #114
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007


    Doesn't cure senility though and I'm talking about me

  5. #115
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2008


    Once she's in comicbook form, I promise it'll make sense

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  6. #116
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2008


    I suppose many of you have been wondering how my creative endeavors have been going of late (Ha, who am I kidding...). The 1st Issue of TransWarp: Csirac is chugging along slowly. Here's a link to the Gallery of amassed Artwork for Issue #1 thus far. I'm sure you'll agree that the artwork is wonderful, and if you have a DA account, please let the artists know what you think of their work!

    So with that somewhat out of my hands atm, and with my move to Sydney not going as well as I'd planned (basically unable to get approval for a place up there) I've had plenty of time for writing. So I thought I'd share some of what I've been working on, namely my Deicide story, which takes place post-Beast Wars and negates Beast Machines, Woo!

    Here we go:

    Tarantulas, deep in his lair, studied the fluctuating data on the screens in front of him as the beam emitter continued to fire on the now offline form of Tigerhawk suspended against the wall. “Something is wrong”, said Tarantulas, who turned to see the dual-skulled form of the Vok advancing on him. He gave a scream as they snaked closer.

    “No! Stay away from me!” he cried, firing his shoulder-mounted cannons. The blasts passed through the Vok and struck the emitter, which was knocked off its target and spun towards Tarantulas. Tarantulas continued to fire as the Vok entered his body.

    Tarantulas screamed, only to look up and see the emitter swing to face him. The beam reengaged and fired, sending him hurtling into his own equipment. Pinned by the energy beam, Tarantulas wailed as the Vok attempted to depart his body, but they too were pinned.

    With one final blood-curdling scream, Tarantulas was overwhelmed by the energy pulse and exploded!

    (If you're wondering why that's so familiar, it's from Other Victories, Beast Wars Season 3, Episode 11, but it's a very important scene in the scheme of the story. Read on!)


    The entity felt itself pulled in every direction; buffeted, pushed, until landing squarely on what appeared to be nothing at all. Looking up, it was greeted with an endless sheet of black, flecked with colour.

    “Location?” it asked. “Unknown”, was its own reply, as it studied the sea of ink.

    “That…” said a voice, surprising the Entity, who spun around to discover a golden figure standing with its hands folded behind its back, “… is the breadth of all creation”. The figure was smiling whilst looking out into the speckled blackness.

    “You are…“ began the Entity. The golden figure met its gaze. “Yes, I am Primus. It is a great honour to finally meet you, my Son.” Primus studied the figure before him. “Your form has changed repeatedly since your creation, and drastically so – as such I know not what to call you now”, said Primus, still smiling.

    The Entity took in its new guise – solid, yet not a physical existence. “We are the Vok”, it said, unsure of its own words.

    “We?” asked Primus. “A single voice, for a single mind; no longer divided but united into one Being.” Primus moved up beside the figure, returning his eyes to the dark expanse. The Entity was still grappling with itself. “A name will come”, Primus said with assurance. “The more important matter is why you are here.”

    Primus brought his hands from behind his back. Cupped in them was a single glowing orb. “This is the Spark of the one you know as Tarantulas”, said Primus, now studying the pulsating globe.

    The name snapped the attention of the Entity away from its own form and onto the Spark. “A vile creature”, it said with disdain.

    “From the moment of your creation you have sought an answer to the greatest of all questions. My hope was that you would discover the answer on your own, but Time, and circumstance, have been against us.” The Entity’s eyes were transfixed on the Spark. “Tarantulas’ demise provided me with an opportunity to bring you here, to fulfil your quest for understanding.”

    To the Entity’s surprise, Primus handed it the Spark.

    “Tarantulas walked a difficult path, made so by the abuses of subsequent and ever darker masters.” The Entity was uncomfortable with the Spark in its hands. “Their influence twisted his perception of the Universe, and thus his own attempts at understanding were as equally warped.”

    “His fate?” asked the Entity.

    “Lies now in your hands”, said Primus simply. “Destroy him. There is no denying that his actions have been to the detriment of many others.”

    “Or?” the Entity asked, returning Primus’ stare.

    “He will return to the Allspark, unable to harm again”, said Primus.

    “The Allspark – the eternal refuge for your creations”, said the Entity, handing the Spark back to Primus, but clearly not liking the limited options.

    “Refuge, perhaps. But eternal? No”, said Primus, shaking his head. With a roll of his hand, Tarantulas’ Spark vanished.

    “Why have you brought us here?” the Entity asked.

    “I have fought Unicron for an immeasurable time, but I believe the battle is coming to an end”, Primus replied, looking out at the cosmos.

    “You wish us to join your fight?” queried the Entity.

    “You have been a part of this fight your entire life. It gave rise to your creation, and will answer the question that has defined your existence”, said Primus, whose optics were once again lost in the ever-stretching expanse.

    “Why were we created”, said the entity, who also turned to look out once more.

    “I have seen life burst from rock on a world scorched by three suns, emerge from a planet drenched in perpetual darkness, and seemingly spring forth from the very fabric of Space itself. For countless eons I have studied these phenomena and I am still amazed by the arrival of life from nothing; with no agenda or purpose beyond simply being alive.” Before the Entity rose a metallic planet.

    “But you, and your Cybertronian siblings are not of this kind; you were no fluke or accident. As much as it may appear otherwise, your creation was purposeful, and it is your seeking of purpose, your search for ‘why’, which has driven you from your blind beginnings to this very point.” Primus turned back to the Entity.

    “To truly understand your place in the Universe, you cannot be told a story from halfway through – we must start at the beginning.” With this, a blinding light consumed everything.

    (And so begins Primus’ monologue. Eventually it will be accompanied by a montage of images, but let your imagination do some work for the moment)

    “Much like you, my genesis was engineered”, came Primus’ voice, echoing in the whiteness. “The One, an entity of immense power and understanding, had long resided here. He sought an answer to the only question remaining to him: What lay beyond existence?”

    “In order to seek this answer in the next, he severed the link between his consciousness and his body of energy that radiated below in Trans-Dimensional Space. But instead of allowing his amassed energy to dissipate and return to the breadth of this reality, he split it in two, and crafted each half into a new entity.”

    “Unicron and I were born with great power and intellect at our disposal, but The One did not share with us his wisdom – that we would have to find for ourselves. With this final act of creation, The One moved beyond existence.”

    “Left to seek out the answers to our own questions, we soon became aware of a second reality, one unlike our own, and while I was happy to observe it through the cracks between the two realms, Unicron wished to experience this plane of physicality firsthand.”

    “I attempted to dissuade him, arguing that we couldn’t know what repercussions would result from such an action, but he would not listen.”

    “I was left with no choice but to attempt to restrain him, which ended in a violent battle between us, and his subsequent escape.”

    “I watched on as he shifted his entire existence into the neighbouring reality, but unaware of its strange laws, Unicron was paralysed, and powerless to return.”

    “He cried for help. I was unwilling to help him, and ultimately unable due to the injuries I had sustained. Even after the tear between the realities closed, his voice still echoed here. In need of time to recover, as well as to block out his screams, I slept, hoping time would silence him.”

    “When I awoke, I found myself no longer in Trans-Dimensional Space, but here, on a higher, Astral Plane. What’s more, Unicron’s cries had ceased, but were now replaced by others – billions of screams, all crying out for help. I found the source of their fear, and found it to be one I soon shared with them.”


    “Time had indeed silenced him, but it had also delivered him an understanding of the foreign reality, and a mastery of its laws. Now a being of true darkness, he wasn’t simply destroying life, he was wiping away creation itself.”

    “He had to be stopped.”

    “At the centre of a lifeless, barren planetoid I created a node; a machine through which I could act and influence the Physical reality. Because my consciousness now resided on the Astral Plane, I discovered I could transfer small portions of my Energy from Trans-Dimensional Space into Physical Space via this mechanism without fear of the paralysis that greeted Unicron.”

    “The planetoid was reformatted into a world of metal, and from its surface were carved thirteen forms. Releasing small shards of Energy from my being, Sparks, they brought the forms to life. These were the first warriors in the battle against Unicron, and those I hoped would force his retreat back into Trans-Dimensional Space.”

    “During the course of the War, Unicron kidnapped one of the Thirteen: Megatronus. He tortured him, turning him into a servant of Unicron’s will, then sent this twisted being, who history remembers as The Fallen, to destroy its Brothers. This betrayal, which left only one of the remaining Thirteen alive, coincided with something I had never considered possible – Unicron arrived on the Astral Plane.”

    “His growing power and strength in the Physical realm catapulted his consciousness into this higher reality. So as the sole survivor, Prima, battled The Fallen below, I fought Unicron here.”

    “I was still no match for my Brother. All I could now hope for was a temporary removal of his consciousness from this realm, which would only come about by the dispersal of his power below, but there, things were not going well.”

    “Prima lay strewn on the ground, preparing himself to meet the end, when a light burst from his chest, enveloping everything.”

    “When it subsided, Unicron had been vanquished and The Fallen had fled, both of which surprised Prima greatly, but not as much as the fact that he was still alive. He looked down to see a strange glowing artefact grasped firmly in his hands: the Matrix.”

    “Through it I spoke to Prima, and told him of what had been, and of what was to come. Unicron was still alive in some fundamental form, but if he was able to regain enough power, he would once again return to the Astral Plane. A new plan had to be devised to remove Unicron from existence entirely, as it was clear that he would never stop until all of creation was wiped clean.”

    “With The Matrix, Unicron’s physical form could be destroyed, but his consciousness could only be defeated here. I knew I would never be his superior in battle, so I had to create someone that was.”

    “I guided Prima through a process that would release a great number of new Sparks into reality. Bodies carved from the planet’s surface were once again brought to life. Prima handed down to them my teachings, in the form of a Covenant, to guide them, and the Matrix, to defeat Unicron should he return. The process had created a second entity – a small mass of pulsating energy that drifted off into Space.”

    “Prima then departed this newly populated world, upon my instructions, leaving the new beings to construct a home. They called themselves Cybertronians, and their world Cybertron – and for a time there was peace.”

    “You may ask why Prima’s reward was a solitary exile from his home. I had already asked too much of him, but still I asked for more – one final task; a task that you would be well aware of had it gone to plan.”

    “Having read the Covenant, Prima knew of the Xal: a warrior foretold to rise from among the mortals to pass judgement on Creation at a time called ‘The Transcension’. It was Prima’s task to guide the burgeoning entity on its way to ascension.”

    “However, far from Cybertron, The Fallen had tracked down the diminished form of his Dark Master, and after nursing him back to a sufficient level of strength, was instructed to find Prima and do that which he had failed to do previously – destroy him.”

    “Sadly for the Swarm, The Fallen succeeded, for it was at this stage that it was meant to meet Prima, and add him to its collective nature, guiding it towards its intended fate.”

    (End monologue)

    The white light subsided and the Entity was returned to the present. Primus’ golden form was once again staring out into the cosmos.

    “The Swarm?” it asked, seeking certainty. “But we were the Swarm.”

    Primus smiled. “Yes, you were. And you remained the Swarm for a long time to come, longer than I had planned. Only upon your meeting with Optimus Prime and the Matrix did you finally take a turn towards becoming something more, towards what you were meant to be.”

    The Entity grappled with the meaning of these words.

    “We…” it began, still unsure, “are the Xal?”

    “Yes, and no”, said Primus, now turning to face the Entity again. “You still have much to learn, and time is short.”

    “Shorter than you think, Primus”, boomed a dark voice. The Entity was shaken, but Primus face was stern.

    “Unicron?” asked the Entity, looking around as if expecting to see him.

    “He is close”, sighed Primus. “The Transcension is upon us whether we are ready or not.”

    -End Excerpt-

    As you can see, I'm rewriting the creation story of the Transformers Universe, but doing so by mixing all existing elements with a bit of my own stuff.

    It's far from a polished gem, and I'll no doubt change it quite a lot before it's done, but it's an update on what I'm currently working on.

    I hope you enjoyed.

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  7. #117
    Join Date
    14th Mar 2012


    Nice job Verno ...gave me goosebumps reading that...hope you get to finish it!

  8. #118
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Ravagecat View Post
    Nice job Verno ...gave me goosebumps reading that...hope you get to finish it!
    Cheers mate, thanks for reading! Haha, and so do I!

    It's the end of my Transversal Continuity story, leading into a TransTech future on Cybertron. The trouble is, the story has evolved into this War and Peace type epic. I didn't want to detail the events/battle on Cybertron that occurs concurrently with this story, but I can't help but write it!

    But like all my other stories, I'll finish them off eventually, even if most of them are half finished atm

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  9. #119
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Verno View Post
    Cheers mate, thanks for reading! Haha, and so do I!

    It's the end of my Transversal Continuity story, leading into a TransTech future on Cybertron. The trouble is, the story has evolved into this War and Peace type epic. I didn't want to detail the events/battle on Cybertron that occurs concurrently with this story, but I can't help but write it!

    But like all my other stories, I'll finish them off eventually, even if most of them are half finished atm
    What ever you do though dude, just don't stop writing whatever comes to your mind - All the pieces can be put together at a later time, just make sure you keep adding to this awesome puzzle!

  10. #120
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2008


    Issue #1 of TransWarp: Csirac is still (very, painfully) slowly coming together, but I thought I'd share with you all a revelation I had last night about my TF writings as a whole:

    If you watch Episodes IV, V and VI of Star Wars, you would be very safe to assume that the story is about Luke Skywalker and his journey to becoming a Jedi.

    However, if you watch Episodes I through to VI, you suddenly realise that the story, the saga as a whole, is about Anakin Skywalker, not Luke.

    So with a grand perspective over all my writings, I've written individual stories in the Transformers Universe that are about Transformers, but the saga as a whole is actually about Primus, Unicron and the Xal.

    If you're wondering what the Xal is-

    From the TF-TVC:
    The Xal, or the Great Xal, is one prophesied to ascend from among the mortal in the time known as the Rectification, or the Transcension - a day when all Cybertronian life stops for an instant, and in that instant, the Xal must declare it worthy of continuation, or else strip it from Existence.

    This day is foretold in the final pages of the Covenant of Primus, but it gives no insight into the outcome, as that is beyond the eye of even Primus himself.

    The Xal is also a constellation of Stars in the shape of a Sword in the Ancient Cybertronian Zodiac.
    The Xal isn't something I created. It was mentioned in G2, but I've run with and expanded the idea.

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

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