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Thread: Vernoverse

  1. #101
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2008


    Don't worry, Optimus lives to fight another day. Do you have any ideas for a better name for a medic?

    While you're thinking, here's an unrelated but equally as important scene.


    Csirac placed a hand upon the device propped up against the wall. "I'm sorry", he said quietly.

    "For what?" asked Silverbolt, who seemed far too cheerful for someone who'd just lost a limb.

    Csirac hadn't been directing his apology to him, but answered anyway. "Many things."

    "Are you going to tell me what that thing does?" queried Silverbolt, looking at the device.

    "Nothing, now", said Csirac. "Without the Protoforms it's useless." Csirac took a seat at the table as Silverbolt lay on the floor looking skyward.

    "I'd give anything to be out there right now, flying circles around some ex-'Cons", said Silverbolt. Csirac only realized for the first time how cramped Silverbolt must have felt in this room.*"You said Venus was a pilot", Silverbolt continued. "I bet she's out there kicking some Pred exhaust. Those Maximal Fighters are-"

    "Venus is dead", said Csirac, surprising even himself. "I killed her."

    "What?" said Silverbolt, sitting up.

    "She'd volunteered to be the test pilot for the Lexor. I couldn't dissuade her - she had complete faith in my work and it cost her everything", said Csirac, staring into nothing. "She died in the TransWarp explosion that consumed the ship. And it was my fault."

    "You can't blame yourself for an accident - a tragedy", assured Silverbolt.

    "I can if you can", said Csirac.

    "That's different. I gave an order, they followed it and they were killed", said Silverbolt, sternly. "Their deaths are on my account."

    "And hers is on mine", Csirac replied, finally looking at Silverbolt. "And I couldn't live with that. That's where the ..." Csirac gestured to the device, "thing, came in."

    "What are you saying?" asked Silverbolt, concerned.

    "TransWarp technology works, however it's far from efficient. The firing cell tears a hole in the fabric of Time, leading to what we've named 'TransWarp Space', but in reality, is something much more. TransWarp Space is home to the many who are of the one. We'd touched the very edge of the Allspark."

    "Incredible", said Silverbolt, captivated.

    "The device is a... Laser Core Amplifier", said Csirac, "allowing me to stretch the link between Spark and core consciousness. Utilizing a *wave of Trans-Ions, I'd travel through the tear, find her Spark and bring it back. But now I'll never know if it would have worked."

    Silverbolt's face fell with the realization. "The fourth pod. It's for her."

    Csirac nodded. "The tear. That was the flaw in the plan."

    "You need another ship to fire a cell", said Silverbolt, now comprehending the sheer scale of Csirac's plan. "But that could still happen! They could be doing it right now!" he added, excitedly.

    "But I'm in here, how would I know for sure?", said Csirac, bursting Silverbolt's bubble. "That part was always in the hands of Primus."

    The door of the chamber unlocked and opened. A Predacon rushed in and dumped four Protopods on the floor. "With compliments of Razorclaw. Something to help take your mind off the death of your friends", he said with a sneer across his face. He turned and ran to join his comrades.

    "Maybe Primus is listening", said Silverbolt with a smile.

    "Maybe he is", agreed Csirac, unable to believe what he had just seen.

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  2. #102
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2008


    I'd love to get people's thoughts on Csirac's last scene.


    [From Spotlight: Csirac]

    The new body was incredible. Though now dwarfed by most of the enemy combatants, the body’s twin swords and wingtip-mounted launchers had proven themselves an ample armoury to cut down the Predacons who had tried to enter the chamber; aided in no small part by the sheer speed of the form. The shoulder-mounted jets could propel the form up to head height for an attack, and then swiftly carry the form around to avoid the counterblows. The bodies were beginning to pile up in the doorway.

    As Silverbolt engaged a poorly designed Proto-sized Predacon, a burst of ions hammered into the amplifier. The Predacon was distracted by the spectacle and Silverbolt didn’t require a second invitation. He cut the Predacon down with ease, scattering limbs to all parts of the room.

    Csirac had returned from his journey and was struggling to open the amplifier’s hatch. Silverbolt helped it up as Csirac tried to stand but fell to the floor. Silverbolt sat him up against the machine.

    “They’re coming”, said Csirac, with pained smile.

    “They?” asked Silverbolt.

    “Friends”, said Csirac. “Soon.”

    “We’re going to get you out of here”, said Silverbolt, moving to lift Csirac up, but a Decepticon-sized Pred thundered into the room. Silverbolt turned and engaged him with full force.

    Csirac could feel his Spark fading, but had more to tell Silverbolt. He looked up to see a Proto-Pred enter the room, but Silverbolt had his back to the door, still battling the larger enemy. The small Pred ran up behind Silverbolt with an axe in both hands raised above his head ready to bring down on him, but suddenly felt his own skull disintegrate as a laser blast ripped through it. Silverbolt heard the noise just as he brought down the larger Predacon, and turned to find the source of the blast. There, at the foot of the amplifier, was Csirac, unsteadily holding a blaster, plucked from the hand of a dead Predacon. Csirac’s arm fell back to the floor, the blaster falling from his grasp.

    Silverbolt stood there, stunned by Csirac’s actions. Silverbolt sheathed his swords and went to Csirac’s side. “We’re even”, said Csirac, without looking up.

    “That’s twice you’ve saved me now”, said Silverbolt. “If I’m to keep us even I’ve gotta get you out of here.”

    “I said I wanted to die looking at the stars”, said Csirac. “I can see them. I’ve seen what’s beyond them. I can see Venus. I’ll be with her.”

    “Csirac…” began Silverbolt, but he didn’t know what to say.

    Csirac looked up and deep into Silverbolt’s optics. “After they come through, promise me you’ll destroy it.”

    “I will”, said Silverbolt.

    “Thank you, Silverbolt”, said Csirac, his Spark flickering. “You’re the bravest Maximal I’ve ever met.” With that, Csirac’s head dropped slowly to his chest and he went offline for the last time.

    “Thank you, Csirac”, said Silverbolt, bowing his own head. “Be at peace.”

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  3. #103
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010


    Csirac's last scene dude is great, I think it'll have even greater impact when it is actually placed at the end of his Spotlight novel.

    It has the right amount of action, drama, dialogue & atmosphere, knowing what has transpired previously to this scene, I think it is quite cool that in his final moments he uses a firearm to blow a Pred's head to smithereens!
    (Wouldn't this be the only time he actually uses a firearm or violence towards another? - I don't recall him doing that before )

    I think the only thing I'd consider changing is Silverbolt's last line from:
    • “Thank you, Csirac”, said Silverbolt, bowing his own head. “Be at peace."

    • “Thank you, Csirac”, said Silverbolt, bowing his own head. “Till all are one".

    I think that'd reflect the new Maximal Silverbolt's Autobot roots, draw reference to the fact that Csirac really wanted to be reunited with Venus one way or another (Silverbolt considering this plight), whilst also making use of what I reckon is a pretty common Cybertronian expression; I'd like to hear what you think of that dude.

  4. #104
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    11th Mar 2008


    She needs a bit of work, but that's the skeleton of the scene. I think the firing of the gun has to play more of a part in the scene, because Csirac is in essence going against his own morals in killing the Predacon.

    You're probably right about the 'at peace' line. I've always found the 'Til all are One' line a tad corny, but I'm could always use 'be at One' or something like that.

    As a bonus, here is the scene directly after the previous. The arrival of some old friends!


    Ions began to hammer into the amplifier once again, and two bursts rocketed down, following separate conduits before each slamming into a pod.

    The two figures stepped from their respective recepticals and were greeted by a huge figure, grinning menacingly down at them. The two new Maximals instinctively drew their weapons.


    The expression on the face of the large Predacon warped into one of confused pain, as he began to topple forward - dead before his hulking form hit the ground, throwing up a plum of dust into the air.

    There, crouched on the back of the hulking mass, with his two swords plunged up to the handles in the dead Predacon, was Silverbolt. He stood up, drawing out his swords as he did so, each dripping with mech-fluid. He stared through the resettling dust at the two forms before him.

    "Bolt?" asked a large (by Maximal standards) grey and red 'bot.

    "Ironhide?!" replied Silverbolt, sheathing his swords and stepping off the Predacon to greet his old friend. "Haha! By Primus it's good to see you!" he said, shaking the new Maximal's hand.

    "Most impressive", said the other Maximal, studying his form.

    "Prowl?" asked Silverbolt.

    "It's nice to see you too, Silverbolt", replied Prowl, shaking his hand warmly.


    An explosion shook the Predacon complex, cracking the walls and bringing down some of the ceiling.

    "I've missed that sound", said Ironhide, grinning.

    "The war continues?" asked Prowl.

    "Yeah", said Silverbolt, sadly. "Some things don't change."

    Prowl shook his head. "I'd say things have changed quite a lot since we left", he said, taking in the surrounds, his optics falling onto the amplifier and the small robot at the foot of it.

    Silverbolt followed Prowl's gaze. "His name was Csirac. He brought you back to help end the war. Let's not let his sacrifice be for nothing."

    "Just point me at them", said Ironhide, lifting his two large cannons.

    "My sentiments exactly", said Prowl, arming his own weapon.

    "They can wait", Silverbolt said in reference to their armaments. "There's something I want to try first. MAXIMIZE!"

    The three figures began to transform and combine into the immense gestalt for the first time.

    "Incredible!" said Prowl, now sharing the consciousness of his two fellow Maximals.

    "That sure is something else", said Ironhide.

    "Welcome back, Maximals", said Silverbolt. The combiner's right arm reached over the missile-clad shoulder and drew out a great sword. "Let's go shred some Pred!"

    "That's got a nice ring to it", said Ironhide, commanding the legs of the form to power out the door and into the battle.

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  5. #105
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    11th Mar 2008


    Here's the final chapter in the Csirac story.


    [From Spotlight: Csirac]

    A contingent of Maximal security forces accompany a group of allied analysts into the Predacon bunker, followed by the forms of Ironhide, Silverbolt, Prowl and, to his own surprise, Rhinox.

    “You won’t find me in a cockpit again anytime soon”, said Rhinox as he entered the ruins of the chamber. “I wasn’t built for flying.”

    “I know the feeling”, said Ironhide, as he left to help some other Maximals remove debris.

    Rhinox looked around the dilapidated room. “Is he still here?”

    “No”, said Silverbolt. “I had his body moved to the temporary Mausoleum.”

    “He is most deserving of a statue”, said Prowl, also removing debris, “but the full details of what he did, and how, must remain secret.”

    “We’re told you worked closely with him on the TransWarp technology. Therefore you have the best chance of understanding his work here”, said Silverbolt, who nodded to an Autobot who brought forth the amplifier. Rhinox began to study it.

    “I promised Csirac I’d destroy it – a task I now pass to you”, said Silverbolt. “Pull it apart, melt down its components. But in doing so, I want you to figure out how it works.”

    Rhinox looked up from the device to Silverbolt. “No offence, but I don’t think that’s exactly what he meant”, said Rhinox.

    A Maximal analyst was scanning the room and came to a large pile of rubble. His equipment started to beep. “Sir, I’m detecting a large Predacon energy sig-“

    An immense form erupted from the pile of rubble, sending the small Maximal flying. Magmatron had somehow survived the Spark Transfer process, and announced his return with an enormous scream.


    Hic circuitry burning and unsure where he was, his optics fell to those in the room, all of which his sensors detected as Maximal.

    “Predacon, stand down!” ordered Prowl. Ironhide, with weapons drawn, stepped in front to protect his fellow Maximals.

    Magmatron was outnumbered, which left only one option: fight!

    “The Predacon Generals have signed an official notice of surrender!” shouted Silverbolt.

    Magmatron smashed Ironhide aside with one swipe.

    Everyone watched Ironhide crash into the wall. Prowl gave him one last warning. “Any further actions will be in direct violation of the ceasefire! Stand down!”

    Magmatron’s processors were still whirring, his Spark still in incredible pain. He didn’t know who these ‘bots were but they wouldn’t stand in his way. He drew out an enormous sword and made to engage the remaining Maximals. He took one step forward, but suddenly began to take heavy fire. His optics couldn’t focus on the attacker, and the sound of the weapons-fire was echoing around the room, disorientating his sensors. Unable to protect himself, he lashed out wildly, but the damaged began to toll on his body and he fell back to the ground in a smoking heap.

    Maximal security troops surrounded him with weapons drawn, but it had not been them that had fired. All optics looked for the source of the torrential gunfire.

    There, with a large, smoking Chain gun in each hand, was Rhinox, who had a look of surprise on his face, which gave way to a cheeky smile. “Not too shabby.”

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  6. #106
    Join Date
    2nd Mar 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Verno View Post
    She needs a bit of work, but that's the skeleton of the scene. I think the firing of the gun has to play more of a part in the scene, because Csirac is in essence going against his own morals in killing the Predacon.

    You're probably right about the 'at peace' line. I've always found the 'Til all are One' line a tad corny, but I'm could always use 'be at One' or something like that.

    As a bonus, here is the scene directly after the previous. The arrival of some old friends!

    That's the very thought I got out of Csirac's firing of that weapon, it's significance is certainly there (Having read previous scenes ) and whilst I think you'll probably find a way of writing it with a bit more 'bang' perse (Not that it necessarily needs it though IMO ), I think this sort of scene probably lends itself better to a visual conveyance but again that's not to say that it does work in writing either; The moment has a power and weight to it that's for sure.

    Yeah, 'Til All Are One' may sound a little corny nowadays but it still works IMO but I think you are right in that you might be able to put a more modern twist on the phrase; sort of like an evolution of it like 'Hi' is to 'Hello' if you catch my meaning.


    I'm assuming this chapter is another skeleton?

    I like how it plays out and I think it serves it's purpose wells but my only concerns are that the arrival of Ironhide's and Prowl's sparks into their new forms and the later subsequent initial merging of the 3 old blokes feel a little... flat? - I think that's the word I'm looking for.

    I think these 2 areas need a little more bolstering to their weight, in that I feel that the Sparks arrival should have a little bit more of a description of the scene - Like how you described Magmatron's spark being placed into his new bodies and the subsequent stress, strain and awakening that occurs...

    I hope I'm getting across what I'm trying to say here, like, at present it sort of reads like boom - sparks come floating down, enter their new bodies, done; like a microwave heating noodles you hit start, a bit of whirring, 'ping' and done you know what I mean?

    The 1st combining of the 3 seems sort of abrupt and 'Righty-'o let's go' too, especially as they're 'fresh out of the oven' so to speak but more to the point it sort of feels like the moment needs more gravity to it as well, like again more of a description going into the actual process of combing and how it feels for 2 out of 3 old guys who've never known/experienced the sensation/process before.

    Also, how do they know that they can combine?

    Do they get a feeling like another sense when they're near each other or is it like an icon sitting on their HUD saying 'Execute Magnaboss'?, but also how are you looking to tackle the whole gestalt thing? - i.e. do their consciousnesses merge to form an new individual comprised of the melding facets of each component spark?

    At present, the way they talk to each other after the process sort of comes off a bit 'Voltron-y' if you know what I mean; sort of like how one pilot controls the arms, another the legs and the last controlling the head and finishing move.

    But this is why I get the feeling that this is only a skeleton/draft of the scene and not the finished product.

    Also, I think you've got a great opportunity to explore the whole combining thing in a new light with the newer, slightly more biological aspect of a Maximal/Predacon gestalt.
    In that one thing that has never really been ventured into (as far as I know), when it comes to a Combiner forming a new entity comprised of more than 1 individual, is what that exactly does to the individual's psyche and mental state after the separation; having shared the thoughts, knowledge, memories and emotional differences from each other and then suddenly having all those things literally ripped away once reverting to individuals but also how physically taxing it could be to perform the 'Higher' function.

    I'd imagine that a great many of the flaws would've been ironed out since the original Autobot/Deception combiners and that the inheritance of the original Predacons unification of Predaking being so fearfully perfect could be manifested in a sort of biological fashion, possibly in an evolutionary way with the whole Autobot-Maximal/Decepticon-Predacon upgrading, or in a technological way whereby Csirac 'off-screen' perfecting the process and hence implementing it; but because it's such an insanely effective and ludicrously potent weapon now, the Tech/Ability is then limited to only Magmatron (Though derivative), Magnaboss and Tripreducs (Who I'm really lokking forward to seeing how that whole thing comes about! ) - from which point it's banned or lost/destroyed.

    ...Sorry Verno, I meant to just give you my thoughts on this chapter and have ended up going on a total tangent - I also hope I haven't been scathing on what appears to be a draft of this chapter.

    Quote Originally Posted by Verno View Post
    Here's the final chapter in the Csirac story.

    That, was friggin' awesome man! and an absolutely perfect way to cap off an excellent and entralling story! - With the beginning of a new one!
    (Don't change a bloody thing with it! )

    I very much like how the last chapter brings to a forefront the major factors to come out of Spotlight: Csirac, In:
    • The Amplifier
    • Transswarp Tech
    • Magmatron's tortured resurrection
    • The Rebirth of Prowl, Ironhide and Silberbolt; resulting in bringing about the fabled Magnaboss
    • The rise of Rhinox!

    Not having read any of the 'Official' spotlight series of comics myself, although I know they're 'in continuity' short stories focusing on specific characters - I'm not sure if this is a technique used at the end of them but regardless I think you've penned an excellent capping to a wonderful script.

    So, although I know you've got multiple threads leading from this that could go in many directions and following many characters, I get the feeling that the next Bot of focus that'd lead on from Csirac's story is Rhinox yeah?

  7. #107
    Join Date
    11th Mar 2008


    See, this is what I'm after - Critical Feedback!

    That's the very thought I got out of Csirac's firing of that weapon, it's significance is certainly there (Having read previous scenes ) and whilst I think you'll probably find a way of writing it with a bit more 'bang' perse (Not that it necessarily needs it though IMO ), I think this sort of scene probably lends itself better to a visual conveyance but again that's not to say that it does work in writing either; The moment has a power and weight to it that's for sure.
    You have no idea how much I wish I could draw, Hursty The facial expressions and relationships between characters are hard to get across just in text, though good writers do it easily and make the rest of us look fools, but the scene does need work, as do they all. I've slipped a line into one of the scenes that 'warriors win wars' for Csirac, as he comes to accept that his passive attempts at ending the war have failed.

    I like how it plays out and I think it serves it's purpose wells but my only concerns are that the arrival of Ironhide's and Prowl's sparks into their new forms and the later subsequent initial merging of the 3 old blokes feel a little... flat? - I think that's the word I'm looking for
    Definitely flat. It needs a bit of vim, and again I'm probably relying on the imagery in my head to do the hard work in adding the spectacle to the scene, but for the readers at home, they don't have that.

    Also, how do they know that they can combine?
    I'm not going to lie, it's an issue I've not given a lot of thought to. I've been too preoccupied with actually getting to this part of the story and finishing it off to actually come up with a coherent and logical explanation for how they operate. But it is definitely an issue that needs resolving.

    I'll have to hit the Wiki up for info about previous combiners, but at the end of the day, being a new technology and a new type of combination (ie non-Scramble city style) I'll most likely have to write my own rules here.

    They are all skeletons at present, but I'm hoping the crux of the story is communicated at present. Having said that, some scenes really need trimming down, and some need fattening up.

    Don't worry about tangents mate, I go off on them all the time when I'm writing. That's how I've ended up with Optimus Primal in this story meeting Rhinox. Stay tuned for that.

    So, although I know you've got multiple threads leading from this that could go in many directions and following many characters, I get the feeling that the next Bot of focus that'd lead on from Csirac's story is Rhinox yeah?
    Believe it or not mate, apart from Rhinox flying with the MAD Wing during the final battle of the Great War (which I'm about to write), that's it for the big guy until we see him in BW.

    I've got plans for a couple more Spotlight-esk stories. (I only called them Spotlights because I was hoping people might see the title and give it a read). They are:

    • Dinobot
    • Depth Charge
    • Tarantulas

    Once they're written, the plan then is to kill Primus and usher in TransTech. After that, I can rest.

    Having said that, I started writing these stories in 2007. So give me a decade and I'll hopefully be done

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  8. #108
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    11th Mar 2008


    The following scene follows Csirac first being shot.

    It contains Time Travel. I hope it makes sense.



    The MAD Wing burst through the thin atmosphere of Cybertron and found a safe orbit. The ride up had been turbulent to say the least.

    “I was crazy to put my hand up for this”, said Rhinox, his large form snug in the Maximal fighter cockpit.

    “The word you’re looking for is MAD!”, said Primal.

    “You made your case quite clearly”, said a voice over the comm.

    “Some would say he argued his way into the cockpit”, said another, ribbing the newest member of their Wing.

    “Cut the chatter”, said Spiral, with authority. “Looks like we’ve got the jump on them, let’s make the most of it. Wide perimeter on the Xelor. Rhinox, we are a GO!”

    “Roger”, said Rhinox. “Powering up the TransWarp engine.”

    “MAD Wing, optics sharp. If this works the ship could pop out anywhere”, said Spiral. “Prepare for defensive evac or fast recovery of the Ball.”

    “Primal to Rhinox. How’s it coming?”

    “Lights are green. TransWarp cell to 78% power.”

    “This is it ‘bots”, said Spiral, addressing the Wing. “You all know what happened last time, and you’re all here voluntarily. You’re the bravest pilots I’ve ever had the privilege to fly with. Let’s see this through to its end.”

    “MAD Wing!” came the call from the pilots over the comm.

    “Cell to 100%. Engaging TransWarp Drive in 3… 2… 1… Now!” A rippled window in Space opened up and engulfed the Xelor.

    **2 minutes earlier**

    “I was crazy to put my hand up for this”, said Rhinox, his large form snug in the Maximal fighter cockpit.

    “The word you’re looking for is MAD!”, said Primal.

    “You made your case quite clearly”, said a voice over the comm.

    “Some would say he argued his way into the cockpit”, said another, ribbing the newest member of their Wing.

    “Cut the chatter”, said Spiral, with authority. “Looks like we’ve got the jump on them, let’s make-“ *Woom Woom* The rest of Spiral’s words were cut off by an alarm. “Detecting an anomaly, Sector 159!”
    “Energy signature matches the Xelor!” came a voice over the comm.

    “This is Rhinox, reporting successful test! But systems are beginning to short out. The Cell must have overload…” Rhinox was suddenly plunged into darkness. The whole ship had lost power. “Oh no…”

    “Blue Feathers, stay with the Xelor until entry, then regroup”, commanded Spiral. “All remaining Feather, recapture the Ball!”

    Ships broke off and headed for Sector 159 at full steam.

    “Spiral to Autobot Command. Reporting a successful TransWarp Test. Awaiting further orders?”

    “This is Command. Maintain safe orbit and stay out of troub… Scratch that. Receiving reports that Cinder has diverted a squad of fighters to intercept. They’re in bound, and fast. Protect that ship with your Sparks!”

    “Roger, Command. You heard the ‘bot downstairs: Nothing gets through us!”

    Rhinox sat in the Xelor, now with only the four Blue Feathers for company, but his optics were glued to the dial, watching the power climb upwards, until it reached the top. “Cell to 100%. Engaging TransWarp Drive in 3… 2… 1… Now!” A rippled window in Space opened up and engulfed the Xelor, again.

    “This is Blue Feathers, he’s away!”

    “Roger that. Regroup and prepare to engage incoming Predacon ships!”

    TRANSFORMERS: DEICIDE -- The Beast Wars 20th Anniversary Comic Book series that could have been...
    TRANSFORMERS: UNITY -- the BotCon 2016 Comic Book that should have been...

  9. #109
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    11th Mar 2008


    The following scene comes after Csirac dies.

    It also contains Time Travel so I hope it makes sense.



    “They’re drawing us away from the Xelor”, came the voice of Scuttle through the comm.

    “Dammit, he’s right”, said Spiral, looking out the cockpit’s side window. “Break off pursuit and reform.”

    “Single Predacon fighter, emerging from the atmosphere. He's making for the Xelor!”, came a worried voice.

    Inside the Predacon fighter, the figure spoke to itself in a deep, calm voice. “I have target lock. Terminator, firing.”

    “Single missile inbound!” yelled Scuttle on the comm.

    “I can get there!” replied Primal, whose engines were burning flat-out to try and intercept. “I can… get… there…”


    Primal’s ship collided with the missile, saving the Xelor.

    “Primal!” yelled Rhinox, who had both the best and worst view of the whole thing. “Alright you damn piece of slag, let’s get you back online”, Rhinox said to the ship.

    Back inside the Predacon ship, the figure smiled. “Maximal ship intercepted my missile. Scratch one for Terminator. Coming back around for another attack.”

    Scuttle had left his comm. channel open. “I can’t shake him, I can’t… Aaarrghhh…” came his cries as his ship erupted in a ball of momentary flame.

    “Dammit, they’re picking us off like flies”, said Spiral. His computer gave a warning. *Enemy Lock* “Great”, he said as he pulled on the stick, attempting to break lock. “Can anyone cover me? Anyone?”

    “Look who’s back…” said a familiar voice over the communicator.

    “Wha…? Primal?” said Spiral, jerking his head around to try and get a visual.

    “And feeling Prime!”


    The Predacon ship that had been tailing Spiral was blown to pieces, as another Predacon ship flew through the smoke. There, sitting in its cockpit, whose windscreen was shattered, was Primal, alive and well.

    “How in the Pit..?” began Spiral, pulling alongside Primal’s new ship.

    “Later”, said Primal. “Let’s give these Preds something else to think about!”

    “Roger that”, said Spiral, taking the lead. “Form up on my wing.”

    The two ships re-entered the fray. Somehow the Xelor was still in one piece.

    “Primal to the Xelor. Rhinox, if you’re there, we’ve bought you some time, but we won’t last much longer, so whenever you’re ready, kick it!”

    In the cockpit of the Xelor, Rhinox was busily trying to do whatever he could to get the ship back online. “Damn it”, he said as the controls sparked. “Would you just work!” he yelled, and smashed the control panel with his fists. Suddenly the ship roared back to life. He didn’t know how long it would last so he quickly re-entered the information into the on board computer. “Xelor to whoever is left. Ship is back online. Engaging TransWarp Drive in 4… 3… 2… 1… Now!” A rippled window in Space opened up and engulfed the ship.

    *5 minutes earlier*

    “They’re drawing us away from the Xelor”, came the voice of Scuttle through the comm.

    “Dammit, he’s right”, said Spiral, looking out the cockpit’s side window. “Break off pursuit and reform.”

    “Single Predacon fighter, emerging from the atmosphere. He's making for the Xelor!”, came a worried voice.

    Inside the Predacon fighter, the figure spoke to itself in a deep, calm voice. “I have target lock. Terminator, firing.”

    “Single missile inbound!” yelled Scuttle on the comm.
    “I can get there!” replied Primal, whose engines were burning flat-out to try and intercept. “I can… get… there…”


    Primal’s ship collided with the missile, saving the Xelor.

    “Primal!” yelled Rhinox, who had both the best and worst view of the whole thing.

    Back inside the Predacon ship, the figure smiled. “Maximal ship intercepted my missile. Scratch one for Terminator. Coming back around for another attack.” As he turned the ship, something collided with the windscreen of the ship, lodging itself there. The debris, which seemed to be a Maximal, turned its head to look in.

    “Permission to come aboard”, said Primal, with a smile, before drawing a sword from out of his back.

    Scuttle had left his comm. channel open. “I can’t shake him, I can’t… Aaarrghhh…” came his cries as his ship erupted in a ball of momentary flame.

    “Dammit, they’re picking us off like flies”, said Spiral. His computer gave a warning. *Enemy Lock* “Great”, he said as he pulled on the stick, attempting to break lock. “Can anyone cover me? Anyone?”

    “Look who’s back…” said a familiar voice over the communicator.

    “Wha…? Primal?” said Spiral, jerking his head around to try and get a visual.

    “And feeling Prime!”


    The Predacon ship that had been tailing Spiral was blown to pieces, as another Predacon ship flew through the smoke. There, sitting in its cockpit, whose windscreen was shattered, was Primal, alive and well.

    “How in the Pit..?” began Spiral, pulling alongside Primal’s new ship.

    “Later”, said Primal. “Let’s give these Preds something else to – Whoa!”

    A temporal anomaly opened up directly in front of Primal and Spiral’s ships. They turned sharply to avoid it.

    “Xelor to the Xelor. Give the panel a good talking to. Worked for me.”

    A thud was heard over the comm. “That seems to have got it. See you on the other side. Engaging TransWarp Drive in 4… 3… 2… 1… Now!” A rippled window in Space opened up and engulfed the ship.

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  10. #110
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007


    Time Travel is confusing me

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