View Full Version : Fan outcry over Henkei Powered Commander.

Ode to a Grasshopper
14th May 2009, 04:17 PM
I was checking out Seibertron.com and noticed the (IMO great) news (http://www.seibertron.com/transformers/news/fansproject-comments-on-recent-henkei-powered-commander-release/15822/) that FP are releasing a henkei version of the Powered Commander armor. While I'm only after the City Commander version myself, the fact that more fans (especially poorer fans like me) will be able to enjoy such an awesome TF struck me as something to be celebrated, not decried. Yet heaps of people seem really POed over this, most noticeably those who got it as a convention exclusive at rather more cost. I can understand being upset at paying a lot for something and then seeing a cheaper/similar/possibly better version come out (to which my response is Patience, grasshopper), but a lot of the anger seems to be over a perceived loss of 'exclusivity'. The comment that really made me do a double take was this:

Posted by Blurrz on May 11th, 2009 @ 1:50pm CDT
Booooooooooooooo. This is terrible. This is like releasing the Henkei seekers.I think releasing the henkei seekers was great (as would be Hasbro versions) - now more people (i.e. me) can enjoy them without selling our internal organs. Ignoring that there is sufficient difference to tell the 2 similar versions of the PC armor apart & thus it still technically is an exclusive, and ignoring the hopefully isolated cries of overeager scalpers:D, I'm just not getting the attraction behind this 'exclusive' business.

Seriously, what's the deal? How on Earth does someone else having/not having a TF detract from your own enjoyment of it? Sure, there are some things I don't want being widely available - swine flu for example - but TFs aren't one of them. I wouldn't like Animated Wreck-Gar (cheers again Zippo) any less if every second fan in Oz had one - in fact it'd be better IMO inasmuch as he'd have been much easier to find, probably cheaper, and it'd increase our chances of getting more cool Animated TF stuff down the track. IMO the more widespread (good) TFs are the better, if only because it makes it easier for me to get my hands on them. Is this 'exclusive' emphasis common amongst collectors, or am I some kind of freak for enjoying my TFs for their own sake instead of how many other people don't own one?
All thoughts/opinions welcome of course.

14th May 2009, 04:22 PM
Here is what I wrote on a similar thread in another board regarding this 'outcry':

I think this is being taken out of proportion. The people bit**ing are mostly those who spend up to $500 for it on ebay because they thought it was a super unique exclusive which in reality it is, the Comic Con version is a unique and limited version accurate to the original release of Powered Convoy in colors.

Fan Projects is now going to release a Japanese version of the toy with chrome to represent the Ehobby reissue of Powered Convoy which had added chrome which also serves to fit with Henkei's chrome theme. It will likely cost as much as what Powered Commander cost at TFCon for a local Japanese fan so from a 'retail' point of view it will cost the same.

If you were silly enought to win it in an ebay auction for some insane amount of money then who's fault is that?

Sky Shadow
14th May 2009, 04:27 PM
Hear, hear, Grasshopper.

The only people who are disadvantaged by more toys being available to the public are scalpers and speculators who buy toys not to play with but because they think they might be able to sell them for more money later on.

Screw them both.

14th May 2009, 04:33 PM
Scalpers going down is good, quit yer whinging I say!

14th May 2009, 04:49 PM
There's a 120 odd page thread on TFW2005 as well. I don't really understand the fuss, then again I'm not American... ;)

Ok, ok... the real thing they are upset over is being given the impression that these were basically going to be really rare like the origional Cliff Jumper sets are. So if you really wanted a Power Commander set it was going to cost you a TON unless you could actually go to the convention. So some people paid a TON for it and now are being told they will be widely available with a better paint scheme... etc... so those people are feeling ripped off. And it looks like they don't know weather to blame FansProjects or TFCon, or both.

It's should hardly be suprising that convention exclusives don't end up as exclusive as many people think they will be. The BotCon seekers being a prime example as well as the SDCC exclusives that were released in Asia/Oceania.

Self-rightous statement - Buy a toy because you want it and are willing to pay that much for it. Similar to winning an auction on eBay for $50 and then someone else wins the same thing for $40... you didn't get ripped off just cos someone else got it cheaper.

14th May 2009, 05:59 PM
Basically, there are two types of TF collectors.

Type 1 is me, you, probably the majority of the fandom. We buy toys because toys are awesome and jets and robots are awesome so toy jets that turn into robots are awesome cubed and FWOOOSH THERE ARE THE AUTOBOTS FIRE ZE MISSILES BLAM BLAM BLAM

Then, there are type 2, who are the less common but more vocal type. A typical quote would be "In this sealed acrylic case I have a very rare exclusive limited to 500 mint in sealed box HHNNNNRRRR... *fapfapfapfapfap*". That is, the type who buy rare toys for the sake of owning something rare and then masturbating over the fact. They're crying in anguish about their wank material suddenly being worth a quarter of what they paid, and now it doesn't turn them on.

Occasionally you will get the odd in-between type like Jgon who only like the boxes, but they're just weird.

14th May 2009, 06:05 PM
Basically, there are two types of TF collectors.

Type 1 is me, you, probably the majority of the fandom. We buy toys because toys are awesome and jets and robots are awesome so toy jets that turn into robots are awesome cubed and FWOOOSH THERE ARE THE AUTOBOTS FIRE ZE MISSILES BLAM BLAM BLAM

Then, there are type 2, who are the less common but more vocal type. A typical quote would be "In this sealed acrylic case I have a very rare exclusive limited to 500 mint in sealed box HHNNNNRRRR... *fapfapfapfapfap*". That is, the type who buy rare toys for the sake of owning something rare and then masturbating over the fact. They're crying in anguish about their wank material suddenly being worth a quarter of what they paid, and now it doesn't turn them on.

Occasionally you will get the odd in-between type like Jgon who only like the boxes, but they're just weird.

I like robots and jets and fwooshing and stuff but for some deep-seated, darkly psychological, possibly satanic and definitely selfish reason I derive a satisfaction almost erotic from owning something no one or not many others have.

14th May 2009, 06:08 PM
Oh, so do I. I think everyone does a bit (regardless of whether they admit to it). The difference is when that's the only pleasure you derive from owning things, and spend thousands on acquiring more.

I mean, I love the fact I own a blue Microchange Bumblebee. Boxed, even. Never opened when I got it. Of course as soon as I got it I opened that fucker up and transformed him! Feels good man.

14th May 2009, 07:54 PM
Self-rightous statement - Buy a toy because you want it and are willing to pay that much for it. Similar to winning an auction on eBay for $50 and then someone else wins the same thing for $40... you didn't get ripped off just cos someone else got it cheaper.

...my thoughts exactly. I paid $360 for (original) Landcross because I wanted Landcross. A few years later he was reissued... and the reissue set was $20 at Case Fresh at one stage. I'm not bitter about that - I got Landcross and was willing to pay that price. I'm glad others got the chance to purchase/enjoy Landcross (:

Then, there are type 2, who are the less common but more vocal type. A typical quote would be "In this sealed acrylic case I have a very rare exclusive limited to 500 mint in sealed box HHNNNNRRRR... *fapfapfapfapfap*". That is, the type who buy rare toys for the sake of owning something rare and then masturbating over the fact. They're crying in anguish about their wank material suddenly being worth a quarter of what they paid, and now it doesn't turn them on.

...and those who like to show off their super-rare stuff, which they picked up _because_ it's super rare and they _can_ show it off - not because they actually want the item in itself. Like the guys who were upset by the Henkei Seeker release making their BotCon toys less exclusive. I have the BotCon Seekers but I was happy TakaraTomy gave others the chance to complete their Seeker set (:

I mean, I love the fact I own a blue Microchange Bumblebee. Boxed, even. Never opened when I got it. Of course as soon as I got it I opened that fucker up and transformed him! Feels good man.

Dude, I so want to see this guy sometime! :D

Sky Shadow
14th May 2009, 11:13 PM
FansProject's response:


Tabias Prime
14th May 2009, 11:39 PM
I love the idea, for someone like myself who has a limited budget on how many TFs i can buy and what to buy.i always wanted one of theses for myself but could never justify a weeks rent to buy one, its great news. Do we know when they maybe appearing

15th May 2009, 12:25 AM
TFCon Reply:


Looks like FP is going to have to take some heat. :(

15th May 2009, 12:49 AM
TFCon Reply:


Looks like FP is going to have to take some heat. :(

I have a feeling that this may be the result of lack of experience rather than any bad intend from Fan Projects as many American board fans are claiming. Fan Projects may have been a bit too prematurely ambitious to produce a high profile con exclusive when the company has pretty much just begun and underestimated fan reaction upon releasing a somewhat similar version representing the same 'character' to the Japanese.

15th May 2009, 08:14 AM
TFCon Reply:


Looks like FP is going to have to take some heat. :(

Latest TFcon News: May 14th - While we at TFcon were never consulted by FansProject as to offering a deco similar to Powered Commander to others before they started production on their Henkei version, since becoming aware of the situation this week we have contacted FansProject to create a verbal agreement that can satisfy the Asian fans and the businesses that FansProject have already entered into arrangements with, while still protecting the exclusivity of our product and the interests of our attendees. Unfortunately, the original agreement with FansProject in place in regards to our exclusive was not met to the standard we expected, but we wish to thank FansProject for their willingness to alter their plans to try and satisfy the fans across the globe and wish them the best in their future offerings.

TFcon is now offering non-attendees a chance to own the Alex Milne TFcon 2009 Universe Divided Lithograph. Please email us for details.

May 11th - We at TFcon wish to extend an apology to any attendees or fans who feel slighted by recent events concerning the release of a Henkei Commander Set. We at TFcon were unaware of any intention of FansProject to release the set (with or without changes), and had been informed that this colour scheme would be exclusive to our convention. We regret that this is not the case, and hope that the actions of FansProject will not reflect poorly on our show, as they are outside of our control.

I was very disappointed that TFCon released their May 11th statement at the first sight of negative fan reaction on the TFW2005 thread, without contacting FP beforehand. And after reading this May 14th statement of theirs, if I am in FansProject's shoes I doubt I would want to release any more item for them in the future.

15th May 2009, 11:05 AM
This really bothers me. These are actions figures to enjoy and play with, not investment pieces! In any event, we know that heaps of these "exclusives" are bought by scalpers and then onsold. This turns the figure into a simple commodity feeding greed, not a toy.

I hope FansProject never wastes their time with another convention or "exclusive" of this nature. They are fans who want to make toys for other fans, not patsies who make investments for other groups. They have my support with their toys and add-ons, but I must say when I saw they were doing a convention exclusive I thought they had sold out.

I really hope they don't get infected with the North American greed disease.

15th May 2009, 11:12 AM
Forgive the stoopid noob but what is TFCon?

(I never visit international boards......ever)

15th May 2009, 11:13 AM
I hope this whole debacle doesn't affect morale at Fan Projects. They still make great stuff and although there is a considerable vocal outcry bashing them for this incident in the American boards, I seriously doubt that they represent the majority of fans.

Most fans don't even have a Powered Commander set to complain about and there is also the 'jump in the hate bandwagon' mentality from other fans inflating the negativity which is just hot air.

This is just a hic up and instead of letting it get you down, take it as experience and learn from it.

Edit: I totally agree with Tiby. Naturally there is always an element of annoyance when something you spend a considerable amount of money and effort to get suddenly gets mass released or a cheaper version available. Many of us have been in that situation but we just move on plus just as with the Henkei seekers; the Japanese version will be considerably different while still successfully representing the 'character'.

What is motivating this outcry is nothing more than 'My toy is no longer worth as much money as I thought it did' more than anything else.

15th May 2009, 11:15 AM
Forgive the stoopid noob but what is TFCon?

(I never visit international boards......ever)

Wow almost 3,500 posts here and no clue about a fairly major TF convention.
And no interaction on international boards, now thats dedication :p

Basically its canadian botcon but a little smaller

15th May 2009, 12:14 PM
This really bothers me. These are actions figures to enjoy and play with, not investment pieces! In any event, we know that heaps of these "exclusives" are bought by scalpers and then onsold. This turns the figure into a simple commodity feeding greed, not a toy.
+1 QFT. If people want to make investments, go buy stockmarket shares. These people remind me of that episode of Simpsons when Professor Frink becomes a kindergarten teacher...

Frink: "Mwa-hey, bwa-hai. The compression and expansion of the longitudinal waves cause the erratic oscillation, you can see it there, of the neighbouring particles -- Yes, what is it, what, what is it?"
Little Girl: "Can I play with it?"
Frink: "No you can't play with it, you won't enjoy it on as many levels as I do... Mm-hai bw-ha whoa-hoa. The colours children. Mwa-ha-lee."

15th May 2009, 02:08 PM
Ermm pardon the "blondness", it's friday today, :p

But is this big hoo-haa all about the City / Shadow Commander Repaint upgrade kit, which in more simple words, Prime in Red repaint City Commander suit?

15th May 2009, 02:11 PM
Ermm pardon the "blondness", it's friday today, :p

But is this big hoo-haa all about the City / Shadow Commander Repaint upgrade kit, which in more simple words, Prime in Red repaint City Commander suit?

Yeah that's the one.

15th May 2009, 08:59 PM
Wow almost 3,500 posts here and no clue about a fairly major TF convention.
And no interaction on international boards, now thats dedication :p

Yeah to me it's a hobby not a lifestyle.

Ermm pardon the "blondness"

So insulting Mel. No energon for you!

These are actions figures to enjoy and play with, not investment pieces!

If only that were a universal truth. Even the Botcon toys are disgustingly overpriced considering the 50 cents worth of plastic they are made up of.

Golden Phoenix
15th May 2009, 09:00 PM
The complaining about this annoys me.
It is just a toy and they are going to release another version. It will be different.
It is like the Henkei Seekers.
Its going to be different, so quit your whining. If you bought this as an investment then your doing it wrong!

15th May 2009, 09:14 PM
I fail to understand the outcry. It's simply FP allowing the Powered Commander repaint to be available to everyone who didn't go to TFCon, and at non-scalper prices, to boot. Sounds fair to me.

15th May 2009, 10:38 PM
i actually want a new head for the PC , but that won't go 2 well with bitters

Tetsuwan Convoy
16th May 2009, 07:46 PM
I was very disappointed that TFCon released their May 11th statement at the first sight of negative fan reaction on the TFW2005 thread, without contacting FP beforehand. And after reading this May 14th statement of theirs, if I am in FansProject's shoes I doubt I would want to release any more item for them in the future.
Yeh, seems a bit weak of them to shift all the blame into FP, especially how they just made the sticker for the TF Con logo insteasd of making something more permanent.

I read some if the stuff and all I saw was
"Wa wa wa!"

I am sorry, but all this whinging gets on my nerves from that lot (and others) they bitch and moan if there is an exclusive somehwere they can't get their hands on and don't give a care for the rest of the world. Greedy buggers!

AS fot eh Henkei Seekers Vs Botcon seekers. There appears to be alrge difference between them , especially thrust and Dirge, so even though I have both sets, I don't mind others having the henkei ones, as they are so different.

Losers, they should enjoy the toys for what they are!

17th May 2009, 12:20 AM
I don't see why people are whinging. It's not even an official Transformers toy. It's just an unlicensed piece of merchandise, that isn't bound by any rules or ethics (that Hasbro or Takara may or may not apply to real Convention toys). This was just a fan-made accessory to a toy, for a 'smallish' unnofficial fan convention in Canada. And marketted (to dealers mostly) that they would be a valuable investment, to drum up interest in their convention, even if it is just for the exclusive item.

At least when BotCon did the 3 Classic Seekers, there was no illusion that Takara would never do them. And at least when they did, 2 are significantly different, and the third is different enough from the BotCon version.

People got over that eventually, and that was a real, legit toy. They should just get over this and focus on Transformers. The real ones.

17th May 2009, 02:28 AM
People got over that eventually, and that was a real, legit toy. They should just get over this and focus on Transformers. The real ones.

Fan Projects seems to have reached a point with the City Commander mold in which (generally speaking) fans are considering their products as 'real' as any that Hasbro or TakTom may make.

Yeah I know it is technically a none official product but a lot of people are giving them as much weight and (in their eyes) 'legitimacy' as Hasbro and this has only become reinforced by Fan Projects offering stand alone toys that Hasbro apparently refuses to do or has no interest in doing such as the up and coming triple changing 'Classics' Springer and others.

17th May 2009, 08:34 AM
I don't see why people are whinging. It's not even an official Transformers toy. It's just an unlicensed piece of merchandise, that isn't bound by any rules or ethics (that Hasbro or Takara may or may not apply to real Convention toys). This was just a fan-made accessory to a toy, for a 'smallish' unnofficial fan convention in Canada.
+1 qft. Those whingers just sound like a pack of spoiled brats.

17th May 2009, 08:37 AM
I'm personally a bit miffed that it's come to this :\ While I'm extremely glad I'll be getting a chance to get a Powered Commander - I wasn't going to be using mine with a Henkei Prime anyhoo - he was always going to go on my Classics Prime - once repainted Blue, that is :D

I just hope that the blue on DIA Commander is going to be dark enough to actually match that of Henkei Prime as the blue is a few shades darker and that actually goes better with the actual Diaclone Powered Convoy colours... hrmm-

Pity there's so much hoohah over it - I understand the two sides of it - and this release will inevitably dilute the TFCon's PC's exclusivity significantly - but if it was also apparently their choice not to have something more 'permanent' to differentiate the release (opting to go with a transparent sticker) that's partly their call too.
Don't know why anyone would say the mould would have been broken and thrown away though :\

Ultimately I really hope it doesn't stop FP from releasing a lot of other cool stuff for the future - still waiting for my classics matrix and megs guns :D

17th May 2009, 09:14 AM
Don't know why anyone would say the mould would have been broken and thrown away though :\

FP talked about this in their statement on www.fansproject.com

Ultimately I really hope it doesn't stop FP from releasing a lot of other cool stuff for the future - still waiting for my classics matrix and megs guns :D

The Classic Matrix and Megatron Guns have sadly been cancelled. :(

17th May 2009, 01:36 PM
The Classic Matrix and Megatron Guns have sadly been cancelled. :(

Wow, that's sad. I wonder why since they are pretty simple pieces, certainly much less complex than all the other stuff that has been released.

Would you include it as accessories for future figures such as the Matrix for the Protector Armor?

17th May 2009, 03:51 PM
So these Transformers fans went to a Transformers con and got conned? And they're complaining... :rolleyes:

sorry... :o

I understand the necessity for exclusives as a lure for fans to cons and as a way to release toys that wouldn't see retail release otherwise, but if a con is based around an exclusive then I query their entertainment value and motives.

If Fans Projects wanted to sell out then they would have re-released the Cliff Jumper set ages ago. They could easily create new molds. Unfortunately they've realised the hard way that the biggest problem with the fandom is the fans. Seen how the TFW2005 thread ended? Not pretty.

If they are going to create Transformers products then I hope they continue to do it for the right reasons: themselves.

17th May 2009, 04:19 PM
So these Transformers fans went to a Transformers con and got conned? And they're complaining... :rolleyes:

sorry... :o

I understand the necessity for exclusives as a lure for fans to cons and as a way to release toys that wouldn't see retail release otherwise, but if a con is based around an exclusive then I query their entertainment value and motives.

If Fans Projects wanted to sell out then they would have re-released the Cliff Jumper set ages ago. They could easily create new molds. Unfortunately they've realised the hard way that the biggest problem with the fandom is the fans. Seen how the TFW2005 thread ended? Not pretty.

If they are going to create Transformers products then I hope they continue to do it for the right reasons: themselves.

I read the last couple of pages and now I think I have given myself brain damage. Its so ridiculous and stupid. Some are even going all religious about moral values and a lot of morons trying to take the moral high ground when they are clearly more upset at their toy not being as rare and expensive as they thought than anything else.

The good thing is that there is really no more than a minority of people carrying on against Fan Projects but they are are posting such frequent and outrageous rants that its as if Fan Projects has stolen their money or something.

Unfortunately those sorts of people do plague the US boards a fair bit but although they are vocal and frequent posters, they are not that many.

17th May 2009, 10:30 PM
I don't really know too much about this issue, but from reading what FansProject wrote on their own homepage, I can already see that they are a group of humble people who are simply trying to implement cool designs they have.

A lot of the times, I think Hasbro does not even make that kind of "effort" and they don't release any statements "apologising" for this (not that they even "have to"). So I think those fans who get up in arms and make loud, noisy complaints about FansProject should instead be thankful that there are people trying to do something different and wonderful for the fans by releasing these custom pieces.

Ode to a Grasshopper
17th May 2009, 10:43 PM
OMG, I just finished that TFW2005 thread (http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/classics-11/fansproject-powered-commander-to-be-reissued-with-chrome-167539/page29.html)...wow. I think the implications of FP using child labour and producing their own KOs to sell on the sly (Bwahahaha!) was my favourite part...
If it was still going and I had an account I'd be tempted to offer to buy some of those offended "true fans'" CC kits ('cos I feel so sorry for them) - at a substantial reduction to show my contempt for those crooks at FP of course...:rolleyes:

17th May 2009, 10:50 PM
OMG, I just finished that TFW2005 thread (http://www.tfw2005.com/transformers-news/classics-11/fansproject-powered-commander-to-be-reissued-with-chrome-167539/page29.html)...wow. I think the implications of FP using child labour and producing their own KOs to sell on the sly (Bwahahaha!) was my favourite part...
If it was still going and I had an account I'd be tempted to offer to buy some of those offended "true fans'" CC kits ('cos I feel so sorry for them) - at a substantial reduction to show my contempt for those crooks at FP of course...:rolleyes:

I read that too and had a good laugh. It truly shows that these people are not worth any effort at all.