View Full Version : Modified Fansproject Colossus Shotguns individual release

Ode to a Grasshopper
18th June 2014, 07:37 PM
THread at TFW2005.com (http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/transformers-3rd-party-discussion/989674-fp-weapon-set-colossus-shotguns.html). A pair of posters who have designed claw-type fingers for Feral Rex are now making modified versions of the Collossus shotguns for individual release. The shotguns are modified to be able to hold a knife (apparently taken from the ToyWorld Hardbone) bayonet-style.
The Collossus sniper rifle is on their to-do list, but is apparently proving tricky, and it's been hinted that they'll also try and put out recoloured versions of the Hardbone guns as well at some point.

I wants 'em - I was thinking about trying to pick up a Collosus set so that I could nab the guns for the Feral Rex crew (love the look of the bots but not so keen on their duns being so proportionally tiny - fine for sidearms but they need chunkier guns IMO), so if these guys are putting them out instead then I'm in for 2. And will happily grab the sniper rifle for Talon, and quite possibly the rumoured Hardbone rifles for Tigris if/when they come out.

Ode to a Grasshopper
24th June 2014, 03:15 PM
Forgot to mention - the same guys are putting out a set of clawed fingers (which look pretty sweet IMO) and G1 style swords for Feral Rex/the Feralcons. Peach has a review up.
Orders for said finish on Friday.