View Full Version : What Colour Should i use for a death of Optimus MP1

4th May 2013, 12:23 AM
Hi, im thinking of doing a Death Optimus MP1 as i got a few spare parts and would like your ideas on this.....I got a MP1 missing a left leg , So my question would be should i leave him in the original colours .(red and blue etc....or make him a black and grey one?... There also a zombie direction i can take as well...or any other ideas?...

4th May 2013, 12:57 AM
Awesome idea! i like the sound of Zombie Prime, although i'm not sure i've seen a one legged zom be effective in any movie. They don't seem to hop too well.
seen plenty of one armed ones.
He could maybe have a mutated leg, maybe been infected with a virus.

Cyber-T-Virus Prime
Pirate Prime
Centaur-Prime. if you can find half a horse ^< or half a fish
Angry old man, War Veteran Prime

As for colour, i'm always a fan of black and grey, but a zombie could retain some very washed out blues and reds. and dead, dead eyes,,,, it's all in the eyes.
I'm sure whatever you decide will be great.

4th May 2013, 03:17 AM
Black and white. I'm a sucker for the '86 movie.

Ultra Mackness
4th May 2013, 12:58 PM
Would you go with a dark energon look maybe, with some lurid purple visible between panels and a picture of dark unicron on the flip up intercom panel on his arm. You could also remove one of his arms, glue his ion cannon onto the hand and use that as a leg (saw that in a movie once).

4th May 2013, 01:15 PM
Considering that the spare MP01 you have is missing a leg, I'd go for the zombie look. :)

4th May 2013, 03:56 PM
Would you go with a dark energon look maybe, with some lurid purple visible between panels and a picture of dark unicron on the flip up intercom panel on his arm. You could also remove one of his arms, glue his ion cannon onto the hand and use that as a leg (saw that in a movie once).

Hey that pretty cool....i actually got two spare extra arms as well..just no leg..:( ...make him like a mutant dark energon zombie !

4th May 2013, 06:46 PM
The other thing that would make me not want to see it done in black and white is that it's already been done (MP Convoy Sleep Mode). Even if it's a limited exclusive, it's been done. Zombie on the other hand would be something truly unique. ;)

Ultra Mackness
4th May 2013, 07:00 PM
Hey that pretty cool....i actually got two spare extra arms as well..just no leg..:( ...make him like a mutant dark energon zombie !

I look forward to seeing the final result, whichever colour scheme you choose :)

4th May 2013, 08:56 PM
I look forward to seeing the final result, whichever colour scheme you choose :)

+1 :)

7th May 2013, 10:07 AM
I voted Zombie. Even something along the lines of him being consumed by The Swarm back in the day. No doubt it'll be awesome whichever way you go

7th May 2013, 10:43 AM
I voted Zombie. Even something along the lines of him being consumed by The Swarm back in the day. No doubt it'll be awesome whichever way you go
^I like this idea! It canonically justifies the missing leg quite well. ;) Technically not a Zombie though - he was literally being eaten alive. Eewww.

7th May 2013, 12:57 PM
That not bad as well.....i was just thinking up idea of a Cyber-T-Virus style where he is consuming other parts of robots into him for the missing pieces ....wires tenticiles coming out with a melted zombie look ... where half his face is melted away..
something like this?..

now if only i can do it....

7th May 2013, 01:15 PM
That not bad as well.....i was just thinking up idea of a Cyber-T-Virus style where he is consuming other parts of robots into him for the missing pieces ....wires tenticiles coming out with a melted zombie look ... where half his face is melted away..
something like this?..

now if only i can do it....

That would be friggin awesome !!! Looking forward to seeing your results

7th May 2013, 01:37 PM
That not bad as well.....i was just thinking up idea of a Cyber-T-Virus style where he is consuming other parts of robots into him for the missing pieces ....wires tenticiles coming out with a melted zombie look ... where half his face is melted away..
something like this?..

now if only i can do it....

To quote Rob Schneider, Yoo kan doo it!

7th May 2013, 02:49 PM
Zombie! :)